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trailers, as im apparently late to the party on this one. apparently, ong Kang-ho & Shin Ha-kyun are both in it (the main characters from Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. speaking of, i still gotta watch the last of that trilogy, as well as I'm a cyborg and that's ok, apparently.


ps excellent US version of said poster...kind of. anyone seen this?

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Park Chan Wook hasnt made a bad film yet. I really liked this movie. Was kinda afraid they would do that thing where maybe it was in his head, or he isnt a vampire but like.... half vampire? I think this gives Let The Right One In a run for its money. I just hope that Hollywood doesnt feel compelled to remake it with Will Smith :FHD:

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Park Chan Wook hasnt made a bad film yet. I really liked this movie. Was kinda afraid they would do that thing where maybe it was in his head, or he isnt a vampire but like.... half vampire? I think this gives Let The Right One In a run for its money. I just hope that Hollywood doesnt feel compelled to remake it with Will Smith :blink:


That Oldboy remake that wasn't actually a remake fell through so don't worry.

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That Oldboy remake that wasn't actually a remake fell through so don't worry.


Oh thank GOD. Wasn't it supposed to be based on the Manga? The one that came out after the movie? That's like doing a remake of Godzilla based on the comic.




I've seen Thirst and enjoyed the hell out of it. Axel said it best, Park Chan Wook hasn't made a bad film yet. It seems like it would be extra hard to make a cool vampire movie in the wake of Twilight, but I'll be damned if last year didn't have some of the best ones in ages.

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Oh thank GOD. Wasn't it supposed to be based on the Manga? The one that came out after the movie? That's like doing a remake of Godzilla based on the comic.


Wait... that went down after the movie? The internet says you're lying but then again it is wikipedia. I just don't see why they'd cut out all the cool shit in the wake of the film doing so well and turn it into Death Wish: South Korea. And you know good and well that Godzilla vs. The Fantastic Four would be the best movie out of either series! :D

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