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Silent Bob

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Silent Bob

  1. Nope, but it does, unfortunately, end sooner than you expect it to.
  2. C'mon man, Unbreakable was kinda cool but the twist was insanely predictable (note to M. Night, if you don't want us to guess which character is the villain, don't give that character an opening scene in which he describes himself as a villain). Signs and The Village were utter crap and Lady in the Water was one of the worst-reviewed films of 2006 (that one I didn't bother to see).
  3. I've given up on Shyamalan completely, but jesus, that looks scary.
  4. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
  5. NICE! I don't know if they will or not, but there's a big difference between a comedy series whose sole reason for success is the performance of one actor and an action-adventure series co-made by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. No other actor could portray the Indiana Jones on the big screen better than Harrison Ford, but that doesn't mean another character can't take over and make just as fun and exciting a film.
  6. I think it'll depend on how fans react to Indy IV (and Indy V if there is one). I think he could do it, but how far away from that character and that time period can the series get before the fans say it's not Indiana Jones anymore. Hell, some people are saying Indy IV isn't Indiana Jones anymore just because it's set in the 50s.
  7. He hasn't been overused - he was only really in two movies last year (Surf's Up doesn't count). And the year before that he was in two movies that nobody ever saw. Before Disturbia, he hadn't been in a major film since Constantine three years ago. If you want to say he's a little oversaturated, with the likes of Steven Spielberg and all of Dreamworks touting him as the next big thing, then yes, you're probably right. But baytor's right. The kid isn't making it just because he's getting media buzz, it's because he genuinely has the talent and charisma to carry films - something that's very rare for his age. People may have bought tickets to see fighting robots, but it was Shia who made the rest of the overly long Transformers watchable. He'll be perfect for Yorick.
  8. Very cool I'm with crimson in principle, though. It's time Hondos had a logo that was all its own.
  9. No bishop's right, you can see him in the trailer as the Scarecrow, but you probably have to go frame by frame and look reeeeally closely. Still, once you find the shot he's in you'll see that his appearance has to be much more than just a behind-bars cameo. Pretty major spoiler, seriously, don't look if you don't wanna be spoiled. I wish I didn't.
  10. Cillian Murphy is in Dark Knight, though I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't last very long.
  11. I'd say it reached that bar until the fairly ridiculous final act.
  12. The high-res version of the new Dark Knight trailer
  13. Yeah, it's fan-made, just like the animated and 1960s trailers. Still, they did a pretty good job with it. As for Eckhart, I always thought he was a fantastic choice for Harvey. I can't wait to see what he does with Two Face.
  14. Want proof that Two-Face definitely shows up in Dark Knight? Look closely.
  15. Heh that's pretty cool. I also like the 1966 version: And especially the animated version:
  16. Resident Evil is probably the best videogame movie...and it sucked. Tomb Raider was actually not as bad as people say, but it wasn't good either (and it has a great track record for having kickass leading men who go on to be big stars - Danny Craig in the first one and Gerard Butler in the second). No list of the Ugly could be complete without Super Mario Bros.
  17. Have I mentioned lately just how fantastically entertaining The Dark Knight's advertising campaign has been? As I said before, many fans got to see the new trailer early by being at the right place at the right time. Also, at each of these locations, one lucky fan won a 35mm reel of the trailer. Many hoped that these fans would digitize it and put it on the internet but it turns out they can't - the Joker has personally "defaced" every frame of their film. Check out photos and of the new "Dork Knight" trailer. I almost wish they'd actually release this version to random theaters. (My favorite part is when the Joker gives himself a lightsaber) Also, new movie posters (you'll probably have to right-click on them to view them: I think the composition on the last one is especially cool.
  18. For those who didn't catch the youtube link before it was yanked, here's a second shot at viewing a blurry but very cool new Dark Knight trailer. Also, though Samuel L. Jackson's cameo as Nick Fury was cut out of the main running time for Iron Man, word is that you should really stick around for the end of the credits.
  19. To be fair, Baytor's pessimism about Marvel crossovers usually turns out to be right.
  20. No you're not. Admittedly, Terminal Reality does not exactly have an impressive list of games on their resume. It could very well suck as much as most movie-to-games do. But as you said, there have been some surprising exceptions before - The Chronicles of Riddick, The Godfather. And besides, I feel like Ghostbusters is one of only a few franchises where seeing anything new is a good thing - even if it sucks
  21. Damn! It was good too Ah well, wait another few days and it'll be available in quicktime.
  22. Speaking of...The Dark Knight had something of a national hunt for its next trailer reveal. Fans had to actually show up at certain spots at certain times to see it. Luckily, one intrepid fan (as always) brought a video camera and captured grainy video (but surprisingly good sound). Word is, the full high res trailer will go online Sunday, and it may find its way into some of the Iron Man prints this Friday.
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