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Hondo's Bar


Preacher's Divinity
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Everything posted by TulipO

  1. Wow is all I have to say after that episode. Also--they are remaining quite faithful to the texts. They even are doing shit I thought for sure they would change. Great stuff. Dinklage deserves another Emmy.
  2. Nick. I heart you. Plus one sir. PLus one.
  3. On the other hand, you read a spoiler without any idea what it may have contained. Do you have self-control issues? :P
  4. I love this show. Makes me miss the hell out of Portland, and for the record, its 100% accurate. I think the Battlestar Gallactica one was actually based on me and Tim. I keep trying to remember if I was really hammered one night and met Fred Armisen and told him all about how we hadn't left our apartment in days...
  5. He reviews Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the SIth as well.
  6. When I saw them, I immediately thought of Hondo's and looked for an existing thread. Couldn't find it though. He also does the new Indiana Jones movie. Its fucking priceless. I want him to do more disappointing movies!!!!
  7. Have you guys seen Plinkett reviews yet? If not, next time you sit down to watch a movie, watch this instead:http://redlettermedia.com/plinkett/star-wars/star-wars-episode-1-the-phantom-menace/ Anybody want a pizza roll?
  8. TulipO

    Bad Fast Food

    We don't have them on the east coast, so it doesn't matter anymore--but yeah. Its not the taste of Jack in the Crack--its how you feel later. Its like doing mushrooms--you know its gonna be fun, but its going to make you feel like barfing later. So the next time you think about doing them--you start feeling a little sick from the memory.
  9. TulipO

    Organic foods

    My understanding is that there is a difference between free-range, organic, and grass fed. Free range is viewed as a more humane way to raise livestock--and I've heard some arguments that it improves the flavor of meat. Organic, as I understand it is more about no hormone injections, and that the animals are fed organic material. Grass fed to me mean that they are fed a normal diet for ruminants--meaning mostly grass and hay etc rather than corn, and other meals that are made with refuse from animal processing plants. My main concern is that the health of the animal while living will directly affect the nutritional value when it becomes meat. I know there are people who have a problem with the medicines--but I think they are probably misinformed. I mean, its pretty important to medicate livestock, as livestock are the carriers of many diseases that affect human populations. However, when I can afford it, I do try to buy grass fed, free range beef. And pork and poultry that is fed their natural diets as well. Those usually come along with an "organic" label which if it means hormone free is alright by me. As far as vegetables are concerned--I agree with most people here that pesticides are unavoidable--as are GMO's in many cases. Some things I will try to buy organic because the levels of carcinogenic pesticides used on them are at insane levels--like apples. What I have a problem with--and frankly everyone should--is monoculture growing practices. When crops are not properly rotated, and the variety of crops are limited by corporate farming practices, the nutritional value of the food is dramatically affected. To get the same amount of nutrients from an apple that you got from eating just 1 in 1940, you now have to consume almost 4. The same goes for grains and pretty much everything else we grow. Its difficult to say what can be done about it. I mean, if you have the time and space, grow your own for sure. However if like most of the people in the US you do NOT, then find out what you can to avoid the more harmful conventional items--like apples. Overall, as usual, I think the answer to clean, nutritional food, that also doesn't hurt small farmers, is a mass political movement that forces large growers to cease practices that are outright harmful, and eventually sets up a food system that can provide for large populations, but do not serve a profit motive.
  10. TulipO

    Bad Fast Food

    Carl's Junior.. Barf. Jack in the Box is pretty gross too, but Carl's Junior might be the nastiest--can't even eat it when you're hammered--"food" ever!
  11. Well that's cool--I don't make them usually though, because I feel like there isn't an appropriate place for them. The other issue is that politics and philosophy tend to be a little intimidating--especially with the crew we have here: Loud mouths (my self included) and former philosphy majors. Ulitimately, you're correct though--I guess if no one minds, I will post history specific threads in Politics, and if it gains an audience we can make a sub-forum? If not, I'll get drunk and denounce you all, stay away for 48 hours and then sneak back and pretend nothing happend. However if we had a subforum, there could be this whole kick off that would draw people in, I know it!
  12. I think it can work--but I see your issue. All the "history" threads are little responded to, and get buried. My thing is that I don't know that it represents a lack of interest, as much as a lack of context. I think that history should be a sub forum of politics, because we often debate issues that are current events and political that have historical precedent. These actions of the past directly affect the politicls of today. The people who effected change back in the day, are still relevant. I think the history topics get lost because they don't have a place, not because people aren't interested.
  13. This will work. Fearless Admin? What say you?
  14. Plus many elements present in The Shining. That's the one that's been ringing out the most for me---also did anyone catch Lars Von Trier's The Kingdom? Or the Stephen King mini-series based on it, Kingdom Hospital? And then there's also Rosemary's Baby. Lot's of elements of those present as well. It's a cool idea really. Why not pull together all the best elements of horror and mash them together? So far everyone I've talked to who has seen it, is really in to it.
  15. I've been watching it. I actually think its pretty awesome. It has elements of all the best horror movies. The writing is a little melodramatic and campy--but that fits too because its a horror show. I think its great.
  16. Can we have a History sub-forum? There are lots of historic topics that I want to post about--but I feel weird putting them in politics, or culture. I mean, they have bearing on BOTH, but to bring them up usually spells tangent and derailing a thread. What do people think?
  17. I didn't really think you were calling me Hitler--I was trying to be humorously paranoid.

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dlSONooxAw
  19. :( I missed it....Maybe they will repeat it soon...
  20. TulipO

    Weird food

    Lorelei, isn't Britain the home of the deep fried Mars Bar? That being said, I love movie theater "butter." Its ridiculously, terrible and delicious. Also since I average about one theater movie every 2 months, I can justify eating it Paired with a cherry coke and I can even put up with the bullshit movies they've been putting out lately. I also like fake bacon bits. I can't explain it.
  21. So i finished the 5th book--grrrrowl. Too many fucking cliff hangers for a story that still has about 2000 pages to go! I just re-watched the first season On Demand too. Serious addiction at this point. Everytime a cold wind blows Tim and I look at eachother and one of us says "Winter is coming..." Its getting ridiculous.
  22. You all needed this. You just didn't know it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JkbxMjhxSw
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