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Reverend Jax

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Reverend Jax

  1. the only really good hip-hop i've come across is The Roots and De La Soul. I'm probably putting NRED (Neptunes on that list now. I liked 'Brain'.
  2. Consider me checking it out. I like hip-hop when it's good (not actually a oxymoron, but it can sure seem like it at times).
  3. Hey chief, not all rock stars die because of substance abuse. Some die in plane crashes.
  4. How about School House Rock? Not the best theme song, but some great songs in teh show itself. I'm just a bill, and sitting here on capitol hill...conjunction junction, what's your function...sweet!
  5. Heartless, how old were you when you heard Cobain died? Did you find out about it on the news or in a history book?
  6. I agre with what you're saying Junker, but still think the industry has changed, although maybe I'm wrong. I want good music on a radio station other than my classic rock station!
  7. You know what, your right IC. I think I'll judge everything I don't know anything about based on it's apparant mainstream popularity. What's Sandman? I'd say it's a poor man's Aquaman. How can I sy that, becasue I've heard of Aquaman and Sandman it's a cultural icon. That's enough justification for me. I was being subjective. You were judging something wonderful you know nothing about.
  8. Heartless, I agree with you on the Rubber Soul thing, If Rubber Soul has one thing about it which stand above the other amazing Beatles albums, it's the damn good consistancy of the songs, though, like I said before, Revolver and Abbey Road have the consistency to give Rubber Soul a run for its money.
  9. Yeah, i don't think video game movies have a good chance at being decent, but they should go ahead and make them. If we get 1 Final Fantasy for every 50 Double Dragons (shutter) then it would be worth it. I'd like to see a Zelda movie done with the kind of care and attention to detail and overall good film making of LOTR. That would rule. I think Nintendo got nervous after Mario.
  10. This is from Friends but: Doctor Do Me A Little.
  11. If you start listening to rush, learning about how many fucking musicians are profoundly influenced by them, who they have had a successful career to present day with more consistancy in that success than even aerosmith, how they have never released anything that isn't good (they have never recorded a b-side, every song they record goes on an album) and how each member excells at what he does like few others in the history of time, and how their music is truely beautiful and timeless, then you can truely start to appriciate them and understand how they are on the same level as zeppelin. as far as commercial success is concern, zeppelin is far more popular and have sold 3 times as many albums (zep is second only to the beatles in total record sales), but even artists who preceeded rush worship them and often cover them (jeff beck and malsteen to name a few). Any intelligent person who gives them a fair chance and a few listens will fall in love with them.
  12. I don't think mainstream music always sucked. There was a time when the music industry was run by and music lovers, and it was gradually become strict businessmen who only look a music as a product. If you like Ska, check out Catch 22 (anything of the Keasbey Nights album is good) if you haven't already, and one another thing, what does EMO stand for?
  13. You won't get anywhere hating everything. Focus your all hate on one target. That's the way to get things done!
  14. Sorry, SoF. We have been dicussing Y1 for a few posts, and wihtout saying otherwise, I wrongfully assumed you meant keaton for a Y1 movie. Keaton was a fine batman. Being able to believable portray a superhero AND his/her usually mild mannered alter-ego isn't easy, adn Keaton did better than most ever could.
  15. Seems to me it's not teh site you should be hating, but the reason you can't get broadband. One way or another, it ain't the site's fault. Without them, we would have no behind the scenes matrix video.
  16. because all the other lines make sense and that's the one that's random? what's so much more random about getting crazy with tthe cheese whiz than the rest of the song?
  17. most team owners aren't the rags to riches work hard all his life type, most inherited them or they are corporations. the popping out of the woom was a comment directed only for athelites, not the rich. And the entire "paid to play a game is a reward enough" is bullshit. Should everyone who enjoys what they do be refused money? Only getting payed for misery? If one were to like computers and puzzle solving, does that mean he shouldn't get payed to be a computer programmer, and payed to this for worth? Program faster slave! You enjoy programming too much to get payed! And anyone who thinks palying pro ball is easy for anyone is an idiot. Sure, some people have more god-given ability, but at the level of the pros, everyone is working their ass off to be as good as they can be. And your entire basketball players waste their money on material things while company ceo reinvest it ideology makes you sound more reaganomicistis than roland reagan. Who's to say a basketball player wouldn't invest his money in teh economy or start out a charity? who's to say the ceo won't buy a mansion the size of delaware? for a communist, you sure have lots of opinions that result in the rich getting richer and the hard working poor stay poor.
  18. it's not that high resolution to begin with. Besides, who's fault is it you don't have broadband?
  19. "freeedom of music" is actually called "the spirit of radio". Those are three pretty stardard rush songs. if those were led zeppelin song, they would be stairway to heaven, rock n' roll, and whote lotta love.
  20. I went for Grace, would have gone for Patti Smith if she was there, or the ladies of heart.
  21. there is somethign inherently wrong with people who dislike rush. "everyone knows that" to quote a certain poster here.
  22. First of all, natural ability is not enough by the time you reach the NBA. You don't pop out of the woom and sign a 7-year contract before losing the umbilical chord. Secondly, why not pay them that much? Professional sports are a big industry and rake in big money, and it's because of the players, what they do is worth that much money, if not more (supply and demand, that's capitalism). If they got a 100k salary cap, the NBA would still make tons of money and it would just go to the team owners anyway. I see no reason why the owners are more worthy of the money than teh players. This was actually a big issue several decades ago, when lots professional athelites could barely get by. After strikes and things like that we came to a point where everbody thinks they're overpayed. And if you're a communist, that's fine, but as long as we still live in a capitalist society, professional athelites deserve what they get.
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