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Silent Bob

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Silent Bob

  1. I'm pretty sure it's just a kick-ass #100 cover, guys. I mean, the Gladiator went straight and he and DD are friends. He was conned into being a villain again in one arc, but he made for a very reluctant villain. So I'm bettin' it's just a cool cover and not an indication of the content of the book.
  2. What did I say about no voice roles? Besides, Ben Kingsley wasn't in Valiant.
  3. Vin Diesel was with Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan Tom Hanks was with Helen Hunt in Cast Away Helen Hunt was with Jay Mohr in Pay It Forward Jay Mohr was with Lloyd Bridges in Jane Austen's Mafia! ---------- John Cleese to Jimmy Stewart
  4. The Kingdom - With a great cast and up-and-coming actor/director Peter Berg (The Rundown, Friday Night Lights), this film is being set up as the year's biggest political thriller. In more ways than one. Supposedly the enormous set that was built for this movie could be seen from, like, space... And this trailer taught me that it's a good thing I don't have any video editing software, otherwise I'd waste a whole weekend cutting this trailer's audio with footage from The Lion King, to make a The Lion Kingdom trailer based solely on the similarity of their fonts. And I don't wanna be that guy. Joshua - What is it about kids that makes them so scary? Fido - After Shaun of the Dead hit it big, I was wondering when we'd get another zom-com on the big screen. And here it is!
  5. You don't think Jude Law would make a great Ozymandias? And Patrick Wilson is a great actor. My only complaint about them both is that they're a little young for past-their-prime superheroes...otherwise... Admittedly, I'm not sold on Keanu Reeves, but we're talking about a stiff emotionless blue guy, it's certainly a role that plays to Keanu's strengths.
  6. The official first pic of the Joker from The Dark Knight. Freakin' creepy... And while we're on the subject of Dark Knight, a few more casting calls has been confirmed. Nestor Carbonell (last seen in Smokin' Aces, but known to me as Batmanuel, from The Tick live-action series) has signed on to play the mayor of Gotham. Anthony Michael Hall is also signed on, but the studio is refusing to divulge what role he will play as it's apparently a major plot spoiler (which just makes us all the more curious). Some of you may have seen the Harvey Dent viral campaign that was started, showing Aaron Eckhart in the role (really he looks the same way he always looks). The website www.ibelieveinharveydent.com has his promotional campaign. Just last week, cards were distributed around comic shops that said "Ha ha ha I believe in Harvey Dent, too". When internet users went to www.ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com they found a defaced image of Aaron Eckhart. That site has been removed and replaced with an error message. But feel free to highlight the content of the page anyway. Really. --- And in non-Dark Knight news: Some casting rumors have leaked out for Zack Snyder's Watchmen project. Apparently, three actors are being pursued heavily for the film. Patrick Wilson for The Owl. Jude Law for Ozymandias (perfect, really). And Keanu Reeves for Dr. Manhattan.
  7. I want a movie where Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson duke it out to see which past-their-prime action star likes graphic violence the most. I don't think another Rambo is necessary, but then I said the same thing about Rocky and he actually did a pretty good job with that one.
  8. If I squint really really hard. Just finished watching The Queen, because my mother wanted some company and I'm nice to my mother. It actually wasn't a bad film and Michael Sheen's spot-on performance as Tony Blair was well worth the price of admission. Now I'm watching Apocalypse Now (for the zillionth time). Talk about a weird juxtaposition.
  9. Murder and Nathan Fillion, that's all you care about in movies, isn't it? And boobies. Anyway, Moviefone has four short exclusive clips from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
  10. This isn't a great video, but it looks pretty damned flexible. ...wait, did you say Steel's costume didn't look bad? I suppose it doesn't look bad for being made out of scrap metal, sure...
  11. Jim Rhodes is cast, but I don't think he's War Machine until the sequel.
  12. I think they're saving him for the sequel.
  13. Some paparazzied hidden-camera pics of the Iron Man suit. I really can't imagine it looking better. And here's some rendered art of the final design. Designed by Stan Winston himself. This is said to be the Mark III suit in the film. We've already seen Mark I, no word yet on what Mark II looks like.
  14. See, even seeing her do that would be hot. And hilarious.
  15. I have such a celebrity crush on Joss Stone. Really, does anyone make holding a microphone look sexier?
  16. Waitress - For a cute looking comedy, the movie has something of a sad backstory - writer/director/actress (she plays the redhead) Adrienne Shelly was found murdered in her apartment after completing this film. :( But, uh...the movie, it looks cute. "The story of one woman trapped in a life from which she dreams of escape. Jenna’s (Russell) secret ambition is to save enough money from her waitressing job to leave her overbearing and controlling husband (Sisto). Jenna is a sharp, sassy woman with a gift for making unusual pies whose recipes are inspired by the trials, tribulations and circumstances of her life. An unwanted pregnancy changes the course of events giving her an unexpected confidence via letters to her unborn baby." Oh, did I mention that Nathan Fillion's in it too? Ah, see, yeah, now you're listening.
  17. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Do yourself a favor and watch this one in hi-def. July is definitely gonna be the month of Harry Potter. The Bourne Ultimatum - The good: More Bourne, Matt Damon proves he doesn't need those ten other Ocean guys, David Strathairn gets added to the cast. The bad: Paul Greengrass has never met a handheld shot he didn't like, either wait for dvd or bring some sort of motion sickness medication. The maybe: Are they finally going to give Julia Stiles something to do? Good Luck Chuck - Dane Cook tries his hand at big-screen comedy again. Can't be worse than Employee of the Month, right? ...right?
  18. Ratatouille - Not really a trailer. Better than a trailer. Brad Bird presents this 9 minute(!) clip from Ratatouille. Though I'm still not completely sold on the premise, Bird and Pixar have yet to go wrong so I have complete faith. If nothing else, this film will once again prove that Pixar movies are worth the wait. They have a level of polish, detail and craftsmanship that Dreamworks and Fox don't even have the patience for. Just compare how good this movie looks to something like Madagascar or Ice Age or even Shrek.
  19. Civic Duty - Peter Krause stars in this interesting-looking character piece about post-9/11 paranoia. Plus, I'll watch Richard Schiff act in anything (yes, I even watched Doctor Doolittle...do somethin'). Hairspray - It's got Travolta in drag and Chris Walken...do you really need more compelling reasons to watch? License to Wed - It's a fairly dumb idea, but Robin Williams is still funny. And John Krasinski is funny. And Mandy Moore is just fuckin' adorable.
  20. Right, I'm talking about highest-paid acting fee alone. There have been plenty of actors who manage to make more with producing jobs and merchandising deals and percentages of the gross, but their acting fee is considerably less. Obviously, studios are more willing to do this because the risk is all on the actors. If the movie doesn't make any money, the actor doesn't get much money. But this is the most money an actor has made up front just for acting.
  21. $25 million. Guy has a hell of an agent. And a hell of a diva complex.
  22. Rush Hour 3 - Rush Hour 1 and 2 were a lot of fun so I got nothing against having a Rush Hour 3...well...except for the fact that Chris Tucker became the highest paid actor in history with this movie.
  23. The franchises he's supposedly assassinated would be...two. And he didn't actually assassinate any. Red Dragon was a fine movie. Sure it wasn't as great as the ones that came before it (and the greatness of Hannibal is debateable), but no one's going to be good when they're following Michael Mann, Jonathan Demme and Ridley Scott. Talk to Peter Webber about destroying that franchise. And X3...considering the film was abandoned by the director and the screenwriters, the fact that the it turned out as good as it did is a testament to the skill that Ratner does have. I'm not saying he's one of our great directors but he doesn't deserve the bile.
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