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New Alien Movie


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Neil Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium, Chappie) has basically made this his next project.



Fans of 20th Century Fox’s Alien franchise got some pretty exciting news last week when District 9 and Elysium helmer Neill Blomkamp confirmed that he’s going to direct a fifth Alien feature film with Sigourney Weaver planning to reprise her role as Ellen Ripley. Today, Sky Movies caught up with both talents and learned a few more details about their plans, which Weaver says will give Ripley “A proper ending”. Blomkamp hints, though, that the new film may ignore the continuity of both Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection.

“I want this film to feel like it is literally the genetic sibling of ‘Alien,'” says the director. “So it’s ‘Alien,’ ‘Aliens’ and then this movie.”


Sigourney Weaver seems on board too!



And here's that sweet concept art that was released before all this.





















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I wait with extreme skepticism--especially having not seen Chappie yet. Blomkamp and his purdy artwork has my curiosity--but not my attention.


It sounds much too similar to what I heard in 2005: skipping over the failed third and fourth films in a once great franchise and doing a direct sequel to the second successful film. Lots of cool pre-produciton art work. Adhering to the spirit of the earlier films. Anyone feel me?



It's exactly what Bryan Singer was trying to do with Superman Returns--and we all know what a mixed bag that mess turned out to be.


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Blomkomp is a much more interesting director than Bryan Singer is, and much less inclined to make a 2 and a half hour tribute to someone else's movie.


I don't really think there's a reason for this to "ignore" Alien 3 and Resurrection (though lord knows, I wouldn't mind if it did.) There are so many different explanations for why Hicks could still be hanging around, one of the games contrived a reason for the corpse found in Alien 3 to not be him and since Resurrection showed that human cloning is a thing then there's definitely a reason why he would be cloned (either because he has a personal relationship with Ripley and can be used to trap her or because he was infested like she was.) And as for adhering closer to the spirit of the first two, that's what the last two movies were, this looks more like what Prometheus should've been.


I vote that, in honor of the new Terminator movie, we call this "Alyyn"

Edited by Iambaytor
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Do I want a new Alien movie? Hell yes. Do I want it to have Ripley, or focus on Yutani? Not so much. I said this on this week show - ( http://thesurlynerd.com/podcast/order-in-the-shell/ ) that I feel that people who work on the Aliens series seem to zero in on those two elements because they think it will make for a successful movie. I've read a ton of Aliens novels that take place in other places with other people and they are fantastic. Why keep retreading the same shit over and over.

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I think the greedy corporation/lone hero dynamic is a bit more important than you're giving it credit for. In both movies we got the sense that the real villains were the corporate bean counter/weapons manufacturing types and the Aliens were just the space equivalent of wild tigers being true to their nature.



I know it's a cliche at this point in scifi to say, "humans were the true monsters in this" especially since Avatar smeared bright blue paint all over it, but it's still more than just cosmetics in Alien/s.


And corporate greed/boss figures as villains never gets old because people relate to the idea of getting fucked over by the boss over the bottom line. Just ask WWE who keep retreading the evil boss, or Nine to Five/Drew Carey Show etc.

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Also, there's a story arc building in this series and Alien 3 in no way closed that out. If I were in charge of this franchise I'd have Aliens invade Earth and Super Hybrid Clone Ripley using the Aliens Half-Life 2-style to take down the Weyland-Yutani corporation once and for all. The movie would start with a title card reading "Wynona Ryder the Android died on the way back to her home planet."


Also, while she's proven remarkably hearty, Sigourney Weaver has a shelf-life. Let her make one more before we Halloween: Resurrection this franchise.

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Also, there's a story arc building in this series and Alien 3 in no way closed that out. If I were in charge of this franchise I'd have Aliens invade Earth and Super Hybrid Clone Ripley using the Aliens Half-Life 2-style to take down the Weyland-Yutani corporation once and for all. The movie would start with a title card reading "Wynona Ryder the Android died on the way back to her home planet."


Also, while she's proven remarkably hearty, Sigourney Weaver has a shelf-life. Let her make one more before we Halloween: Resurrection this franchise.



Pretty sure you just described the plot of this trilogy that they slaughtered to make Resurrection: (3 in the back not the 2 in the front)



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James Cameron gives his thoughts on the current state of the Alien franchise



On a completely different topic: How do you feel about the upcoming Alien sequel, Alien: Covenant?


The franchise has kind of wandered all over the map. Ridley [scott] did the first film, and he inspired an entire generation of filmmakers and science-fiction fans with that one movie and there have been so many films that stylistically have derived from it, including my own Aliens, which was the legitimate sequel and, I think, the proper heir to his film. I sort of did it as a fanboy. I wanted to honor his film, but also say what I needed to say. After that, I don't take any responsibility.


I don't think it's worked out terribly well. I think we've moved on beyond it. It's like, okay, we've got it, we've got the whole Freudian biomechanoid meme. I've seen it in 100 horror films since. I think both of those films stand at a certain point in time, as a reference point. But is there any validity to doing another one now? I don't know. Maybe. Let's see, jury's out. Let's see what Ridley comes up with. Let me just add to that — and don't cut this part off, please — I will stand in line for any Ridley Scott movie, even a not-so-great one, because he is such an artist, he's such a filmmaker. I always learn from him. And what he does with going back to his own franchise would be fascinating.




“I thought [the decision to eliminate Newt, Hicks, and Bishop] was dumb,” says Cameron, who was at Comic-Con to celebrate Aliens’ 30th anniversary, and the corresponding new Blu-ray that’s out Sept. 13. “I thought it was a huge slap in the face to the fans. [Alien 3 director] David Fincher is a friend of mine, and he’s an amazing filmmaker, unquestionably. That was kind of his first big gig, and he was getting vectored around by the studio, and he dropped into the production late, and they had a horrible script, and they were re-writing it on the fly. It was just a mess. I think it was a big mistake. Certainly, had we been involved we would not have done that, because we felt we earned something with the audience for those characters.”


Cameron has, however, been privy to Neill Blomkamp’s script for a hypothetical Aliens sequel, which would ignore and replace the events of Alien 3, and he approves. Strongly. “I think it works gangbusters. He shared it with me, and I think it’s a very strong script and he could go make it tomorrow. I don’t know anything about the production, and I don’t know what Ridley [scott]’s doing. But hopefully there’ll be room for both of them. Like parallel universes.”


semi-related: Cameron gets Terminator rights back in 2019

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