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remember in total recall where quaid meets quato? remember him saying "Open your mind.... Open your mind?"


Try saying it with me:

"empty your mind"

"empty your mind"


Imagine you are sitting down to watch a bloody, entertaining action movie directed by the same guy who's got MGS: twin snakes and devil may cry under his belt. add the yakuza... now add 100 handguns with infinate ammo... add zombies. Now add a cool main character with a shadowy past. What you have is versus, a low budget all out, no holds barred, bloodfest. A horror/action video game made into a movie, with gallons of blood and huge action, all gone wrong. Just the way I like it.


just remember:

"empty your mind"



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The tale of the eternal struggle of good versus evil, where they met every 2000 years (I guess) an fight over a woman that is suppose to make them alpowerful . This movie has it all. Swordfights, gunfights, girls, magic, aliens, girls, piggy cops, wierd yakuza monsters, girls, zombies, and girls. Forget the artistic implimation of violence, this sukka tosses buckes of the stuff around.


If you like the types of movie like resident evil, 28 days later, and Help, my roomate is a blood-sucking vampire that wants to eat my gopher! (ok I made that up, trying sell it to hollywood) then you gotta check this out.


If you feel you can stomach it and it was pansy, try Ichi the killer: No. 1

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  • 1 month later...

This was, by far, one of the weirdest action films ive seen in a while...every time youre close to taking it seriously, it makes sure you dont. Fun for martial arts and zombie genre combined, as well as a healthy does of matrix stuff too...my favorite guy was the bad guy in the suit who looked like a japanese Benicio Del Toro; he took overacting to a cool new level.

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  • 1 year later...

So i finally got around to watching this movie...its pretty wierd, but entertaining none-the-less. But yeah, its like live-action anime...thats the best way to describe it. I had to fix the effing subtitles on this movie too...all the ones i downloaded didnt match...but hey, it was $Free.99. Off the subject, I also saw a really nice Korean movie called 3 iron (Bin Jib[Empty Houses] in Korea). I think this movie was just beautifully done...slow a first but it was just great....Highly recomended. Oh and the last shot just somes things up nicely. Watch it.

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  • 1 year later...
remember in total recall where quaid meets quato? remember him saying "Open your mind.... Open your mind?"


Try saying it with me:

"empty your mind"

"empty your mind"


Imagine you are sitting down to watch a bloody, entertaining action movie directed by the same guy who's got MGS: twin snakes and devil may cry under his belt. add the yakuza... now add 100 handguns with infinate ammo... add zombies. Now add a cool main character with a shadowy past. What you have is versus, a low budget all out, no holds barred, bloodfest. A horror/action video game made into a movie, with gallons of blood and huge action, all gone wrong. Just the way I like it.


just remember:

"empty your mind"





If you liked this film you should really check out "Aragami", and "Azumi". Azumi was nothing like the others, not so campy, but I liked it the most out of all his films.

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