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Little Nemo McFly

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Little Nemo McFly

  1. I already have the BTTF Trilogy on bluray. It's got the BTTF ride on it along with all the queue videos you can watch while in line. I thought it was the ultimate BTTF set! Now another set is coming out with the entire BTTF cartoon series?! That's an awesome set, if the ride is on there also. Bill and Ted's Excellent Collection on DVD only came with the first episode of the cartoon series. Ace Ventura and Beetlejuice on both their DVD and bluray releases only came with a couple of select episodes from their respective cartoon series. Great incentive for someone to pick up this up if they haven't already. I've been having the complete BTTF cartoon series. I might pick this up if the quality is vastly superior.
  2. The last 2 were...different. It had flashes of that magic, but you can feel the franchise was in different hands now. This tv series though looks like they're back to their Muppet Show brand of college humor, minus the variety show format.
  3. Maybe there's a purple explosion going off in the distance. There's this logic that fans are sick of seeing the same ol' costume that they're used to. Fans want something different that they've never seen before. Personally, I want that Comic-Con Apocalypse. I want to see the visual image that I love. I understand not everything translates well to the big-screen, but...I don't know. I think Apocalypse's comic-book look in the hands of professional movie makers, could have been something bad-ass. Amazing Spider-man 2 was god-awful, but they seem to have gotten the costume memo. "What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?" Maybe not spandex.
  4. LOL! - "Now where's my autograph book?!" I get the headdress, but I'd totally prefer the cueball look. He should also have those thick, dark wires on his face and lips...what is going on with his head?! He does look like Ooze! Can't wait to see more. I'm sure that his formal, deity gear. Kinda reminds me of the movie Stargate.
  5. I can't wait for this game to come out! I couldn't believe they were going to remake the first Monkey Island game. They did such a good job. They topped themselves with the sequel. Oh, man! They did it right: absolutely faithful and respectful. The ability to switch between old and new graphics at the push of a button? Awesome. They need to remake Full Throttle and Zak McKracken next!
  6. The upgraded visuals are awesome. That moon looks so intense now! I've been playing it this past week. Just got the Goron mask. Great game.
  7. Monkey Island fans! AWESOME! Maniac Mansion is my all-time favorite video game. Day of the Tentacle and Full Throttle HD remakes are on the horizon!
  8. SCUD!!! I loved the Sega Saturn game - sweet graphics. Really cool cutscenes! I was first introduced to Scud in a Wizard interview with Rob Schrab, explaining the concept of his brand-new series. Still got the Wizard issue! I'd love to post the article in the name of posterity - but I'm not really sure how to post pics, yet. SCUD!!! Deserves a shout out! Awesome comic!
  9. "That's easy for you to say: You don't have a hand up your tuchas! OY! HEY!" "Oh, Gabbo. You'll say anything." (Simpsons)
  10. Apocalypse is my all-time favorite Marvel villain. Cannot wait for this movie! Singer's new commentary for The Rogue Cut of Days of Future Past offers some cool insight on his vision and plans for the character - he really gets into it towards the end of the movie. Pretty awesome stuff. Powerful themes he's gonna be playing with. "Annoying insects! I cannot be touched. I cannot be harmed. Watch me and tremble, for I bring the purity of oblivion to your woooorld." Epicness in the house!
  11. WHOA! Hey, thanks for that! I am a huge Captain N fan. LOVE that show! I absolutely remember watching Video Power. I'd love a DVD release. That was cool!
  12. Yeah - that was a DLC news overload. Got it all: Day One. LOL - Worth every penny! Huge Smash fan since the Melee era. They need to bust out with Waluigi and King K. Rool as fighters. Wart from SMB2 would've been a cool assist trophy: He could trap fighters in bubbles! Nintendo should bring him back.
  13. I cannot wait for this game! Looks like an HD remake / reboot / reimagining of Star Fox 64. It's gonna look great in full 1080p. Been waiting for this game to drop for awhile now. Just glad it didn't get pushed back like Zelda Wii U did. Star Fox Zero and Super Mario Maker are the 2 games I'm looking forward to this year from Nintendo.
  14. Same here. I had known he was sick, but seeing him in that last Nintendo Direct - I figured he was on the road to recovery. Shocking when I found out on Monday. He left a hell of a legacy. RIP Iwata-san. Thanks for the countless hours of fantasy.
  15. I laughed my ass off at all those Joker tat pics! The trailer was alright. Don't think I'll be off to the theater to see this movie, but the trailer was well done. Looks like Will Smith managed to get out another: "Let's go save the world." for his portfolio. Killer Croc looked cool, I guess - but I've already seen Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest like, a thousand times. I'm kinda desensitized to creepy cg face-people, but cool to see a live-action version of Killer Croc. The Joker? Not feeling it. Maybe I'm too old and just ain't "wit' it", but I was shaking my head when I saw him. He looked like the kinda guy who spends his time in a sewer screaming Firestarter. Harley, Harley, Harley - the best thing about that trailer. My god. Is this what they were planning with that Sinister Six movie? A bunch of baddies off to save the world?
  16. I cannot describe how much I love the Evil Dead series. It's so damn good to see Ash back.
  17. COOL! Looks good! Can't wait to see it! I'm a HUGE Muppet/Jim Henson fan! I got mad love and respect for the craft. Still waiting for those last seasons of the Muppet Show to come out on DVD. Muppets Tonight totally deserves a DVD release, too!
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