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Yeah, read about this one in production a while ago. Honestly it's from one creator of The Wire, David Simon. The other half of The Wire's creative force, Ed Burns, isn't involved w/ this. However, a guy named Eric Overmeyer is working w/ Simon. He's got credits from The Wire, Homicide: Life on the Street, and Law & Order, so he's seems to have a pretty good track record. My only concern about him is those were all cop shows and Treme doesn't seem to be that even a little.


Setting it three months after Katrina, I don't know how I feel about that. It was five years ago almost, but there's still evidence in some areas. I had friends in from out of town last weekend and they were asking about some of the houses still in disrepair & half torn down along the interstate. I'll definitely check out Treme for the fact it's set here & is done by some guys who have a very good track record--the curiosity factor. But I'm wary. Too often characters set in NOLA become caricatures. And the terrible accents. Ugh. Always a cajun guy as well. Also, New Orleans is more than the 9th Ward, French Quarter and Uptown, which by the looks of the characters is all they'll be showcasing. Obviously I'll be looking at this with a very critical eye, but I hope they get it right. . .

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yeah, that sounds fair. there's always cajuns and the other elements most people find interesting...its almost like Dexter over here, in a sense. most shows just portray a "spanish element", dexter gets it a little more right bu then goes overboard with a cuban character named Batista (...) who wears guayaberas, smokes cigars and has a shit accent. i wish he'd have a cuban cofffee in his other hand and talk about how great hialeah was sometimes just to make it 100%.


as for katrina....yeah, i dont have your perspective there, but ill say this: after the important film i thought When The Levees Broke was, i personally feel we need to talk about the shit that went down there, and not just candidly in The Boondocks.

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...who wears guayaberas, smokes cigars and has a shit accent. i wish he'd have a cuban cofffee in his other hand and talk about how great hialeah was sometimes just to make it 100%.


um, other than the talk of hialeah, you pretty much described every cubano i met in miami. :sarcasm: and i'm still soe we never ventured out to find dex's apartment complex.

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Heh. Raising a venture of any sort from House of Custer during H-Con was a task indeed. Next time we'll definitely have to do a scouting trip for Dex landmarks. And if you ever make it out to NOLA and past the French Quarter I promise to help find any spot in Treme you deem worthy of a visit. I already spotted in the trailer a bookstore on the street I used to live on.

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  • 2 months later...

yeah, it's tough being from somewhere and watching a show supposedly set there. it's distracting. i was watching cougartown the other day (don't ask) which is supposedly set in tampa. they were on the beach and there were cliffs in the background. that's not even trying.


treme looks good and i heard they cast some locals as some of the characters which i think is cool. i finally netflixed the wire season 1 so i'm going to have to wait for this one.

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Anyone been watching this. I've got the 7 eps downloaded for myself and I'm kinda sitting on it for no real reason...


No, but I will be soon. How is this the first I've heard of this?

Usually "HBO" is enough to get me interested but when you throw in "Creators of The Wire" I am well and truely sold.

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treme looks good and i heard they cast some locals as some of the characters which i think is cool. i finally netflixed the wire season 1 so i'm going to have to wait for this one.


how's this going for you, so far?

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i think the first disc already came in but i've been at my parents a lot this weekend so I think that I'll be able to start watching tomorrow. i heard it takes a while to get into because of all the characters but i'm excited to finally watch it.

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As Hondo's sole resident Native New Orleanian, I've yet to see this series. Mostly b/c Mrs. H has made me promise not to start watching it w/out her. I've all 7 episodes that've aired thus far DL'd and waiting to be watched. Outside of this thread the web seems to be saying not so much about it, which leads me to believe it may be a "meh" show. However, HBO must have faith in it b/c it's already picked up for season two.


Also, now that Panch & FLIP are here they should really give it a look as well...curious to know what they think of it as NOLA transplants.

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  • 1 month later...

Boost for this series.


Ms. H and I are up to episode 7 and will hopefully finish up the series this weekend. Aside from Panchy his gal FLIP, ASC now has the series in his possession. So I'm curious to hear reactions. It's a slow start tot he series, but the second episode picks it up and the great music brings you back.

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what's it like, though? any elements of the show you can compare to others? I'm obviously not expecting the wire, just wanna get an idea. i keep hearing really mixed things.

Nick, you're like DoJ w/ Inception! You're killing me over here!


Anyway, treme is about exploring the culture of New Orleans through music and (mostly) musicians. It takes fictional characters and intertwines them through very real issues surrounding NOLA following Katrina. Need more than that then there's www.hbo.com Like I wrote earlier, give the first two or three episodes a go. If it doesn't hook you by three episodes then it's not your bag.

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I've all 7 episodes that've aired thus far DL'd

May as well log your IP and send it over the HBO. As a native, that's pretty bad going, man. Well, not sure if that makes piracy any worse, just thought you'd respect it a bit more.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I loved this show--just finished watching the final episode. It kicks ass, I can't wait for Season 2. Also, a great book just hit the shelves called Floodlines. I found that the themes in the show actually matched perfectly to this eyewitness account by a NOLA native. Check it out.

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  • 5 months later...

Season 2 kicks off on April 24th and looks to pick up not long after S1 ended. . .


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