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So, my new roommate has brought technology into our home. This means DVR cable, surround sound stereo, cable internet, and season one of Lost on DVD. So now I have a new obsession. I love shit like this though, the weird, mysterious and occult have always been fascinating to me. Used to dig the X-Files a bunch, and Buffy, so not too surprised that I like Lost.

I love the setup of the show too. In every episode a different member of the ensemble cast has a handleful of "flashbacks" that add pieces to the puzzle. It's pretty damned cool.

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Shush! Shush you! Jess and I just got Season 1 a couple weeks ago. We figured we needed a new tv series to watch obsessively in between Firefly and the fourth season of 24. We're only into the third disk so if you guys are gonna keep talking, I'm staying the hell outta this thread.

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Check back there every Thursday morning and they should have a new one up.



#### Quasi-Spoiler ####


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Hope they worked out for you okay. I got a really dodgy copy of episode three so to save you the same hassle here's a link to a copy that worked for me. Avoid ones with UMD in the file name, TCM seems best.




And as for the spoilerific spoilers for episode three..


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  • 9 months later...
we're nearing the end of season two now, the finale is on monday. didn't think it was as good as season one. I found some of it a bit boring


So Ireland's actually ahead of the UK on Lost? This along side Carnivale appearing on Telifis na Gaelge, all I can say is coop!


I agree that some of Series Two dragged, and if you add commercials to that (which you probably have, and I don't :bored: ) it would drag a lot more. I feel a lot of it was because they eliminated/ ignored a lot of the plot points. Why don't they hunt, is no one in the caves, is there a memo around camp saying "Don't Mention the Smoke!" and why are around thirty five of the survivors so completely unnoteworthy that they don't have speaking roles?

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Hmm, somehow missed this thread. Yeah Season 2 was kind of boring in comparison to the first. Though the producer said that he hopes not to prolongue the series he hopes for 5 seaons and a movie, whether he meant five MORE seasons or just five seasons all together I dont know.


We need more Eko in season 3 dammit!

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They lost a bit of steam it's true, but I mean that's bound to happen I dont care how good of writers you have. Most of the steam they've lost is in the flashbacks. It's gotten to the point where the only characters I wanna see flashbacks from are Eko, Locke, Charlie, and Desmond. The Bernard and Rose flashback was particularly snore inducing. But what are you gonna do?


But they've kept the main storyline pretty good, I still havent missed an episode and will probably get season 2 on DVD just like season 1.

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