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City Of God

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Wasn't sure if this film had been talked about but I'll give my 2 cents anyway.


A quick overview. Its about gang warfare and organised crime in Brazil. It tells the story of many characters and is based loosley on a true story of one kids attempt to escape.


I wasn't what I expected. Especially because the critical acclaim surrounding it made me think it would be a moral tale of how gun violence and drugs are rampant in the slums and how these people need help. It wasn't this at all and was actually a ganster film, much like Goodfellas. I thought it was a touching film, a funny film and a shocking film, often at the same time. The fact that the whole thing is acted by kids under 20 years of age makes the feat of the film even greater.


Its success in the UK has been almost completely due to word of mouth. I saw it in my local indie cinema but I reckon it'll be due for a wide release once Warner village, etc catch the scent of money in the making.... :D

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  • 1 month later...

Holy fucking shit this movie was AMAZING! I don't know where to start... SEE IT... NOW. This isn't just some random foreign movie, this was really really good, it's worth going way out of your way to see (i had to trek to the beach)


It built such a good sense of the time and place and people, and when a movie is about a city, that's pretty important. It pretty much chronicles the story of Rio de Janerio's slums through the stories of a bunch of hoodlums and a neutral main character. I don't want to say too much though... But great acting, especially from such young people as MLB pointed out, and this has some of the most kinetic, original, just awe inspiring camerawork and direction I've ever seen. It never gets too stylish though, it all serves the story flawlessly. This is just an unbeleivable fucked up story told with more freshness and style than any other ten movies put out this year put together.




PS... Not for the faint of heart, lots of violence.

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  • 1 month later...

There's this movie that came out recently, I'm not sure if it's hit theaters in America yet but I'm hearing good and bad things about it. It's supposed to be pretty interesting, about the life in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; and two kids livesgrowing up. One grows up to be a photographer and the other grows up to be a drug dealers. It's supposed to be in a slum of a neighborhood and is supposed to have a gangster-type feel to it. If anyone has heard anything or seen this movie please let me know. Thanks.

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*sigh*, I'm afraid the only place you'll catch City of God in Miami is at South Beach. I've seen it there twice. It's so worth the trip it aint even funny tho. And I'd hurry, because it might be out of theaters soon, it's been out for a while now.

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  • 2 years later...



wow, you know its old when Junker's linking to DD...


So, years after most everyone i know did, i finally caught this one tonight...while not one of the best ive ever seen as it proclaimed, it was a great movie, and like MLB, it wasnt what i expected; i guess i was thinking it was a social commentary of sorts, like the later parts of Motorcyle Diaries, but it was in fact a gangster movie, and a harsh one at that - as said before, most of the actors here are kids, and there's some violent scenes involving them that are on par with the disturbing parts of the movie Kids.


I liked how it flowed, because despite the large number of cast characters, the way it did the back-to-the-beginning thing setup all the players pretty well, allowing children with chips on their shoulders to become thugs, to become druglords.


Again, great story, and well told at that. Im glad i finally watched it.

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  • 4 months later...

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