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Reverend Jax

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Reverend Jax

  1. Hehe, I'm so glad "Dude Where's My Car?" came out. I always makes for a good joke at it's expense or the perfect example of a bad film. Like the Backstreet Boys of film. Now, what we could use is more Backstreet Boys of film, and less Dude Where's My Car's of music.
  2. How's that for a rant! I was kind of serious at the beginning. It was kind of an interesting point to bring up, nothing serious, but it started getting so funny to me I couldn't help myself.
  3. The medium translation makes it tricky to reallly know where a topic of discourse belongs. You said comics to movies discussions belong in 'movies', but what about a movie to comic? Does it belong in 'comics'? If not, what about star wars comics, haven't they been published in comic form long enough to recognize them in their own right as a legitimate comic? What about Pink Floyd's The Wall Movie? 'Music' or 'movies'? And KISS comics? 'Comics' or 'music'? And Daft Punk's "One More Time" music video? 'Music' or 'anime'!? In the end we have to realize that art can't be and refuses to be bounded by the facist definitions and limitations we impose on it. Movies, music, comics, tv, it's art, it's life, it's a beautiful and continuous infinite spectrum! Now join hands with me and sing along! All we are SAAAAAAYING is give peace a chance!
  4. I didn't say everyone who like comics were freaks, i was talking about the freaks in particular, people who are way into it. I, myself, am a Rush freak, but not all people who like Rush are freaks (although Rush has a much higher Freak to Regular Fan ratio than most bands). There are freaks for everything, it doesn't take away from the crediblity of that which a freak is freakish about (everyone get that, or did I lose everyone?). I was wondering how those who are really into the comic scene feel about the show. I gotten question before about how I feel about certain things as a Rush freak, most commonly my feelings about Dream Theater, a band of Rush freaks, often dismissed as Rush wannabes. When you have a question for a Rush freak, I'm here, as I would expect you to be if I want questions answered by a comic freak. I also consider myself a Family Guy freak, a Calvin & Hobbes freak, a Fight Club freak, a Simpsons freak (but hey, aren't we all?) and as you've surely all noticed, a long-winded explanation freak .
  5. Do you know the story behind the Abbey Road cover (the real story, not the conspiracy theory story)? I was in London for spring break and I went on a Beatles walking tour that ended at abbey road, and the guide told us the story. One of their regular engineers was a chain smoker and he smoked Everest cigarettes and somehow they decided to call the recording sessions the Everest sessions. Then as the recording was wrapping up, the issue of teh album came up and someone suggessted they go to the summit of Mount Everest for the photo. John immediately said "screw that, why don't we change the name of the album to Abbey Road and take it just outside instead." I love Beatles Lore.
  6. I liked Weird Al's 'Dare To Be Stupid', teh music video was funny too. How do Devo fans feel about that song?
  7. If i have decided to go with video game theme, would have gone with mario. sorry, i grew up with mario in my dreams (until i started noticing girls, then mario knew it was time to go).
  8. That's all fine and good, but do you think he's underrated?
  9. damn, I also forgot The Adventures of Pete and Pete, because I had it under Polaris instead of theme. That one rocks. I wanted to put in Batman Beyond too, but I figured I'd stick to the classic. Should have considered Batman too. Nananananananana BATMAN!
  10. I completely forgot about ghostbusters. I was looking in my mp3 directory under the artist "Theme" to get ideas and I have ghostbuster under Ray Parker Jr. I remembered Princes Of The Universe even though it was under Queen and the Pink Panther even though it was under Henry Mancini though. And I still love Duck Tales. Life is like a hurricanne, here in Duckburg, race cars, lasers, aeroplanes...
  11. Revolver is great. I can never decide between Rubber Soul, Revolver and Abbey Road as my favorite. The White Album is a close fouth and Sgt Pepper's is fifth, but among Beatles albums, is it the most "classic".
  12. Who would be a good Cable for live-action (either the X-men sequel or a series, whatever). I used to think Bruce Willis before the X-Men Movie cast was even announced. I don't like big names portraying character transfered from another medium typically, but Willis is really versitall and I can't think of anyone else.
  13. I like comic books, but I've never been as obsessed with them as I am with movies, music and cartoon shows. I used to be way into spider-man and for a few year I bought all the issued that were released and tons of back issues during the entire years long clone fiasco. I also read tons of my older cousin's back issues of mostly X-men. She actually has a good condition copy of Marvel Secret Wars #8! (just noticing there is no drooling emoticon). After I moved overseas, buying comics became difficult and I sort of feel out of it and got more intensely into video games. The point of all this being, how do REAL big comic freaks feel about Smallville. I'm no Superman superexpert, but I know more than enough to know it takes several liberties on the story and doesn't stay accurate to the comics. That aside, what do you think of Smallville in it's own right? I think it's good, but the entire every-week-another-student-or-other-Smallville-resident-who-has-been-affected-my-the-meteo r-shower-causes-havoc is getting kind of tired. Definitely has potential if I can get past the tendincy to say to myself "that's not how it happened in the comics!"
  14. I have always felt from a young age, when I first read/watched x-men or when Ifirst watched Next Generation (which ever came second) that the only person who could play Xaiver was Patrick Stewart. I think I made a resolution at age 10 to boycott any live-actionX-Men flim without him as Xavier. And if all the time it took to get the X-Men movie was was spend convincing him, then it was time well worth it (know it wasn't the only thing keeping the production back, but it's just a point I'm making). So sure, Reeves, Nicholson, Jackman, all good portrayal, but Stewart was BORN for the Xavier role, and I never will and never have felt ANYONE else could do Xvier any justice. Can't say that about the others. PS Nicholson was great physically and visually as he Joker, but I could never pick a better voice for the Joker than Mark Hamill. Him and whoever does Harley Quinn in the animated series were the ultimate crime duo, both had their characters down pat.
  15. It's not that I'm taking it to seriously. I hate it when ANY movie is released on DVD only to be released again a few months later in a special edition. The people who really want the special features probably bought the regular one already. It's is evil. Pure you hear me?
  16. Tried to keep it strictly 60's, but Led Zeppelin IV, Who's Next, and Dark Side Of The Moon belong on this list. I'm no doubt going to hear it for my choices on this one.
  17. Damnit! doesn't teh fact that it was on teh floor matter? this wasn't an easy choice. These polls shouldn't be limited to just 10 choices. I love Thundercats, but I didn't feel its theme songs was up to par with the other ten (I even had to condense The Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock because I could discard either one). On a cartoon theme-only poll, I would have included it. I stand by my decision.
  18. I still think as a whole, Nevermind is better. Nevermind doesn't have songs I want to skip over, good songs from start to finish. I skip over a few In Utero songs. So even though In Utero has many songs that are better than all the Nevermind songs, Neverminds consistancy in quality makes it the winningalbum in my book, because quality consistancy is what I look for when I judge an album to be good or not. Sort of a "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" type thing.
  19. It's a great line isn't it. Your next fav might be my next fav too. Either that one or "got a couple of couches sleep on the love seat". You have good taste (in Loser lyrics if nothing else ;) )
  20. Ok, i'll admit whether or not they are one-hit wonder isn't imporant, but of ALL the 80's, that's your FAVORITE? And by "a long way"? Just seems odd. And going on about Geddy Lee's voice is such a typically stupid reason to hate Rush. If I ever hear anyone say they hate Rush it's always becasue of one of two reason. Either thay say "That guy's voice sucks" or "Prog sucks". I typically find people who don't like Geddy Lee's voice have no problem with Led Zeppelin or Guns N' Roses or Motley Crue (all of whom have singers with similar voices). I'll admit, it does take a little time for his voice to grow on you, but he is an amazing and versitalle vocalist with a range to impress. Rush's music is so rich and textured, you'd be surprised how a typical voice doesn't accompany it as well. And as for prog sucking, progressive just means a sense of puting emphasis on creativity and musicanship and apposed to convention and commerialism, breaking away from the standard verse-chorus-verse-chorus song structure, and sometimes using an entire album as a canvas to paint an epic story or maybe a consistant theme. If you think that sucks, there's certainly no hope for you. Go listen to Blink or Bizkit.
  21. To refresh everyone's memory: In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey butane in my veins so i'm out to cut the junkie with the plastic eyeballs spray paint the vegetables dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose kill the headlights and put it in neutral stock car flamin' with a loser and the cruise control baby's in Reno with the vitamin D got a couple of couches sleep on the love seat someone keeps sayin' I'm insane to complain about a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt don't believe everything that you breathe you get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve so shave your face with some mace in the dark savin' all your food stamps and burnin' down the trailer park (yo cut it) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? (double-barrel buckshot) Soy un perdedor i'm a loser baby,so why don't you kill me? Forces of evil in a bozo nightmare banned all the music with a phony gas chamber 'cuz one's got a weasel and the other's got a flag one's got on the pole shove the other in a bag with the rerun shows and the cocaine nose job the daytime crap with the folksinger slop he hung himself with a guitar string slap the turkey neck and it's hangin' on a pigeon wing you can't write if you can't relate trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate and my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite who's chokin' on the splinters Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? (get crazy with the cheeze whiz) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? (drive-by body pierce) (yo bring it on down) soooooooyy.... (I'm a driver I'm a winner things are gonna change I can feel it) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? (I can't believe you) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? [repeat] (Sprechen sie Deutches, baby) Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me? (Know what I'm sayin'?) They are too many lines to make a poll of this, so just post your favorite. Mine is "and my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite who's chokin' on the splinters"
  22. I'm not way into Filter. I was deciding between that and 'Hey Man, Nice Shot', but I chose 'Take A Picture' because it has a relaxing spacey feel to it, almost Floydian in nature (DSOTM/WYWH era), that I don't see in too many songs anymore. It's a good song let take you away and just float to. That's my opinion and might be completely different form yours. Nirvana was a tough choice. From start to finish, I like Nevermind more than In Utero, but my favorite songs are on In Utero. I also like Lake of Fire. Loser has to be one of my favorites too Judge (I mean, one of my favorites even among this list). It one of the first radio songs I remember (along with Losing My Religion). I used to me able to sing along to the whole thing, now I screw up after the first verse. Go crazy with the cheese whiz! I thik I'm gonna start a thread on everyones favorite lyric from Loser.
  23. This isn't exactly breaking news. If you go to LOTR fan sites, it's been known about for a while, but it's still important to spread around. In case you all did know, the LOTR will do an evil regular edition release followed months later by a special edition release. Don't be fooled by the DVD package. The real special edition, with 30 minutes of footage put back into the film itself on top of the incredible about of special features, will be 4 DVDs, while the regular edition will be 2 DVDs. This is the first single feature length film I've heard of coming in 4 DVDs (I was impressed when ID4 was released in 2 discs, I think it was the first DVD too do that). So buy the 2-disc set if you want, but be aware of the other one. I myself am holding out for the special edition. I think it's important for people to know if they don't already.
  24. That just reminded me of what I really hate about what some studios are doing with DVDs. They release a regular boring (no good special features) version of the movie, then like less than a year later, they release the Special Edition! The people who would want the special edition probably liked the movie enought o buy the regular version. So then you either stick with your boring version, buy the other one and end up having two, or try selling the original, which no one wants because there's a special edition. This happened to me with Dogma, I ended up given my old version away. Has anyone else deal witht his shit with any of their DVDs? PS In case you all did know, the LOTR will do this. Don't be fooled by the DVD package. The real special edition, with 30 minutes of footage put back into the film itself on top of the incredible about of special features, will be 4 DVDs. This is the first single feature length film I've heard of coming in 4 DVDs (I was impressed when ID4 wsa released in 2 discs, I think it was the first DVD too do that). So buy the 2-disc set if you want, but be aware of the other one. I myself am holding out for the special edition. I'm gonna stick this in the movie board also. I think it's important for people to know if they don't already.
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