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Hondo's Bar

Episode III

Silent Bob

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I saw this trailer somwhere where I didn't have to sign up. Can't remember where though, but I'll have a look.


I'm pretty psched about it. I'm sick of Star Wars geeks ruining it for the rest of us. Who cares if Greedo shot first, I couldn't give a flying monkeys. You go Lucas, make another solid action film I'm gonna see it and enjoy the hell out of it without expecting too much.


Rant over :D

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so..the first half felt like showing as much as you can without showing anything, really...


then, it got cool as shit! Really feels like this is the one people've been waiting for to tie the series together. Anakin looks a lot more Luke-like, and the familiar charcaters were a breath of fresh air too. I cant wait to see this one, its gotta be cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Man, im pretty damn hyped about this one, but still havent caught the Clone Wars animated stuff yet...i understand there's a season 1, and supposedly 5 long episdoes of season 2 that just finished up, and its stupposed to stop off right where Ep III picks up...anyone seen it yet?

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Man, im hyped bout this! We oughta talk meetup/tickets in the near future.


Just got Star Wars: Clone Wars (volumes 1 & 2) on disc, thanks to a guy at work...he says volume 1 is a bunch of 15 minute shorts, that adds to about an hour and a half total, and volume 2 supposedly leaves off right before episdoe III starts. Im lookin forward to watching them, but if anyone wants copies, i can try to get em out to you (hopefully) in time to watch before the movie premiers.

Im obviously hopin for a lot from this one.

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me too (tho i enjoyed ep II), but cmon this one looks like the one its all been happening for, this is the reason there was any interest in the prequels to begin with! You gotta at least be curious, no?


Ok, so Aarty did her thing, and Chief says its sold out through the weekend basically, tho mebbe sunday night (which i cant go anyway). Id be down for like a mid-week thing, either with a small group or more hondonians. I just dont want the damn thing spoiled till then..

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Is that the same theater we went to for Sin City, or is that a different one?


Yes it is...the majority of the people I'm going with (means everyone minus me) lives in the Kendall area...I pretty didn't have a choice when it came to theatres...

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