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Right, seems we're all up to speed anyone know any secrets?


Big Fucking Spoilers. Catch up why don't you.

My theories for the second season.


1. Fuck knows what happened in the hatch. Who lives who dies, it's anybody's guess.


2. Jack, Sawyer and Kate are not going to stay captive. They're going to be heroically rescued in the opening of Season three by Sayid and Jin ( and I guess Sun will get to have a bitch fight with one of the female others) this will involve a lot of sniping from our man in Bagdad, the man known as Henry Gale getting his brains blown out and if my dreams come true the yacht crashing through the pier. Body Count, Body Count!


3. This will not be the end of the Others though from the fake hatch in the side of the cliff it's clear that they don't actually live on the island. The orientation video in the pearl mentions taking the Pala Ferry back to the "Barracks" at the end of each shift. The words "Pala Ferry" are painted on the end of the pier. "Henry" told Michael that if he followed the compass bearing he would be rescued. I don't think he was lying, rescued by who though? I'm guessing the Barracks is either a ship, an off shore facility, or possibly just another Island. But either way the world is getting bigger.

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whats the point in giving us six episodes in october? then the rest in january? As if they can afford to loose any more viewers!


Jont- Didn't the scottish fella go out on his boat for two weeks and didn't find anything?

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Jont- Didn't the scottish fella go out on his boat for two weeks and didn't find anything?


Yeah, but there must be some way out, Michael and Walt left in the skipper from a designated point following a prescribed course, he'll make it out but not far. We know there's some contact with the Island from outside, there was a food drop, where did the plane come from, near or far? Does the Barracks have an air strip, is it an aircraft carrier?


It's possible the Hanso Foundation/ the Darmha Initiative/ the Widmores are aware of the island's inhabitants and the Barracks is the connection between the Island and the outside world. Penelope Widmore, Desmond's missus, is aware of the Island's existence from her families involvement though she almost certainly doesn't have influence, those Arctic researchers at the end are her own, not the Initiative's. Her father obviously used his influence to send Desmond in it's direction. The island is designed to draw people to it's shores and keep them there.


Any one else see this?


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I think that one of the hatches is underwater, that's how Ethan got onto the beach and killed one of the losties.


Everyone in the hatch is definately alive, they can hardly kill off three of the best charachters in it.

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  • 2 months later...



So season 3 starts in Ireland next Tuesday 31st! oooohhhh Halloween.


Whats unclear with RTE is are they starting with the last episode from Season 2 or are they starting with the first of season 3.


Any of you guys stateside watching the new season of this?


I also believe Sky has now got the rights for this in the UK? So it'll be on Sky one soon.

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roll on next tuesday


Catch up will you! Cant you download it?


Series three starts off adding whole new elements. Just like the second series became all about the hatch this one will hopefully be all about confrontation between the two camps on the island. Or has been revealed in the latest episode ......


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... You're all cunts. We only just reached the end of season 2, and while we cop Jericho & the O.C in true-to-stateside time, we gotta wait 'til February for the new season. I was just thinking this morning I could finally post in this goddamned thread without having it spoiled!! :)


I've pitched the power of the mighty download to Alana but she wants to wait & watch it unfold. Methinks I might have to make some room in my super-secret Hermaphrodite-asian-lovefest folder for some hidden eps of Lost.

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