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Little Nemo McFly

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Little Nemo McFly

  1. I really hope they stick w/ Spidey's classic threads. I didn't care for this.
  2. Yeah, dude - wait for the sales. They put out really good ones - and frequent enough. I just had to have the Star Wars playsets. No way I could've waited.
  3. Hell, yeah! I got me a Metalhead, too! Also got a Mikey (totally the best looking figure of the four, in my eyes) and those Ooze canisters that came w/ the 'whittle toital' figures inside - got all four! The turtle you get is random, but I lucked out - just one double of Mikey. (Not my personal pix - google pix. Still haven't made the leap to posting pix online) Ice Cream Kitty! I had the same idea - it's going straight in the freezer! Oh, the horror! LOL!!!
  4. Not just a stage, but it's DLC Bundle 4: Mario Maker stage, Wind Waker stage w/ an HD facelift and a skin pack. A lot of buzz that Shovel Knight is gonna be a character and a N64 skin pack is coming. I want dem polygons!
  5. Awww, maaan - sorry! That's weird: The pics show on my laptop (where I posted 'em), but not on my Wii U. I don't know what the deal is - I'm not very computer savy. I'll edit the post and delete those pics...they were just comparison shots. The story of the making of Star Wars (Episode IV) is a pretty interesting one. The film really is a great example of 'art through adversity'. A lot of compromises had to be made - the 'classic' Cantina scene has always been a thorn in Lucas' balls.
  6. Got 5 Toys R Us locations in my area. 4 were completely sold out of Han Solo figures by 11am. I eventually got the OT playset and a $5 Solo figure. I'm gonna wait on getting more figures till there's a good sale. I saw Vader and Venom...and I was like, "Patience...Age of Ultron is comin' out Friday. Space these things out." Also, "Get your damn fingers outta my wallet, Disney!!!" LOL Infinity feels complete for me, now. Got all the Star Wars assets needed to properly escape reality. From what I've been reading - it's looking like they're not planning on a full-on sequel, but a downloadable expansion. '3.5' They have well over a dozen unannounced figures coming out - once all the figures are released and 3.0 is 'finished' - they are putting out another wave of figures that are not in the game's code right now. Those 'new' figures can't be used in the game as-is, gamers will have to download the 3.0 expansion that will make those figures compatible. Basically, they can design and make new figures without the constraint of having to wait for another full-blown Infinity sequel. Again, I can't imagine what major franchise 4.0 could be themed with - so this strategy makes sense to me. Darkwing Duck!
  7. Resurrection! Just realized I've been calling Alien 4 - Insurrection! Must've had Star Trek on the brain. "Krabappel?! I've been calling her Crandall! Why didn't someone tell me?! Oooh - I've been making an idiot out of myself!"
  8. Heads up - Toys R Us is having a few sales starting t'morrow: $10 off that insane $115 PS3 / 4 bundle that has both Prequel and OT playsets, Anakin, Ahsoka, the game and the now elusive Boba Fett. $10 off any standard Starter Pack - which comes w/ a Prequel playset, Anakin, Ahsoka and the game. Brings it down to $55 Purchase any Playset (I'm assuming that includes the Starter Pack 'cuz the only other playset available is the OT) and get either a Power Disc Pack or any figure for $4.99 Purchase at least $90 worth of figures, playsets or discs - get $20 off. I was hoping for some straight-up figure sales. I've been considering picking up Venom and Captain America, if they were on the cheap. Whateva. Thought I'd pass the info - as I'm getting a playset and a couple of figures. BUT NOT BOBA FETT!
  9. Yeah - dude, if they're clever enough - they totally could pull off another Alien flick that would tie the whole thing together. The potential is absolutely there. Hope they got talented, passionate fans onboard.
  10. Yeah, I don't think Alien 3 and Insurrection are horrible. I enjoy 'em. The state that Alien is in - I don't think it's at a 'just let it die' state. There could be a finale. Conclude and give what people (fans / consumers) love so much a proper send off. For better or for worse - it's over. Move on. Reimagine the concept, whatever. Ghostbusters had the potential to keep going - but...yeah. X-Men 3 - my god, Prof. X dead, Cyclops dead, Jean dead, Mystique cured, Magneto cured...oh, wait - he moved the chess piece! No. That was universal booty buttcheek cheese. Nobody was screaming for X-Men 4 after that. Let it die. The people in charge were the wrong people to be in charge. They gotta give Alien a proper send off worthy of it's legacy.
  11. God, but it feels like such an easy way out - 'eh, those last 2 never happened'. They did that w/ Superman Returns. In my opinion, either reboot it and put a lid on what was - or actually be creative come up w/ a story worthy of telling. Gotta treat these franchises w/ respect - the fanbase is what makes 'em valuable. Splitting the Alien Saga into 'canon' and 'non-canon' films would be divisive and just hurt the brand. People obviously want to go back and see more of the established Alien universe - get some answers. I can't imagine where it can go at this point, but Sigourney was a huge part of the creative process in Insurrection and from what I've read, she doesn't want to discount anything and has an idea of how to conclude the series. LOL - she's nuts - but it is greenlit and being called 'Alien 5'. She doesn't get roped into these things - she genuinely loves the Alien universe. Wish I could be a fly on the wall during these meetings.
  12. Yeah - I followed the first 2 seasons pretty closely. It's like an updated / reboot of the 80s cartoon - pretty cool. Same w/ me - I initially found the art style off-putting but I quickly fell in love w/ it. I think it was the same w/ Clone Wars for me. Want 'em on bluray. I also freakin' LOVE the 2k3 series. Well, the first 2 seasons anyway - the later seasons kinda depart and get a bit fantastic. The first 2 seasons follow the original comic storylines pretty closely. Soooo good. Got 'em on DVD and luv 'em. Turtles Forever - anybody catch that? The grand finale to the Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird turtles - such an EPIC ending!
  13. The same thing happened w/ me and the Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey figure during 1.0. It was a free D23 exclusive and months later, they finally decided to give it a general release - the D23 version had silver stars on his hat, general release got light blue stars... I was at Best Buy - and it was supposed to come out on a Friday or something and it was like, a Tuesday when I spotted it on the shelf. I freaked and went through all the figures, checking and then picking the best looking one - calmed the fuck down and went to the register. There was a line and of course, when it got to me - there was a problem with the item. It baffled the employee and then he called for a manager and asked me and my little Mickey Mouse to 'step aside'. So I'm standing there like an idiot guarding my Mickey Mouse like it was a damn winning lotto ticket - while the rest of the line got rung up as they all stared at the freak and his 'lil toy. LOL Manager shows up, looks it up on the system and sez this item can't be sold yet. "How did you get this?!" I was like, "It's on the fucking shelf, dude." He was like, "Oh! These are those Disney things..." He could see I was salivating and offered to just ring me up, but the system 'wouldn't allow it'. I saw an Obi-Wan figure and some Inside Out figures out on Best Buy shelves before 3.0 was officially released. Sometimes they just put shit out without thinking about people's feelings...
  14. I have a couple of issues of X-Wing Rogue Squadron - but just a couple. Never got to read the whole thing. I remember it taking place post Jedi w/ Bib Fortuna's brain in a jar - courtesy of the B'omarr monks - and him trying to get back into a body. It was cool - wish I had the whole thing, though. Ah, the Shadows of the Empire era of content...the pre-prequel era of EU. Found a nice spread of what the future of Star Wars is gonna look like:
  15. Classic Trilogy figures coming out Sept. 29th -Tuesday, along w/ the Rise Against the Empire playset - which comes w/ Luke n' Leia figures. Totally gettin' it. Want dem OT assets! I really want Han and Boba. In doing my research, I discovered 'a terrible truth': the Boba Fett figure has a release date of TBA 2016! WTF! The only way to get him is in that damn special PS4 bundle. It's looking like he'll be sold as a lone figure when the Force Awakens playset is ready. Lookin' like I'll hafta settle w/ Han n' Chewie.
  16. I just finished watching Wall-E. He would be great right next to BB-8. I want a BB-8 and Wall-E running around my apartment. Here's a quick demo vid for a Wall-E bot. Apparently, there's a bunch of Wall-E bots. I just grabbed a short one.
  17. Personally, I like the cantina scene. It's classic! I liked the 70s attempt at a spaceport bar filled w/ crazy-ass looking aliens. (shrugs) LOL - they tried! It's not too jarring, in my opinion. Just...dated. Gotta take it w context: the times and their budget. I totally prefer monster suits and puppets than a cantina filled w/ humans simply painted in different colors. Hey, Alive - you should totally check out the Blurays (Special Editions). I'm sure you know they're considered 'sacrilige' - as you've been recommended to watch the de-specialized editions (the original theatrical releases). They're kinda aimed at modern eyes - audiences who didn't grow up w/ the crappy effects. People actually complain that Lucas removed the Halloween Wolfman mask and replaced him w/ an articulate alien puppet. EDIT: Here's a link to a great site that painstakingly posted comparison shots of every altered scene of every Star Wars. Really nicely done. It links straight to Episode IV - just scroll and marvel. http://www.dvdactive.com/editorial/articles/star-wars-the-changes-part-one.html BTW - while I'm geekin' out on Star Wars over here: Hell ya, there are puppets in there! First alien you see is a puppet! I gotta give a shout-out to m'boy, Hammerhead - he totally blinks in his close up. Props, yo.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/26/entertainment/sigourney-weaver-ghostbusters-thr-feat/ Sigourney Weaver confirmed to be in the reboot! Bill Murray explained his participation: http://www.vulture.com/2015/08/bill-murray-on-why-he-did-ghostbusters-cameo.html “I thought about it for a very long time - like, many, many months. No, that’s not right - I was seriously thinking about this for years, really. It kept eating at me and I really respect those girls. And then I started to feel like if I didn’t do this movie, maybe somebody would write a bad review or something, thinking there was some sort of disapproval [on my part].”
  19. Fair review, Alive! Did you ever get around to watching The Empire Strikes Back? Where you at on your Star Wars evaluation?
  20. Just picked up Season 1 of TOS on bluray at Best Buy. $25!!! Those seasons usually go for like, 60 - 70 bucks! 7 disc set, includes a bunch of sick extras. Looking forward to the restoration featurette and the tour of the Enterprise. It lets you switch between the original version and the updated fx version on the fly! While watching, you can switch versions from the pop-up menu or just hit the angle button. Whaaaaat... I picked up the last Season 1 on the shelf. They only had a couple Season 2s and 3s left. That is not gonna last the weekend. I'd get the other seasons while they're dirt cheap, but I'm picking up the Star Wars: Rise Against the Empire playset for Infinity on Tuesday...and maaaybe some figures. Not enough dough to go around. Thought I'd give any Star Trek fans a heads up on the insane prices on these awesome sets at Best Buy - maybe the sale will still be going through the weekend and some will be there. I'm in Georgia...so, I don't know if it's a regional sale. (shrugs) Just FYI - might be worth checking out. "Engage!"
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