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another one i was recommended numerous times while overseas, and im glad i checked it out - this feels like what Hyde was trying to be. I'll admit i've not read much of the original Doyle books (though i did crack all the cases on Sega-CD!), but i'm told this walks the line of a modern setting while keeping in vein with much of the characters and actual cases/storylines sometimes.


Holmes is no doubt quirky to a fault, but the dynamic with Watson is great - my only complaint would be the obvious way the PD exists to support him as a character, rather than do its job most times, but i wanna say the same was true of Scotland Yard in the original stuff. the casting seems great as well, and in typical BBC fashion, each of the 2 seasons has a mere 3 episodes - though they're 90 minutes, feeling more like movies so far - at least the first ep did, really looking forward to the next. It's a clever show, as you'd imagine.


Anyone else caught it?



it's also nice seeing him use actual deductive logic, whereas i'd always seen him use inductive and claim it the other, minorly threw me off after studying the subject


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They're not really episodes, more like mini-films. Scandal in Belgravia was just fucking fantastic. ...Baskerville's was a bit of a let down after seeing that, but it's a tough act to follow. Still a quality bit of broadcasting. I've seen the first five and need to get around to watching the sixth (and final) one.

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season 1 finale was a mean little cliffhanger, shit hits the ground running in season 2.



i was loving the first ep, right up till the finale when he magically bails her out of a decapitation..how the hell*


*besides "he's fucking sherlock holmes" i guess


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