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Silent Bob

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Silent Bob

  1. See, they don't, though. I think with this particular project they've finally realized that nobody really cares about the origin stories. Think about, what's the number one thing that ruins a good superhero movie? It's having to include the origin. Everyone know's Superman's origin now. Everyone knows Batman's origin. And nobody really cares about the origin of the rest of them. They need to skip all that crap and just jump right into it.
  2. Do I expect it to materialize? Yes. They've already got a director, script and crew and they've begun casting. It's in production right now. Do I expect it to be good? No, but then I don't think I've ever gone into a George Miller movie not expecting it to suck, and I don't think I've ever seen one that actually did. This is the guy who made good movies out of a tap dancing penguin, a talking pig sequel...and oh yeah, Mad Max.
  3. Not official yet, but there's been another "scooper" who confirmed the rumored Iron Man/Incredible Hulk crossover. Apparently it won't actually be Iron Man meets the Hulk, exactly, but The Incredible Hulk does have a scene in which General Thunderbolt (played by William Hurt) has a meeting with Tony Stark (played once again by Robert Downey Jr.). Weaving that type of continuity into the films is just great, I hope they keep it up. Also, Weta Workshop (Pete Jackson's company that did pretty much everything worth designing on the LotR and Kong films) will be designing the new costumes for George Miller's Justice League film. No word yet on whether they'll be handling the effects as well.
  4. Yeah, fuck her, how dare she be a good actress in a world of talentless pretty faces. I didn't say she was the Black Widow, just that she's some sort of high-ranking SHIELD agent that might someday get her own solo film and the Black Widow was the only character I could think of off the top of my head that fit the profile.
  5. No! It's Sam Jackson, dammit! It's Ultimate Fury, let Hasselhoff go. Seriously, it really is Sam Jackson. And Hillary Swank will be with him as a high-ranking SHIELD agent that has yet to be revealed but may also lead to a future solo film (Black Widow maybe? I don't see it but maybe...).
  6. It does sound like wishful thinking, but then Marvel has confirmed that Nick Fury would be having a scene in Iron Man to set up for a solo film down the road so there is already something of a precedent. And since Marvel owns its own movie properties, now, there aren't any legal problems in the way.
  7. I'm with ya, Skeet. I thought Daredevil was good, too. It wasn't great, I'll grant that, but I thought it did a lot of things really well - especially in the director's cut. I had my doubts about Affleck going in but I thought he did a fine job in the role. Some of the roles were miscast a little, but for every bad Kingpin/Ulrich casting you got something great like Jon Favreau as Foggy. Fuck a Punisher sequel, I wanna see another Daredevil movie.
  8. Aw c'mon. Ray Stevenson = Definitely not Steven Seagal. He actually looks a helluva lot like the current Punisher comic design, I think.
  9. Sure, but then it would be a flashback setting up a flashback. That would destroy the fabric of the space time continuum.
  10. Shatner won't be in it, and he's been sure not to hide his unhappiness about it. Seriously, the guy mentions it in every interview he can, now. Granted all the public whining could be a smokescreen for an actual surprise cameo, but I'm inclined to believe it's real and he really isn't it it. Besides, isn't Kirk dead in Star Trek canon now?
  11. Mine too. Outside the comics, I think Hamill has been the best one so far to match the Joker's unique blend of genuine humor, flair for dramatics and real homicidal insanity. Coupled with a great character design (no matter which art style of the Batman shows, I've always liked the Joker design) I think he and Timm and co. really nailed it - particularly impressive within the G-rated confines of a cartoon. Check out Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker for the best version they ever did. The PG-13 cut, of course. That said, I think the definitive Joker was in The Killing Joke.
  12. That last one could actually be a good image if it was done right. Here are two move real posters, though I prefer the creepy new Why So Serious one, ultimately. Also, I don't know if anyone here saw it, but the Imax version of I Am Legend is supposed to include the 6 or 8 minute opening scene of Dark Knight that introduces the Joker during a bank robbery. There's camcorder footage of it out there somewhere but good luck finding it.
  13. The Dark Knight Teaser Trailer The teaser itself isn't all that great, but man I'm finally sold on Ledger/Joker.
  14. Official poster, artwork by the great Drew Struzan. Hells yeah.
  15. With the help of some friends, I finally got what has to be the coolest mount in the game. All praise the gyrocopter! Now I just need to make all my money back so I can get epic flying and build myself the jet-powered version.
  16. I've heard so many amazing things about this game. I'm finally getting a 360 for Christmas, mostly just so I can play Assassin's Creed.
  17. Nope. I imagine some of the more minor members would be introduced in the Avengers movie, but you gotta introduce the big three first (Iron Man, Cap and Thor...I wouldn't say Ant Man is one of the big three). Nick Fury will also be introduced by then so they could make it into an Ultimates movie.
  18. Wow, they used the same exact grunt sound effect like ten times in the trailer alone! It must be good!
  19. (blink) That's just crazy, right there. As for the trailer, it definitely looks cool in that completely-unlike-the-comic-in-every-possible-way kinda way. Gone is the whole superhero/supervillain thing. Gone are the real crazy characters, it looks like (I think it's safe to say we won't be seeing Mr. Rictus or Shithead). Gone is the "this is me fucking you in the ass" attitude. Ah well. Looks cool anyway.
  20. There's actually a mount of each of the four types - regular and epic riding and regular and epic flying. He dropped the epic flying broom the first few times I went in and I don't have that skill yet, so i had to keep going back...hence the bag full of halloween candies I ended up with.
  21. I got a great ring on my druid. And a broom mount. And about 80 of those damned halloween candies.
  22. Agreed about The Batman (not about Superman/Doomsday...I kinda liked that one). I've seen a few episodes and just couldn't get into it. It's not the costumes or the different characterizations or the character design or the animation style. All of that I could go with. It's the writing. I just think the writing is terrible. The writing on the Timm series was always so good that I guess I was just expecting more from The Batman than the crappy early-90s Saturday morning cartoon writing that it seems to have. I understand that it's trying to be different from Timm's animated series but I just can't take "different" as an excuse for dumbed down. Then again, if what you say is true, maybe I've just seen some of the crappy episodes. If so, there are just way too many of them for me to consider watching it much.
  23. Wolverine and the XMen? Ok, I'm officially a little sick of Wolverine now. Apparently now the rest of the team are just his background singers?
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