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New stuff every 6 months (hopefully)


“I think ideally there will be a rhythm of about every six months you’ll get a new season or a new series from the Defenders group. And then they’ll crossover into a combined [Defenders] season once we’ve launched the first season of each of the four characters. Some will selectively have multiple seasons as they come out of the gate. So they’ll probably be two launches a year.”
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Loads of new Netflix news, I'm just going to post it all here.


Steven DeKnight Dishes On Marvel's Version Of THE PUNISHER; Don't Expect R-Rated Violence




Former Daredevil showrunner Steven DeKnight talks here about what we should expect from The Punisher in season two of the Netflix series, teasing Marvel's take on the popular vigilante and how the level of violence depicted will differ to his various big screen appearances...


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By Josh Wilding - 7/28/2015




Steven DeKnight won't serve as showrunner for the second season of Daredevil due to some other directing commitments, but he still had plenty of details to share earlier today about what we should expect when the series returns to the online streaming service next year. No doubt one of the show's biggest additions is Jon Bernthal as The Punisher, and DeKnight promises that we'll be seeing the definitive Marvel version of the vigilante. "The thing about The Punisher, and I think there are great things about each of those versions, but none of them was completely the Marvel version," he said, before diplomatically comparing this take to the three we've seen over the years on the big screen. "And none of those movies were under the Marvel Studios banner until they recently got The Punisher back. So this is really the first time that we’re seeing the Marvel Studios from the Iron Man days, when they can control their own product, actually do this character."


As expected, The Punisher's actions won't be depicted too graphically, so don't expect buckets of blood and exploding skulls like in Punisher: War Zone. "Doubtful, that was pretty violent,"DeKnight said when asked to compare the violence in Daredevil to that movie. "The first season of Daredevil was violent but I always say it was more implied. It wasn’t nearly as violent as The Walking Dead, a show that I love. On that, if somebody were to crush somebody’s head in a car door, you would’ve seen the head crush on screen but we didn’t want to go quite that far. We wanted to keep it right around PG-16 and not go all the way to the R. I have no idea if they’re planning to push it that far next season but I would be surprised."


JESSICA JONES Showrunner Teases Dark Tone, Differences To DAREDEVIL, And More




Jessica Jones showrunner Melissa Rosenberg has revealed tons of new details about her approach to this obscure character in the upcoming Netflix series, and talks here about everything from the tone to costumes and how it differs to Daredevil. Hit the jump for details!


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By Josh Wilding - 7/28/2015




Jessica Jones (formerly known as A.K.A. Jessica Jones) is something of a mystery, especially as we have no real idea whether expect superpowers or how it will differ to Daredevil. Thanks to showrunner Melissa Rosenberg though, we now have a much better idea about the direction of the Netflix series and how it will compare to the online streaming service's last Marvel hit.. "Jessica Jones is a very different show from Daredevil. We exist in a cinematic universe, the mythology of the universe is connected, but it will look very different. Tonally they’re very different. If you pick up Bendis’ Alias and pick up Daredevil, they’re wildly different. That was my one concern. Would I have to fit in with Daredevil? The answer was, ‘No, we’re hiring you for your point of view.’"


Talking of the Man Without Fear, Rosenberg went on to emphasise the fact that Jessica Jones will differ to that series for another big reason; the character doesn't have an alter-ego she can change in to when it comes to time to fight crime. "The one thing [where] Steven [DeKnight] has the advantage, his show was called Daredevil but Daredevil has an outfit. Charlie Cox can get a break once in a while. My show is called Jessica Jones. There is no mask. Krysten Ritter is the hardest working actress." That sounds like the right approach with this particular character, and the showrunner definitely appears to be looking in the best place for inspiration. "It all starts with Brian Michael Bendis’s Alias series. He created this incredibly flawed, damaged interesting character. Regardless of gender, it was the character that drew me. He wasn’t afraid to go there and we went even further. We’ve gone further in all of our storytelling. [is] the audience going to respond to this or not? I don’t know, but if I’m afraid of it I’m doing the right thing."


She finished by talking about the advantages of using slightly more obscure characters while working under the ever watchful eyes of Marvel Studios. "Where you run into limitations is if you’re using one of their characters and you need to be cognizant of the mythology of the character. We’re using some pretty obscure characters so we’re taking them all over the place."


Netflix Boss Talks IRON FIST Casting And Possibility Of A Spinoff Starring THE PUNISHER




Netflix COO Ted Sarandos talks here about the new approach to setting up The Defenders since Daredevil got a second season, offers an update on Iron Fist, and teases the possibility of a Punisher series and these characters heading to the big screen...


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By Josh Wilding - 7/28/2015




Talking at the Television Critics Association press tour earlier today (via IGN), Netflix COO Ted Sarandos revealed more details about what the popular online streaming service has in store for their Marvel properties after the success of Daredevil. Asked about the fact that the Man Without Fear is getting a second season before The Defenders launches (you may remember that the original plan was for each character to have a single season before the heroes all met and teamed up), he said: "I think ideally there will be a rhythm of about every six months you’ll get a new season or a new series from the Defenders group. And then they’ll crossover into a combined [Defenders] season once we’ve launched the first season of each of the four characters."


In other words, it all really depends on how well-received they all are. After all, based on the reviews and ratings for Daredevil, there was no way they wouldn't get a second season out there as soon as possible. "Some will selectively have multiple seasons as they come out of the gate. So they’ll probably be two launches a year," he added. Out of the four, only Iron Fist has not been cast at this point; the show doesn't even have a showrunner. So, when are we going to hear something solid? "Hopefully soon," Sarados said. "It’s always a little extra complex with Marvel in announcing things." With The Punisher coming to Daredevil season two, there's no doubt potential for him to join the rest of The Defenders, while it sounds like Netflix are also open to bringing these characters to the big screen. "It is possible for sure. That’s the beauty of the Marvel universe," he said of a possible Punisher spinoff. "Any of them could spin out into films too."


Is Marvel Developing A THUNDERBOLTS TV Series For Netflix?




We'll remain cautious, but that's the latest rumor from The Hashtag Show anyway. It would make sense though, given the enormously positive response to the first glimpse of Warner Bros.' supervillian team-up flick, Suicide Squad. Click on for more...


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By Mark Cassidy - 7/28/2015




Salt at the ready! The Hashtag Show (via MCU Exchange) reckon Marvel is developing a TV show based on The Thunderbolts - a team made up mainly of villainous characters, similar to DC's Suicide Squad. It's just been announced that Marvel has ongoing plans for its Netflix output, and that we can expect a new show "every six months". Those initial plans obviously revolve around multiple seasons for the 5 shows we know about (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders), but surely they'll be throwing something new into the mix at some point?

It's worth noting that there are many potential team members that have already been introduced in various movies and TV shows (such as Mr. Hyde, Crossbones, Absorbing Man, Grant Ward), and more we know are set to debut (like Baron Zemo, The Punisher, Elektra, members of The Inhumans). So yes, it's entirety plausible that Marvel and Netflix are considering The Thunderbolts for a potential new series, but we have to look at the source here.


The Hashtag Show posted some early Avengers: Age Of Ultron rumors that turned out to be on point, but their last claim that Matthew McConaughey was in the running to play Norman Osborn in the Spider-Man reboot was never confirmed. It may be the case, but until we know one way or the other, don't put too much stock in this just yet.

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Rosario Dawson's DAREDEVIL Character Will Appear On JESSICA JONES




Melissa Rosenberg has been revealing quite a few tidbits about the Marvel TV series recently, and her latest is the most interesting yet. It seems Rosario Dawson's Claire Temple will definitely be "dropping in", and we might also be seeing Jones in her superhero costumes...


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By Mark Cassidy - 7/30/2015




In Brian Michael Bendis' Alias comic, Jessica Jones has a couple of failed superhero identities under her belt (Jewel and Knightress) before she ditches the capes and decides to become a Private Eye, and it sounds like we might be getting a glimpse of Krysten Ritter suited up as one or both of those alter-egos, possibly in flashback. During her interview with ET Online, Melissa Rosenberg didn't come right out and confirm anything, but she did say that they're definitely going to "hit on it."


One thing she did confirm, however, was that Jessica Jones/Daredevil crossover we've been hearing about; as according to the showrunner, Rosario Dawson's Claire Temple will be a part of the show. "I think I'm allowed to say: Rosario Dawson will be dropping in," she revealed."Smaller characters that populated that world will be popping in."


Exciting prospect indeed. Will Temple be introduced as Luke Cage's girlfriend as she has been in the comics, or in some other capacity? let us know what you think in the usual place.

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Mahershala Ali Joins the Cast of the Netflix Original Series 'Marvel's Luke Cage'


“Marvel’s Luke Cage” has found its Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes with the casting of Mahershala Ali (“House of Cards,” “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay –Parts 1 & 2”). The series will premiere in 2016 everywhere that Netflix is available.


Stokes, a Harlem nightclub owner, will become an unexpected foe in Luke’s life when Stokes’ criminal activities threaten Luke’s world.






Luke Cage has rounded out its core cast. I’ve learned that Simone Missick has landed the younger female lead opposite Mike Colter, Alfre Woodard and Theo Rossi in the third series from Marvel’s four-series package for Netflix. She will play what is listed on the breakdown as “Missy”, a woman with a strong sense of justice. I hear the actual character is Marvel’s Misty Knight, a former NYPD officer who gets a new bionic arm by Tony Stark after losing her in the line of duty. She eventually launches a detective agency, helping Cage (Colter).


she's clearly here for Iron Fist as well, i imagine - Colleen better be next!

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(Rumour) Marvel And Netflix Developing THE PUNISHER Starring Jon Bernthal



We'll first meet Frank Castle in Daredevil season two, but it's now been revealed that Netflix and Marvel are developing a spinoff revolving around The Punisher which will see Jon Bernthal's vigilante take centre stage on the online streaming service. Read on for details...


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By Josh Wilding - 1/16/2016



Marvel and Netflix are clearly happy with Jon Bernthal's take on The Punisher in season two of Daredevil as TV Line reports that the online streaming service is looking to give a spinoff starring Jon Bernthal the green light. This hasn't been confirmed as of yet, but this comes from an extremely reliable source (it's a sister site to Deadline), so don't be surprised to hear something official soon. The Punisher will join Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and The Defenders, and it's hard not to wonder if Elektra might soon join them! For now though, this is fantastic news and a clear sign that Marvel are taking their reboot of the character very seriously as they look to redeem Frank Castle following a string of failed big screen adaptations. Its been said that The Punisher's origin story will play out in Daredevil season two, so it's obvious that there will be plenty of stories to tell with him once that wraps up! Tell us, are you guys looking forward to this solo spinoff?


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