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Little Nemo McFly

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Little Nemo McFly

  1. Oh, man - I LOVE this show! I was flipping through channels about a year ago and caught the paintball episode (the first one) just as it started. I had never heard of the show - so I had no idea what I was watching. I remember freakin' 'cuz I love Chevy Chase and he was in it! AND he was still funny! LOL I got the first 3 seasons on DVD - love the show. Community just finished their sixth season in June on Yahoo! Screen. I was late to The Office, too. I had never seen an episode up until about a couple of years ago and caught an episode from an early season and totally fell in love w/ the Michael Scott character. By that time, the Office had just been cancelled. I was like, awww. Got all the seasons on DVD now - 'cept the last 2 without M. Scott. Don't watch a lot (well, any) 'modern' sitcoms, but those 2 shows surprisingly, instantly struck a cord w/ me. Totally caught that Scud shout-out in that one DnD episode!
  2. LEGO is getting into the whole toy-to-life market, too. LEGO DIMENSIONS. Back to the Future, Lord of the Rings, Scooby-Doo, DC comics, Wizard of Oz, Portal, Jurassic Park, Simpsons, Dr. Who, and Ghostbusters have all been confirmed so far.
  3. I keep hearing great things about this show. After seeing those screenshots, I'm totally gonna check it out. No cable, so Season 1 on DVD is on my to-do list. I've walked by it so many times at Best Buy for 10 bucks. Simpsons and Futurama cameos? Oh, yeah!
  4. Just got back from seeing Ant-Man in 3D! FULL. HOUSE. The theater was FULL! Anyway - Now I'm gonna actually read this topic, check out some reviews and see if I'm in the minority.
  5. RIP - yeah, a wrestling icon - but an 80s icon, as well. You entertained me, thoroughly. Your intensity was something to behold. Never forget your Super Mario Bros Super Show guest spot and your bit in Cyndi Lauper's Good Enough music video. You were hilarious. Farewell, maniac. OH! And who can forget THEY LIVE! Gonna watch it right now! "Put the glasses ON!" LOL
  6. Mr. Hakujin - with figures and toys, I carefully peel the bubble off the board (there's gonna be some damage, but attempt care to minimize it) and I personally keep the boards in a folder. Some of that stuff is hard to toss - it looks good. I recently got a wooden Bender figure, it came in a box, not just a bubble n' board. I cut it along the seems and fold it up like a menu at Denny's and it fits in my folder. FLYNN LIVES!
  7. I got this on DVD a few months ago. It has 19 bite-size shorts and a making of documentary. I love it! LOL - Goofy is awesome in this - I loved his design! It's all wonderfully animated and it has that 30s spirit. The set is called Season 1, waiting for more! Anybody seen that recent Mickey short - "Get A Horse!" It's brilliant! That's all Walt's original audio/dialogue!
  8. Totally gonna get this. Got Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and Ponyo on DVD - been holding off on Bluray upgrades, they're kinda steep. That beautiful set makes me want to just fork over the dough and have the whole collection in one go. Kinda wish they had the Secret World of Arrietty in there.
  9. NEW Smash Bros DLC drops today! Tourney Mode, New Stages and Mii Costumes http://www.smashbros.com/us/dlc/
  10. That was funny! I coincidentally just started a replay of Final Fantasy VI on Monday - SNES version. Secret of Evermore definitely had rats!
  11. It's not that he's too funny - he just doesn't give off a kick-ass superhero vibe. I guess that's how I see John Stewart. Maybe it's 'cuz I can't name a single one of his songs or seen him in anything other than Transformers. M'eh. He just looks wrong for the role. Whatevah. He obviously has his fanbase...of fans.
  12. Yeah - but that type of actor, y'know? Like Denzel Washington. Stern, serious. They need to eliminate distracting elements and focus on what will make it the best film it can be. A Green Lantern movie done right could really be something. Seriously, man - damn these celebrities! LOL - it all has to have big-name celebs! Damn! LOL
  13. Okay - so apparently Tyrese is the one banging on Warner's door. This article makes some good points. http://www.forbes.co...-green-lantern/ Idris Elba is a great example of the kind of actor, I think, suits the role of Green Lantern (John Stewart). Serious. Authoritive. Adult.
  14. That guy from those Transformers and Fast n Furious movies? Naw, man. Don't go down that route, DC. I don't see Tyrese as a fit for the Green Lantern. Just ain't gellin' w/ me. Only reason I'd see him being cast is because DC is playing it safe - trying to ensure big bucks at the premiere. He'd stick out like a sore thumb to me. Out of place. Whoever plays John Stewart is gonna have the opportunity to make it their own and possibly cast the mold for future interpretations. Any movies Tyrese has done where you see him as Green Lantern?
  15. Awww, my bad - somebody had already posted that! D'oh! I must've blinked and missed it! Damn. "Whoops."
  16. Never liked the idea of Tatum as Gambit. Sam Worthington? Naaaw... That's a tough call - I don't know who I'd cast. Hope it doesn't turn out to just be a celebrity vehicle. Maybe it should be an unknown. Could be a cool character flick - charming, hussling, thief...a nobody, then gets in too deep.
  17. Happy Birthday, Bugs! Damn, you're old! Mel Blanc! So talented. What a legacy! LOL - to put it lightly, I am obsessed with the Golden Age of Animation! I love the stuff. Study it. Appreciate the superhuman effort and talent. I'm really passionate about the artform and the pioneers in the medium are my...I dunno, what Thomas Edison is to Doc Brown. Inspiring.
  18. Noooo.... I don't have cable. All I got is youtube and Netflix. I caught the first season back when I had cable - since then, I EAGERLY bought every season on DVD the moment they came out. I knew of the Doomstar event happening and it killed me 'cuz I had no way of watching it. I don't even want to watch clips on youtube, I want to watch the whole event uninterrupted. I know enough to know it ain't a series finale. Waiting for that DVD release. I've been dying for more Metalocalypse after such a long dryspell on that season 4 cliffhanger. Such epicness. The whole concept and spirit of the show is soul food.
  19. Honorable mention. The show premiered in '89.
  20. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! Got all 4 seasons on DVD. Epic! Hilarious! Metal! They need to get around to giving it a proper finale. Been waiting forever for a season 5!
  21. (sigh) It always crushes me when my heroes turn out to be nutbars.
  22. LOL! A fanbase of fans...LOL! What's sad is that he's right. It's not about who's best for the role anymore with these superhero movies, but who can bring in the most money. Waiting for the announcement that Brad Pitt is playing Uncle Ben following the news that Marisa Tomei is playing Aunt May. The animated First Flight movie was cool. They gotta keep Green Lantern in space, DC is naturally gonna be competing w/ Guardians of the Galaxy and the eventual Captain Marvel. I'm really interested in seeing both these titans (Marvel / DC) venturing into outer space films / stories.
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