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Everything posted by Mulan

  1. Oh i didn't know what you meant by epic. Um...damn it well I think Back to the Future should count. Come on...I was torn when the doloreian got struck by lightning too! Why does a little comedic element automatically rule out this as an epic?
  2. heehehe....Craig David acoustic on Direct TV. God I love Satillite!!!
  3. Umm is it too late to ask to be in the game?? Cause this kitty was in la la land.
  4. Does anyone really want to see FIU Judo people on the "Today Show"? Cause FIU sucks already with all this damn football propaganda! hehehe...after 2 years I finally got my own box at Anime Hurricane. I'm official a comic book junkie. Damn it! When's the next Ultimate Spidey coming out???
  5. I'd like to add "Back to the Future". I know it's cheesy 80's but I think the movies were great. I love Michael J. Fox.
  6. lalalal...watchin "A Walk to Remember" for the fifth time, and the second today. Argh...love the movie, but dumb mom demands to watch it and of course the only DVD player is in my room. guess I don't mind too much because I love the story. Where's my Landon? Damn it! Times tickin... :(
  7. My advice is to contact P-chan herself. There is a slight logistics problem with getting the dvd's from my lil one. She lives in Ft. Lauderdale. I wouldn't mind for a quick FY OAV feast.
  8. I think I'm going to scream, dumb bitchy mothers need to go. No child is a curse, but a blessing. When I have children one day, they will always always know that I love them. And that they are perfect in their own way. Anyone can make a baby, but not everyone can be a parent. So where's that number to the psych ward? Ugh...mom's yelling again I need a to block her bitching. Just go away and leave us alone...you are so ugly, why can't you see that you have a problem? I'm sick of trying to help you. Leave me alone.
  9. P-Chan has it on DVD, so does my lil one. FY fan club rising.
  10. Seeing that I've been lacking in my moderator duties again. Here's a fun topic for everyone to go wild on. Just got back from seeing this one and all I'm going to say is that I loved every second of it. Yes, every second from start to end. I dont' want to spoil anything, so I suggest you go see it first. Then come back here and tell us what you think. I'll come up with more clever things to say about it after I see some feedback.
  11. I got to catch this movie last night with my brother. We were suppose to go watch it as a group, but our friends ahem...ditched us. But it was ok. I loved the movie anyhow. I actually got teary eyed. Definetly one to add to the collection. spoiler ex CIA, saved the planet once. Convinced a bunch of aliens that mosquitos were an endangered species.
  12. Thought we were talking about "The Bourne Identity"... Yeah "All the pretty Horses" was edited to hell and back. But I think the main point was: Spoiler Guy meets girl, guy and gal fall in love, daddy don't like boy, stupid girl don't follow her heart. The moral of the story: No matter how much you love oneanother, don't mean shit because in the end you aren't meant to be together. The story of my life in a nutshell. ???
  13. I make out some classical stuff too...can't place them with a name though. And where is all that damn bell music coming from? Since we don't got an actual bell. The speakers gotta be connected to someplace on campus right?
  14. Just got home from catching this awesome flick. But I think it's some kind of on going joke that Junker and IC stay away from the movies I like. Well screw it :p I liked this one and I recommend that everyone go watch it if you have the time. Didn't realize that Franka Potente was one of the main characters. She just kicks butt. Action pack, supense and even a little romance for the sappy dorks like me. Matt Damon is such a good actor and a lot better than affleck. So here's your chance to rant more opinions and hopefully you will have some good ones. :wary:
  15. Entrapment and yes this :kitty: did MOO. Because the "someone like you" movie was about Men being Cows. Hence the mooing
  16. U-turn ohh...and MOO!! :farmer:
  17. October Sky and if someone uses Orignal Sin for another damn 'O' ....argh.
  18. Yeah been waiting to do this one... The Princess Bride. And pssst...don't let hear you say that. He really liked it. :blush:
  19. Sorry I feel asleep during this one. The Oxbow Incident.
  20. Silly trying to get everyone to love Duke movies just as much as he does. It's ok...we all still love you. Even if you are a dork.
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