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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by gunsmithx

  1. It's not so don't get excited, if you want up to date news, check the winter is coming blog... yes I'm too lazy to link it atm, will do so later, oh and they have a twitter! I follow it !
  2. game is the sex! the preview on advent childern complete was pretty cool so I have high hopes for this one. Also whats wrong with afroman?
  3. thats why I put it up, not much to follow though lol
  4. I <3 twitter now, I use it for news updates lol Mine is Gunsmithx (surprise) https://twitter.com/gunsmithx
  5. Another oldie but a goodie, the ecchie title Homeroom affairs(there's no acutal sex in it you perverts) a cute little anime about a highschool girl and her new teacher. It's pretty fun but almost impossible to find now a days, It never got a dvd release and I took almost a year of hunting on ebay to get a copy of the VHS tapes though I'm gonna try to track down a torrent. something to watch if you can find a copy.
  6. check with george for what we dont' have and burn 2 copies! ;) but seriously why waste your time? just hook up your pc to the tv or run a media server to the ps3 and there you go!
  7. gunsmithx


    yes you have 48 joints but your insane if you think I want to use them all or if something like that would work right, This is really useful for using gestures(a la wiimote) or full body movement(I punch the screen punchs type stuff) but having to bend my elbow at a 36 degree angle to bring up an options screen would suck really fast. George and I were talking about this and much like the wiimote is it's proabbly best used for most games working with a controller. Also price point will be hugelly important, I think 100 is perfect, george thinks 150 would be ok with a good game and we both think at 200 it would fail pretty epiclly. The longer it takes to come out the harder it will be to get good penetration in this gen and the less of them out there the less chance for really good games.
  8. as far as I know it's not a hybrid in the sense of offline stuff but rather that they will be blending a single player expereince into the online play, It's a tough thing to pull off because if it's too much single player then there's no point to the online part but not enough but you do need some of it there... it's something I'm really looking forward to checking out but I'm trying not to hope too much, too many high profile mmo's fail pretty bad with new developers cause it's a hard market to break into, wow really raised the bar on that and this one won't really be a sucuess if it only hits swg numbers. I think if they can hit a million to 2 million subscubiers they'll be fine.
  9. gunsmithx


    this thing won't gain much traction as a $200 extra, so you might look at this as an expensive beta for the 720. Plus your looking at 2011 looks like so this was just to grab headlines. on the other hand you now have the problem of it being known to long before it's out which means either people will forget about it(I'd guess not) or they will expect way too much. plus on top of that they let sony and nintendo know way to early so we might see this on their sucessers too(or something similar like how the ps3 got the sixaxis) That said it's just tech demo stuff right now and we've seen how often that pans out :/. I think it's got less to do with gaming and more with web browsing and stuff(would rock so hard on a pc) pure movement would proabbly have alot of issues outside of stuff like rpgs, remember the wiimote does use movements but alot of stuff with the buttons as well, but it might work really well used with a remote(which then turns it into a wiimote basicly lol) on the other hand I want to see a fighting game with vs mode so I can watch the video of someone getting kicked in the face.. I wonder why they released info on this so early? just to 'win' this E3?
  10. back from the dead again! like so many robotech was an early influence, as was project a-ko in high school and ranma one half and ronin warriors. Also I will give a meantion to sailor moon, it came out here during my high school years and I would watch it with my lil sister while taking care of her(proabbly what began our bonding really not sure that she remembers it all that well lol) it might be a girly show but it was vastly different from just about anything else on and really sparked an interest which lead to many other things, plus I dunno I guess SM has always been a big of a guilty pleasure(big fan of the mana art as well) Other early things where Oh! my goddess(thanks again for the book alex ) akria, Area 88, and while it's not anime directly yes I watched power rangers(first couple of seasons anyway) it's been really amazing watching how much the shows that have come over have changed and how much I long for the 'good' ol days and anime that I feel relects the fun and 'heart' of those early shows.
  11. Infamous, uncharted, rachet and clank are all good.
  12. your just jealous that i have one! it is awesome!
  13. Since I've found out about him last week I havn't had time to check out his other stuff yet, I know there's not much of it though...
  14. I believe you mean Chau down! pretty awesome/aweful either way. The universe may also not end with book 6, O'mally has said that he's very very fond of kim(who isn't) and that he'd like to do a book focused on her, who knows if he ever gets around to it but it could be very fun
  15. why would I want that when I have my wavebird? :P
  16. so after reading that I'm sure that the series ends at T2 for me.
  17. bleh never got around to it... but I do have a shiny new media pc thuogh :P
  18. What he said wasn't quite that, he said that the movie is completely different because he's still finishing the book but he hinted that he's done or mostly done with the script, but he did say he was pleased with how the movie is being done. Also you it's it's own take on the universe and they do cut out various plotlines.
  19. this series ended with T2 and we just need to live with that. That said I always skipped T3 cause I heard it sucked ass, is it worth going back to watch it? Movie wasn't a waste of my time just not as good as it could have been.
  20. I have just read all the volumes like 5 times in last 2 days outside of the last book being basically on long volume of depression(and yeah it does feel a touch out of sorts from the other 4 though I think it's still great, I wish robots would attack me randomly)This is a great series and I can't wait for the final volume to come out. the gaming and anime references are many, varied and sometimes pretty obscure so it's full of win.
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