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Secret Wars


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good post - honestly, OML is one of the better event books that i read. civil war & a few others were totally forgettable...x-men '92 might be worth it if you've missed that lineup like i have, it's also an ongoing book currently.

Doh! X-Men '92 was one of the few I didn't DL! I'll have to track those issues down. Damn shame Civil War was forgettable. Leinil Yu did the art on that one and I had high hopes. There were just so many of those tie-in books and the whole revisiting past story lines and eras of Marvel and not just "universes" seemed like a good idea, but sounds like it mostly fell flat. What about the Ultimate stuff--did you read that, NZA? I started reading the Battle World title with Cap on the hunt for Bucky, but just kinda skimmed to the end after 2 issues. Meh.


AoA, Angela, and 1602 are ones I was looking fwd to in addition to Civil War. Maybe I'll put those on the back burner, again, to catch up on Thor and some other stuff. Speaking of Thor...



yeah, coming off original sin (which i didn't really enjoy, but am still dying to know what fury said to thor that made him feel "unworthy") i ended up really digging this book, i can see what you're saying about the GoT feel. for me, your highlights with Reed/doom were spot-on, but i was also all about the final illuminati stuff, panther's clan disowning him for not pulling the trigger, strange showing just how much he'd sold of his soul to save everything, panther taking his vengeance on namor, and man, that scene when namor comes crawling to castle latveria to beg for doom's help after teaming up with thanos & co, his whole "doom is no man's second option." was great



Damn, that whole what Fury whispered to Thor thing hasn't been resolved/revealed in the comics yet? And you lost me on the Illuminati stuff...


Was that stuff about Namor crawling to Doom for help and BP/Wakanda stuff taking place in New Avengers? Like I wrote, I drifted off that one after issue 20. How far up did they go? I'm guessing it leads directly into Secret Wars, right?


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yeah, i think it was Hickman on New Avengers, so a lotta big stuff went down in that book as well, some absolute thightlights i thought!


i didn't read any of the Ultimates stuff, as i'd basically given up on that universe by then - i do know the new Ultimates book is fantastic, though. and agreed that Yu should be doing more books.

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Guide to Secret Wars Books by the Sorry Bastard That Actually Read Them All:


-Civil War - One of the better ones, not top tier but it managed to float a few decent ideas (the Doctor Octopus of this universe was a highlight for me) even if it was about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face.


-Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars - Comes across as dumb and irreverent, filled with retcons for seemingly no reason but drops the mic at the end (helps if you read the original Secret Wars first) as well as inserts Wade Wilson into the past Marvel canon.


-E is For Extinction, X-Men '92, Years of the Future Past, House of M, Age of Apocalypse, Inferno, Xtinction Agenda - Meh. Meh. M-E-H. I didn't care for any of the X-Men books, I think I'm just getting bored of these characters in general. If you must read one then I recommend Inferno.


-Howard the Human - One-Shot, hilarious, read it.


-Korvac Saga - Meh.


-Marvel Zombies - Pretty good, a lotta fun. Deals with Else Bloodstone trapped on the wrong side of The Shield trying to navigate her way out of The Deadlands.


-M.O.D.O.K. Assassin - Way too drawn out, but funny.


-Secret Wars: Battleworld - Mixed quality.


-Secret Wars: Journal - Mixed quality.


-Siege - Great little story about the poor bastards who have to defend The Shield.


-Thors - Great, a murder mystery police procedural noir thing starring Ultimate Thor and Beta Ray Bill.


-Weirdworld - Purposely nonsensical, kinda rushed (a common theme) but enjoyable enough. Especially if you're aching for more Arkon and Skull the Slayer.


-1602: Witch Hunter Angela - It's an Angela book so you already know that the main character is going to be unlikable but it's a decent story.


-1872 - Pretty good, basically a launching point for Marvel's new Red Wolf series.


-A-Force - Better than bad not spectacular.


-Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows - Better than average story, mostly notable for putting Peter Parker and Mary Jane back together as they should be.


-Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders - Fun book, I enjoyed it a lot.


-Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps - Meh.


-Infinity Gauntlet - Pretty good.


-Inhumans: Attilan Rising - Meh.


-Old Man Logan - Just a vehicle for getting the title character into the 616.


-Planet Hulk - Decent but pointless.


-Red Skull - Surprisingly good.


-Runaways - Pretty great.


-Secret Wars 2099 - Good.


-Squadron Sinister - Nonsensical and dull.


-Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies - Readable.


-Future Imperfect - Stupid.


-Ghost Racers - The good kind of stupid. Read this one.


-Guardians of Knowhere - Meh.


-Master of Kung Fu - Has nothing to do with anything, but enjoyable.


-Spider-Island - Really enjoyable.


-Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde - Not bad.


-Ultimate End - Makes no sense, but good until the end.


-Where Monsters Dwell - It's a Garth Ennis MAX book minus the tits and swears, your mileage may vary. I didn't really dig it.


-Armor Wars - Nope.


-Giant Size Little Marvel: AvX - If you're a big Skottie Young fan then check it out, otherwise feel free to skip it knowing you're missing nothing.


-Hail Hyrda - Average.


-Mrs. Deadpool & The Howling Commandoes - Funny but doesn't amount to much.


-Spider-Verse - Pretty good, branches Spider-Verse to the new Web Warriors series.


-Secret Love - One shot, funny.


-Hank Johnson Agent of Hydra - One-shot. Very Funny.

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NZA, mean the post-Secret Wars Utimates run is good? I gave up on Ultimates after that second Loeb series. I liked the Miles Morales Spider-Man stuff and stuck with it for about 12 issues or so before trailing off. I don't know if I like this whole Miles being part of 616 now though.


+1 for giving a brother what he was looking for, baytors! Siege will be read next. The Shield really intrigued me.

And why Inferno as your top pick? That looked the least appealing to me outta the X books.

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^damn! saved me some time there, too. forgot i read Renew your Vows, Weirdwolrd & a few others...good call on the seed-planting, there's stuff from even just those books i read already cropping up in ANAD. didn't know about that 1872 one, might put that & the Thor one on the list.


also, speaking of Thor, per haku's post: nah, it's not tied up yet, but you gotta figure that when it does, it might mess up Jane currently holding the hammer (unless they beta ray bill it and odin makes another one again or something)

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NZA, mean the post-Secret Wars Utimates run is good? I gave up on Ultimates after that second Loeb series. I liked the Miles Morales Spider-Man stuff and stuck with it for about 12 issues or so before trailing off. I don't know if I like this whole Miles being part of 616 now though.


+1 for giving a brother what he was looking for, baytors! Siege will be read next. The Shield really intrigued me.

And why Inferno as your top pick? That looked the least appealing to me outta the X books.


The Michel Fiffe run on Ultimates (the one that happened before Secret Wars) was pretty good, you should check that out. Otherwise everything that's not Ultimate Spider-Man or the first year of Ultimate X-Men is fucking garbage. (Yes, EVER-Y-THING!)


Inferno is a good apocalyptic tale, it's demons vs. the last few remaining X-Men in that particular territory. It doesn't wallow in X-Men bullshit and I appreciate that about it, plus it's got some solid body horror and goes really dark. X-Men '92 and Xtinction were the big duds for me.

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