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Silent Bob

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Silent Bob

  1. I thought TMNT worked pretty well in cg. I wouldn't mind that trend continuing. I'm certainly not interested in seeing Thunder Cats as live action.
  2. What he said about it was that if he made the sequel he wouldn't make it for another decade or so, so that Uma Thurman would be the right age. Anytime I've heard him mention it, he's always said it like "wouldn't this be a cool idea for a sequel?" rather than any actual concrete plans to make one. I'd say the odds of it happening are about as slim as the odds of ever seeing The Vega Brothers onscreen.
  3. Maybe like a one-man zeppelin for goblins. That'd be cool.
  4. I know, isn't that great? Now, finally, for once, I have a reason to be really glad I'm an engineer. I just wish they'd tell us what the mounts will be. I'm hoping for a gyrocopter. Or a jet pack! Just as long as it isn't a gryphon with a "mechanical" skin over it or something.
  5. Man, the first time I was there during an attack, I was whacking at them, setting off spells, sending out my tree minions, everything I could think of. I only figured it out when I took a drink out of frustration and managed to nail one (my only one) dwarf before they all ran off. Jess and I are both on Earthen Ring.
  6. Good lad! For those who don't feel like going back a page for the news:
  7. You know you're supposed to throw your beer mug at them, right? Because I sure didn't know that the first time.
  8. The barking quests still work on my server but the Dark Iron attacks have been disabled (last I checked). Guess they didn't expect so many people trying to do it all at once. It's a small area to pack a few hundred players. I think the event goes the rest of the week and then Hallow's Eve starts.
  9. So for a couple months now I've been telling every Browncoat I know to buy the special edition Serenity dvd. See, here's how it works. Firefly was a canceled tv show that managed to get a feature film based solely on the sales of its dvd. The film didn't do so well but the dvd flew off the shelf so fast that Universal decided it would be worth their while to produce a new two disc special edition. So what happens when the special edition starts flying off the shelves? God, do I love being right all the time. In a recent interview Alan Tudyk has stated that thanks to the high sales of Serenity: Special Edition, Universal execs are talking seriously about producing a sequel. Not another dvd. Not a spin off. Not a comic book. Serenity 2. Now, no production has started and no greenlight has been given yet, but the idea of a Serenity sequel was a near-impossible glimmer of a pipe dream two months ago, and now it's on the table. Universal needs to be certain that investing money into a feature length sequel would be a good investment, they need to see that they'll easily make their money back on dvd. They will be watching the sales of that special edition very closely right now. So if you're a Browncoat and you haven't picked it up yet, go get it. Now. Not only will you be getting Serenity with some cool new bonus features and a kickass package, you may just be helping to pay for Serenity 2. http://www.moviehole.net/news/20071004_ser...a_new_hope.html
  10. MST3K for contemporary movies! Yay! When the first X-Men movie came out, my friends and I MST3Ked it in the theatre. We even sat in the back row, on the backs of the seats so the tops of our heads would show on the screen. Good times. Oo, speaking of, X-Men is on that list! I'm gettin' it.
  11. Ennis did write one of the unfilmed movie scripts (I've never read it, but I heard it wasn't that great) but Johnson is insisting on making the series word-for-word from the comic - like Sin City. So yeah, technically, I guess you could say Ennis is writing the scripts.
  12. So Preacher is still a ways away from being cast, but the search for directors is heating up. Mark Steven Johnson, who is pretty much heading up the project, hopes to set the tone for the series with a big-big name director on the pilot, and then bring even more into the mix from episode to episode. Robert Rodriguez is, indeed, one of the first people that they're in talks with. Want to hear some of the other names that are being courted or are already interested? How about Carlos Fresnadillo (Intacto, 28 Weeks Later), Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Sunshine), Alex Proyas (The Crow, Dark City), David Cronenberg (Videodrome, A History of Violence) and Brian De Palma (The Untouchables, Scarface). Ok, seriously, think about that. Brian De Palma directing Preacher. Just...think about it. It's beautiful, isn't it?
  13. She was saying his wife was the same age as he probably was when he first killed a man.
  14. Why does everyone else see him as a skinny old guy? Seriously. Jesse Custer cusses out God, but he's scared to death when he sees the Saint walking towards him. The guy got his lower torso whipped off by the devil and then shot him in the head. He single-handedly slaughtered a whole gang of murderers and then came back (after he was dead) and killed the rest of the town. This is how I've always seen the Saint: Big and mean and fuckin' scary.
  15. Aw come on, Clint is too iconic. Anyone who sees him is just going to think "hey look, it's Clint Eastwood, hehehe". It's impossible to see him as anything other than Clint Eastwood, now, so it will be especially impossible to see him as an unfeeling, long-dead angel of death cowboy. I can understand why everyone says "Clint should do it" but I really think it would be detrimental to the character if he did.
  16. Uh no. Gung ho catholicism Mel? Somehow I can't see that one. I've always wanted Vladimir Kulich for the SoK. But then, to me, the Saint always came across as a big powerful, chiseled-out-of-stone (not in a greek god kinda way, but a rough, craggy kinda way if that makes sense) type of presence, as opposed to the old dead cowboy. In retrospect, old dead cowboy is probably closer to how Dillon drew him, it's just not what I always pictured up on a big screen.
  17. The Shield and The Wire are both fantastic television, definitely the best cop shows on today - if not ever. The Shield is less a cop procedural and more a study of the characters and their various shady ethics. The Wire is about as rich and deep as television can get. It's like sitting down and watching a novel. By Tolstoy. In Baltimore.
  18. Yeah it was...20 years ago. The guy hasn't made a good film since Fear & Loathing, and that's almost a decade ago now. Gilliam has more imagination than a dozen other directors combined, but he's not always reliable when it comes to translating that imagination into something that works on-screen. With Preacher, all the good stuff's already been imagined by Ennis and Dillon, we just need someone capable of bringing that craziness to life. RR would be a fine choice.
  19. Only his profile. Bass designed those titles from start to finish. He really was a master of titles. Psycho's titles still look great today. Speaking of Psycho, they say he co-directed the shower sequence and helped Hitchcock determine where to edit to both appease the censors and get the most impact out of the scene. Any man that Hitchcock turns to for help is a freakin' god of design! That Insider poster is fantastic. I'd never seen that one before.
  20. Bass didn't do the Edmond poster. He died, what, more than ten years ago? But it's certainly somewhat inspired by him. Also check out the poster for Clockers for an even more direct homage. My favorite of his was always:
  21. Also the fact that in any argument, the inevitable far side of any one opinion will be "nazi".
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