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Hondo's Bar


Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Newtype

  1. That is the last one we got.
  2. *Arc Once I clear out most of my backlog I will play the shit out Rogue Galaxy.
  3. Reading how does it work? Not the same thing as PS2 classics.
  4. Do you even know what will it take to make PS2 games run on a PS4 or are you aping what hear you online?
  5. Stuff I've been picking up since mid/late October till Black Friday. I got like 3-4 more things I'm waiting on and then I'm done for the next few months.
  6. Terribly edited, and that whole reveal was not good.
  7. Everything seems to be at level 11 this whole episode.
  8. Gamestop has a shit ton of Duck Hunt Dog and bestbuy is loaded with Shulk.
  9. "oh fuck" at that sudden Black Panther reveal.
  10. You need this before you watch the prequels
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