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Castlevania: Harmony of Despair


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You remember that new Castlevania trademark you heard about and thought was for Nintendo DS? Well, it's not called Harmony of Despair for nothing.


Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (aka Castlevania HD) is an Xbox Live Arcade mashup featuring all of your favorite past Castlevania protagonists, made to work together in full Metroidvania fashion. We have obtained the first screenshots from this amazingly different kind of Castlevania game, as well as some vague information regarding gameplay. Hit the jump for the full story.


From what little we've seen of Castlevania HD, it's difficult to describe exactly what kind of Castlevania game this is most akin to. As you can tell from the screenshots, it's a 2D game using sprites instead of 3D polygons and looks very similar to the post-Symphony of the Night style Metroidvania GBA\DS games. You load into a game and can play with up to 6 friends on a single map, all at the same time. You're given a boss target that you must reach and destroy, helping your friends along the way to the same goal. Known playable characters at this point are Soma Cruz, Alucard, Jonathan Morris, Shanoa and Charlotte Aulin. We've only seen Soma, but we imagine each character will have it's own special abilities (think classes, like Team Fortress 2).


It drops you in with a wide camera angle where you're able to see most of the target area. It's not huge, so there wasn't much of an exploration factor. Clicking the right stick will change the viewing angle to the entire map (where you will see a teeny little Soma in the bottom left), or to the standard, close angle that we're all used to.


Unfortunately, we weren't able to see more than a couple minutes of play, but what we did see got us incredibly excited.



6 people being able to get together and play a giant game of party-Castlevania? I knew Konami was a smart company, but it's like they hooked up a machine to me at night while I'm sleeping...so they can record my dreams.


*edit: ok, so uh, screenshots showed up pretty soon after this, and...well, i hope the rest of you guys dig retro. could be a fun XBLA title, but i think ill recant the "HD" bit.


2mn21s1_th.jpg mrscy1_th.png acpe1h_th.png a2d53r_th.png 2rfprh1_th.png 2vmgen7_th.jpg

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I'm geeking out hard right now!


*walks away fro pc*




*walks back to pc*


I love you Konami, god damn this awesome.

No Belmont characters though hopefully they will change that.

come on Richter Belmont dont let me down.

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what a weird thread. i thought you guys'd be clowning on the GBA/DS graphics, instead gun missed the map screenshot: pretty sure were looking at a Metroidvania with some form of co-op for bosses & such, from the original post. no, ive no idea how that works, much less exploration but im assuming there's a single player as well? guess we'll know more by E3 soon.

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what a weird thread. i thought you guys'd be clowning on the GBA/DS graphics, instead gun missed the map screenshot: pretty sure were looking at a Metroidvania with some form of co-op for bosses & such, from the original post. no, ive no idea how that works, much less exploration but im assuming there's a single player as well? guess we'll know more by E3 soon.

sorry I forgot to mention the shitty graphics, god damn what is this 1994 fuck you Konami get with the times.



I miss nothing, I just choose to ignore stuff as I please.


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As local Castlevania nerd with a castlevania tattoo and resident Alucard cosplayer I hereby invite any and all Hondos members to play this with me when it comes out. That being said, dibs on Alucard.


Maybe we could do drunk Hondos XBL Castlevania night?

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I'm willing to take the Pepsi challenge on this one. Honestly the CV series is my most beloved series of all time. I've played damn near all of them and beaten almost all of them. I don't know what it is about this series but I keep coming back to it. I'll even defend the Wii game for what it was. (64 games don't count as they were recently written out of the continuity.)




Post edited for nerd content.





I'd change my name to Belmont if I could, James Belmont is much more intimidating than James Smith.

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ok, im down. ill be a belmont if alucard's taken.


Juste Belmont is available, also Johnathan Morris from the DS title. The Morris' are like the bitch cousins of the Belmonts who fight Dracula whenever a non scheduled rebirth happens. Oh and they have to give up their life to wield the Vampire Killer, AND a member of the Lecard family has to unlock it. Man, sucks to be them.


Awesome, drunk Hondos Castlevania night. At least if it sucks we have each other.

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Dibs on Soma. Im hopeing for A Beam Skeleton soul. He better get souls.


Im up for the Pespsi Challenge ULTIMATE Castlevania Trivia contest.


anyway fuck Juste, Maxim was better character in that game.


Julius, Sonia or Richter would of been Belmonts to play as.

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  • 1 month later...

we've got a date now:


Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, August 4: A Symphony of the Night-style Castlevania game designed for six-player co-op.


i let my gold expire, but i gotta admit, first time i catch 2 or more hondonians playing this, ill get a 1-month pass just to play.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i let my gold expire, but i gotta admit, first time i catch 2 or more hondonians playing this, ill get a 1-month pass just to play.


There you go. Me and Bindusara. That's two nick. Make with the gold renewal, and lets get this vampire slaying troupe going.


Bindusara, I'll add you when I get home today.

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Awesome, get on that. I cleared the first 3 stages with some people last night but it's one of those games that rewards you going back and grinding more. While there are no XP levels there is the need to get more $$$ so you can beef up your character via new armor and weapons, plus the level are just a lot of fun to go back over again. Treasure chests are 1 item per person no matter who opens it, you don't even need to be nearby to receive the item which encourages separate exploration for the sake of group profit.


...and I got an achievement for bouncing on a monsters head 30 times. That was a lot of fun.

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Still haven't passed the 1st chapter, but didn't have much time to sink into it.


I played as Soma and I'm shocked, SHOCKED they kept the Tactical Soul system completely intact. You even beef up the abilities the more souls you collect, like in Dawn of Sorrow. The two sorrow games were my favorites since SoTN, and I actually got 100% of the souls in both of them. I really expected the differences in the characters to be superficial at best, but this is awesome!!


Not sure yet if they kept the mechanics for the other charaters, but so far, bravo Konami.

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Not sure yet if they kept the mechanics for the other charaters, but so far, bravo Konami.


I've been playing Alucard and he has a full equipment system and his random pickups seem to be his spells. So far I have Summon Spirit and Hellfire. I also have basic mist form.

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