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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by gunsmithx

  1. Will never ever happen, the players union is way too strong for that, you'd have to have the sport go through another downturn and a commisner who isn't a tool. To be fair to the yanks though they don't win every year, only what 28 championships out of over 100?(yeah yeah, there isn't anything else like it, the next is what... the celtics with liek 12?) the only reason they spend so much though is because they make so much, with the yes network and the new stadium. Also Selig fucked up that call with not giving that kid a perfect game, I don't understand him and most of the choices he makes it's like he enjoys being behind football(he is behind b-ball yet?) and refuses do try and one up them, hell the NFL doesn't even give a shit anymore about they, I think this year there is a football game during the world series(and it will destory it as well) you think there is any chance the onwers ever get a real comis?
  2. mlb is even more of a joke today.
  3. nothing on that complete fuck up for call last night? robbing that kid of the 21 perfect game in history? I never ever say this but they need to overturn that call and give him his game.
  4. This thread has chagned a bit from when I started it by using an example of video game piracy... which would go in nintendorks.
  5. Final Fantasy 4.... This one will always and forever hold a place in my heart, along with being the first of the greatest trio of FF's. I better jrpg might never be made(I've have played and beating every version of this game and except for the ds one mulitple times.)
  6. you know that cover is different, before I'm pretty sure all the covers have been their own uniqe art based on thebook but that cover is just old images put together(unless thats not really the cover) and thats it;s all the women in scotts life(anyone notice the only non crazy is kim? <3 kim)
  7. I'm pretty sure it's already dead....
  8. just cause this whole thing is aweful doesn't mean 3 is any better, this is just a bad idea... lets see how far it gets.
  9. I'm still masturbating to this news, I have come to really love the y's games(still need to play 2,4, and I think 5?) I played 3 back in the day and I played an imported copy of oath(so much fun) and 2 versions of 6 and 1. I loved xseed for lunar and now this but this proabbly means no lunar 2 for a while(time to bust out eternal blue on psp I guess). BTW alot of people on neogaf thinks this will bomb and xseed is done due to costs for this project but maybe not, I know they bought the translation already done by a fan(he did 6) and it's a very good one. I wonder if that might be the way to for bringing these games over.
  10. saw this last night... both pleased and disapointed. On one hand i didn't like how they went from the book towards the end(both some great lines left out and some great sences) and how it got way more insane then the book did. Some really cool shit happens though and it's a much more feel good ending then the book had. It stands on it's own as a movie but it's not as powerful as the book. Plus I thought kick ass, kicked a bit more ass in the book.
  11. to be fair chirzard was always the coolest pokemon. also MMO-Champion.com has tons of screeen shots and info from the alpha(NDA what NDA???)
  12. George will be heartbroken to hear this.... and so will joel!
  13. Grinding on jax again? It's really sad that your so into your games you are ignoring your friends...(oh how sweet that was....)
  14. Yup the underwater zone will be a one of the naga cities(cool lore stuff if you are into that) and they are completely redoing underwater combat. @nick, you know I play in a guild where half the raids are people I know IRL right? Joel and co. and even Tashie is there. I raid a couple of days a week. Also you suck at picking up your phone you dick.
  15. Cataclysm Friends and Family Alpha has begun! mean maybe a month or so from beta hope I get in pass along any extra keys anyone gets, oh and this shot made it's way onto the net(NDA in place for now)
  16. Even porn stars support Angel. I need that on a t-shirt.
  17. I hate you. IT CAN BE DONE!
  18. no no, I know how the spell works, there was some way to do omni casting plus mimic and do some crazy ass thing you were did 8 or 16 summons of them, it was one of the ways to beat the weapons, took for fucking ever. Fake edit* yeah using w-summon and qudra magic and then mimic on the your party member you just set it up and then went to make a sandwich.....
  19. Not change the topic but couldn't you do like a 16 summon knights of the round that took like 20 minutes to go through?
  20. question, cause I know it's only been a few weeks, how important is it to get off to a good start? didn't the yankees(go go go :P) get off to a slow start last year but got hot after the break? Isn't it a bit too early to get worried or am I just looking at this wrong due to baseball having so many games? Also what about the thougt on the NFL saying f u to baseball and playing a game during the world series?(btw NFL will win that rating game)
  21. but but but... it's so cool!
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