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Reverend Jax

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Reverend Jax

  1. Has anyone here heard of the Rx Bandits? They're very multi and cross genre, but you usually get thrown into ska just because they've got a few brass players. But they've got definite funk, reggae, and prog influences. I've only heard their latest album, Progress, but what I've heard is great. So REALLY catchy songs. Some make me wonder why they aren't on teh Top 40, but I guess quality disqualifies you before catchiness gets you in ???
  2. Mmmm...infuriating piano...the sweetest taboo!
  3. Yeah, i've checked ebay and yahoo auctions adn all i found was the dvd of the crappy jackie chan live action version, the vhs dubbed and a collection of bootleg VCDs. Arghh! I want City Hunter on DVD!
  4. If it wasn't for TLC, we wouldn't have Weird Al's 'Phony Calls'. Don't go making phony calls, please stick to the 7 digit numbers you're used to...
  5. Don't Look Back In Anger wasn't their most played out song, Wonderwall was.
  6. I know what you mean, but I've heard people say Maxwell's Silver Hammer is the only thing that keeps the album from perfect. ...And in her eyes you see nothing, no sign of love behind the tears, cried for no one, a love that should have lasted years... so sad, so true, so makes me cry everytime i hear it.
  7. You know what I hate? The 8-or-so minute version of that song. That song should always be played in it's entirety: 14 1/2 minutes of old school beats! Ho Tel Mo Tel, Holiday Inn!
  8. Um...yes...I too am having lunch...with...ughh...the other guy from Wham!
  9. The only two mexican movies I can remember seeing are 'El Mariachi' and 'Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown'. I know I'll seen others, but I can't remember them now. If you know anythign about Argentina or Argentines, then 'Un Argentino En Nueva York' is hilarious. I saw it when I lived in Argentina, and I think you really need to be bilingual (English and Spanish obviously) and know about Argentines to really appriciate it. I guess that something of a niche market. I think people who don't know about Argentina might still enjoy it, just not as much.
  10. Yeah, i get my mp3s from audiogalaxy and they had an article on them. They said they were good, but I'm getting skeptical of them, they tend to praise anything indie and underground but hate everything mainstream. So I've heard good things, but from schetchy source.
  11. I wish i knew rock stars.
  12. I'm not into prodigy, so I guess I'm going with the mainstream choice. Great Video.
  13. I voted for Champagne Supernova but I'm not seeing my vote cast. Oh well. Why didn't you put in 'Don't Look Back In Anger'?
  14. It's not that is such a horrible song, it's that you get into the flow of the album listening to it and all of a sudden it's like, puh...I don't wanna listen to this and you have to forward track. Not on Rubber Soul, not on Abbey Road (though I could see why some might not like Maxwell's Silver Hammer, even though I love it, bang bang...). I think Zep IV, Who's Next and Pet Sounds also have that pure goodness from start to finish feel.
  15. Kevin Conroy's the voice on Batman in all the Bruce Timm animated series (Batman: The Animated Series; The Adventures Of Batman And Robin; Superman; Batman Beyond; and most recently, Justice League).
  16. I'm going to have to settle for bootleg, aren't i?
  17. That's why I still say Kevin Conroy is the best Batman, no one's done it completely right yet, but are least he did the one part he was responsible for right, the voice.
  18. As to your question about my opinions on rush vs zeppelin, I have no doubt zeppelin's more popular, and I love zeppelin. In fact, I'm listening to the album Led Zeppelin I right now. But as far as quality of music is concerned, I think the two bands are on the same musical level. Whether one is better than the other is something of opinion, but I think they are definitely in the same league, like Citizen Kane and Casablance are in the same league for movies and Frost and Keats are in the same league for poetry. I would not compare Rush to, say, Men Without Hats, the same way I wouldn't compare Citizen Kane to Tron or Robert Frost to Charlie Sheen. So when you say "zeppelin craps rush", that's where my dissapoval of your opinion began. Zeppelin's definitily more popular and probably more influencial, but rush is alot more popular among musicians than among the public. If you were to take a poll of musician's favorite bands and the public's favorite bands, zeppelin mould be higher on both lists, but rush would be much closer on the musician's poll. I think it says alot about a band's music when people who make music for a living think highly of that band.
  19. It seems for millions of kids across the country, the first anime they've seen is Pokemon, and if it gets even 10% of them to appreciate more anime as they grow older, then Pokemon has done more for anime in the States anything else ever could have hoped to. While I'm not big on anime, I first enjoyed anime through Ninja Scroll and City Hunter. I think City Hunter is a great choice.
  20. And every now and then, they die of a drug overdose while being shot in the back in a crowded crashing airplane.
  21. Did I say anything contrary? I said Revolver is very close to Rubber Soul, but not quite as consistant. I think Doctor Robert is a tad too weak to make Revolver as consistant as Rubber Soul.
  22. Sorry, I thought you were putting down a band you'd never experienced, but clearly you've dealt with rush and have made up your own mind up based on listening to them. What else can I say. The only people I ever meet that don't like Rush are people who never really listen too them, and your statement made me think you were among them. I guess there's nothing left for me to say that I don't understand it, but I acknowledge your dislike for rush as legitimate and not based on silly prejudice.
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