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Nick saw spongebob for the first time a few nights ago so I figure it'd be a good time to make a thread about it.  For those of you who don't know, Spongebob is a a great cartoon on Nickelodeon about a Sponge who lives underwater and works making krab burgers.  He has a pet snail that meows, and a bunch of other odd random friends... The show is pretty hard to describe, it's odd, and random.  It's on Nickelodeon Mondays through Fridays at 5pm, and saturday and sunday mornings at 10am.  They put it on at other times too though, hell, usually when you turn on nickelodeon, theres a good chance itll be on.  Watch one 15 minute episode and I promise you'll be hooked, and you wont leave your couch for the next 45 minutes.


"War and peace... peace and war.... IN THE HALL!"


That's the funniest shit i think ive seen since Space Ghost: Coast to Coast.  Dumb humor, a al Ren & Stimpy, with random intelligence littered about - one of my favorite bits is when Spongebob says he wishes he knew what was goin on round him, so another fish runs up, hands him a newspaper and says "Arm yourself...with knowledge!".  Guess ya had to be there.

Anyway, by random intelligence i mean random slightly less dumb humor, the kind that made Simpsons huge & Family Guy ripped off of; i love that shit.  



"No, no, no! There's no music or merryment 'till 1015!!"


I've seen a few episodes of Spongebob and I think it's really stupid. I know that put me in the minority, but I can't figure out how anyone over 15 without substances in their system could find spongebob funny.



Spongebob says...

Perspective, n: 1) A view or vista.

2) A mental view or outlook: “It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present” (Fabian Linden).


Idiot Savant, n: An intellectually disabled person who exhibits extraordinary ability in a highly specialized area.


Rush, v: 1) To move or act swiftly; hurry.

2) To make a sudden or swift attack or charge.

3) A mediocre classic rock band.

4)To flow or surge rapidly, often with noise: Tons of water rushed over the falls.

5) In Football. To move the ball by running.


Spongebob Squarepants...on weekdays at 5!

Arm yourself...with knowledge!


You know IC, these jabs to take at Rush no longer make me upset. Really I just pity you. We someone can't appriciate somethign as wonderous as the music of Rush, that's all that's left to feel. It like a peasent in Saudi Arabia gloating of his hunger, poverty and lack of freedom. You just have to feel sorry for that person. So sad...



Spongebob says...


..that was the point.  The fact that you cant appreciate a cartoon such as this one, but can claim Family Guy to be "objectively better" - a contradiction in terms, its just your fucking opinion, is what i was gettin at here.  Family Guy's great, so are the Beatles, some folks dont like em, with or without reason.  No clans go to war over this, no one's better for it.  I clearly dont appreciate Rush, but i can see where theyre a decent band, it just aint me.  I leave it be most times, largely 'cause, it's just my fucking opinoin.  I dont say things like "youre obviously braindead if you dont like Kid Rock" or anythin like that, because it's subjective.  

It's just as easy, should you feel the need to reply to this post attemptin to hype a cartoon, to say "i didnt care for it, not for me etc" than


I can't figure out how anyone over 15 without substances in their system could find spongebob funny.


...which is commonly along the lines of your response.   I dont see what the big deal is bout Pink Floyd, but if it makes folks happy, the fuck do i care? If Floyd's your reaon for gettin up in the mornin, not goin postal, or even just a moment of peace in an otherwise unhappy life, the fuck am i to come in & say "Floyd sucks cock!", certainly without backin up the claim, but more importantly the need i felt to piss on Floyd. This here's a comedy of dumb humor, yes, which only me & Junker seemed to have noticed here, so Spongebob felt the need to point out the idea of perspective. Now that "pity" for narrowmindedness has been brought up, tho...


Irony, n: 1) The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.

2) An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning, i.e. "I claim to question authority & others ideals, yet accept my own to be base objective truth."

3) A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit.


Clearly my point was misinterpreted. I'm not saying spongebob is bad in the sense that I want to work hard and dedicate long hours everyday to seeing it's horrible dimise. It's just I've seen it a few times and I don't understand the massive appeal it has to adult viewers. I guess I should have said that instead of the 'anyone over 15 without substances in their system' version of it, but it really was just posting wondering about why this show is so massively popular, perticularly among adult instead of say...Invader Zim, which I think was canceled.


Invader Zim is funny as hell too.  Filled with the same stupid, random humor.  They need to put that on DVD, I dont have the patience to DL the episodes.  I'd say both cartoons are about tied for me.


::upon picking up a newspaper::


"The print is all smudged!  Obviously somebody doesnt know the physical limitations of living underwater... oh well, lets just throw it in the fire."


And people say american animation sucks...


I'd say it's because Spongebob appeals to a larger audience.  It's sort of more kid friendly.  My little sister would watch spongebob, but if she saw Zim on tv she would think it was too weird, I think.  That's just my best guess though.  It's really just a coin toss as to what makes it and what doesn't sometimes.  Maybe it had a bad time slot, maybe it didnt get promoted enough, maybe it was sheer chance that noone noticed it.  My prediction is that it'll be released on dvd, have a huge cult following (which it already does have) and once the DVD sells like hotcakes they'd put it on the air again.  Hell, GIR merchandise alone should prove to them that the series deserves a second chance.


See, that's what bothers me. I hate it when great shows get cancel and medicore (IMO) shows become huge hits. I hate how it's a rare thing when a good show becomes a hit (Headline reads "New hit show is actually GOOD! ...No, really!"). Batman Beyond also got cancel because the WB! said somethign along the lines of 'it was doing well, but it just wasn't fitting anywhere in our new lineup.' They wanted to introduce some new shows, so they cut one that was actually doign well! Come on! My entertainment hungry self can't survive of the Simpson's success alone!

  • 3 weeks later...

Yahven - just watched some Invader Zim.  Im no fan of the creator (Johnny the Homicidal Maniacis ok), but it was amusing.  Maybe if i was the age i was when i loved Ren & Stimpy id've gone for it more, but for now, Spongebob's still my favorite...ill get back to ya when I've seen s'more.  I can see your GIR's appeal, anyway.

Guest Yahve

Zim is pretty cool, I also believe the DVD will sell like mad.  I just noticed one thing right now, looking at spongebob.  in all honesty,  spongebob looks downright scary in a twilight-zone kind of way.  I don't really see how some could see him as cute, but I suppose they do or he wouldn't be doing as well as he is.  One of these days ill watch an entire episode of spongebob to give him a second chance....


dang. i just looked at him again.  I would warn kids that are afraid of clowns to steer clear of this guy.


I dont think he's supposed to look cute, to be honest...that goofy/scary look is played up quite a bit.  

Mr Crabs: "Uh, heh heh, see Officers? No foul play here..."

Spongebob, eyes glazed over: "The dark deed is done, my master."

...had to see it, i guess.   While Ren & Stimpy, Spongebob, etc may seem just dumb humor, after an epsiode or two of Zim, its the same shit, really - i think some of the appeal is from the fact the show got cancelled.  Whether youre a fan of "Space Meat" or snails that go "Meow?" is really up to you i guess, but hey Yahven, whatever floats your boat.  


ren-n-stimpy.gif         Ren&Stimpy.jpg


PS I know there's not too many Ren & Stimpy fans round here, but it should be noted, that show helped get the ball rollin for these ones, ne'ermind the same animator did Bjork's "I miss you" video.  

Mr Horse, what do you think of cartoon eletism?




"Hmmmm.......no sir, I don't like it."

Guest Yahve


I liked Zim from before it was cancelled.  I still remember how I was in shock at the fact that it was rated G. ( or pg im not sure now).


Maybe its a simple matter of animations styles.  Zim is fast paced, high framerate, cool effect, cell inspired animation.  Spongebob is more like Ren and stimpy, bright colour, low framerate, jerky animation.  It's like it trying really hard to get an ADD kid's attention.  


This isn't cartoon elitism, its favouritism  :sly:


...Im watchin more Zim now, in all its 5-color glory.  I dunno man, maybe youre a style over substance guy, so the animation quality alone sells you, like for many people i imagine.  Me...its a fuckin cartoon, looks arent very important; it needs to be funny.  This feels like readin Squee or any of this guy's comics: its supposed to be disturbing and funny, but im dont get any of that from it.  

Ill keep watchin, mainly for GIR tho.  Eh, to each their own & alla that, just wish we had more fans of Ren & Stimpy, Spongebob etc to bullshit with here...say, where's Saint Stimpy these days?

Oh, and i too am suprised, you sure its rated G?


Actually, it really wasn't Zim's fault it got cancelled. They kept moving the damn thing around. Everytime I tried to watch it, they had moved it to another time. Now I'm lucky to catch one, every now and then. I hafta download most of them. As for Spongebob, I think the squeaky boots episode has become one of my favorites (how many kids would actually get an Edgar Allen Poe reference in a cartoon, anyway?) and the one where Spongebob and Patrick think everyone else is an alien. By the way, did anyone else know that Mr. Crabs is voiced by Clandy Brown? I just found that out...


I also like spongebob more than Zimm,  I take back the statement about them being tied for me, I just said that cause I'd just seen it for the first time, now I'd say spongebob certainly wins it.  But zim can be really funny sometimes.  I don't really care much about it's style either, it's kinda cool, but not good enough to be my reason to watch the show.

maybe youre a style over substance guy, so the animation quality alone sells you.

Know what the ultimate example of style over substance is? Samuri Jack. Bought the DVD the other day. Man, talk about style! there are whole sections like ten minutes long without any dialogue. The story is just moved along by images, music and sound effects. It's crazy. And it'll go from intensly serious to rediculously ludicrous (can you say dogs from the future who speak in a 19th century British accent that hire Jack as protection on their acreological dig?). I recommend it to any fan of animation. If you live in Miami, just ask and you can borrow the DVD from me.


PS I know there's not too many Ren & Stimpy fans round here, but it should be noted, that show helped get the ball rollin for these ones, ne'ermind the same animator did Bjork's "I miss you" video.  

Mr Horse, what do you think of cartoon eletism?


I think there are plenty of R&S fans out there. I'm one of them. There' just all closet R&S fans.

  • 4 years later...

I'm not a spongebob squarepants fan, at all (Don't hate me!!!). Actually I made fun of the kids in high school that had the bookbags, t-shirts, shoe laces, even boxers... it was all funny to me.



I remember once at a gamestop or eb I was looking around at some games and I saw the spongebob ps2 game and I said mostly to my friends, Man spongebobs so stupid, I don't like this show. And the kid who worked there, and was wearing a Spongebob pin, said to me, "what are you evil?"


I was shocked. Me of all people called evil cuz I thought some show was retarded... Anyway, that's just my take on this show. :yup:

  • 10 years later...

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