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this is still a good topic and an interesting fight my money on grumpy still or ommpaa 3 cause he's and odd ball

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o yes let's put up a bunch of real life people and see how many fights we get you fucking idiot this section was made primeraly for fictional fights and dream bouts not for bk versus mc debates are actually supose to happen here and fictional questions should be answered here in hope of improveing one's own writing on a side note pretender curseing is an especially bad habbit for little kids like you you should stop before it slips out in real life and someone beats the crap out of you reminding you that you are in fact a geek with no real fighting skill that has spent too much time trying to be like jessy custard to grow the fuck up.-


your friend artisy fartsy


ps: kos i was hoping to konw can you handle my snake let me know if it's just an in house preacher club thing or just any old cock will do.

debates are actually supose to happen here and fictional questions should be answered here in hope of improveing one's own writing

It obviously hasn't worked for you, you punctuation-less motherfucker


wow you speak without taught but still you know me not take a geuss on why i write the way i do i'll tell you yes or no but rather you won't guess you'd simply insult me over the net big man small dick.-


cause i said no...ugly hippie bastard...-


mmm...sexy firemen....


Speaking of your picture (in the Gods section), wouldn't William Wallace plus John Wayne equal Scottish Cowboy? Wait, I fogot, Irish is just another word for Scottish, right?


Fuck, i wasn't trying to be cute, I was trying to start a fight. If I know one thing in the whole world, it's that the irish hate beign confused for the scotish. Just like the austrians hate being confused for germans, kiwis for aussies, urugauians for argentines, koreans for japanese, pakistians for indians, and puerto ricans for cubans (though I don't know why anyone would be offended being confused as a superior people).


What kinda fool tries to represent the irish with an australian portraying a scotsman? You could have put Bono or Van Morrison. Maybe Liam Neeson. Or a shot of Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus from Boondock Saints. With all the freaking Irishmen out there, and there are plenty of them out there the way they multiply, you can't even find one for your silly little pictorial equation! Stupid Irish!


Eh, i actually dont mind bein confused for Scot, feels like the same thing to me. Lotsa folks were Scotch-Irish, like the Duke.

Liam Neeson's great, does amazing jobs in Michael Collins & Rob Roy, which is similar. Bono dont act as far as i know, and i think Van Morrison's dead, sadly. The Boondocks Saints, god bless em, are too young. Gibson did a great job, who are you to bitch at Mel?!

Oh, right youre bitchin at my equation. Well, im usin Mel as a symbol of Wallace, since we dont have many images of a guy who died in 1305 or so. Its the historical Wallace im goin for here.

Bear with me Jack's, violence isnt the answer! :D


Mel is great. Wallace was great. Neither Mel nor Wallace are/were Irish. If you're gonna have a pictorial equation that's supposed to equal IRISH COWBOY, you need a cowboy (John Wayne wasn't a cowboy, but he was an actor who often protrayed one, so that's OK) and somebody Irish! Cool and Mel and Wallace are/were, dem's not Irish!


And Van Morrison is still alive, unless he dies very recently, like within a few weeks.


Sorry folks, Jack's anal retention & lack of euro clan history wont alter what's there. Despite Wallace's scott background tracin back to Ireland, we both share a celtic background. I knew of Wallace before the movie 'cause of stories from my grandad, so Wallace is there to stay, as is Mel as his representative. Sure, Mel aint 6'+, 200lbs+ an such but he played & directed it to a tee, didnt take as many historical liberties as many would think. Besides, The Duke's Soctch-Irish too so we got it covered. And while were at it, John Wayne was, in fact, a cowboy. I appreciate the concern tho folks, ya'll writing a book bout me, or...?


...just like Cuban aint American, even with a hyphen. :D This aint up for debate, Wallace + The Duke is the equation, class is over, back to gettin picked on by arc for you.

'Sides, if your lack of knowledge of Irish history really gets to ya, just remember the Duke was Irish too, then shut your mouth.


Congrats Gyp-o, aint hit the gym much m'self these last few weeks on account of graduating & movin, did a bit of runnin and actually bumped down to 145 or so, argh. :(

Anyway, ya may be Wallace's size, but lets see ya handle that broadsword effectively - i once read the bitch was almost 30 lbs!

Fucksake, what was this thread about again?


IC why don't you use Michael Collins himself, he's the personification of Irish History (Modern anyway). While Neeson is a fine, catholic, Irish actor, i think he played a good Collins in a film which made to many assertions on De Valeras character, and setting up of Collins, but there are reasons for and against those theorys, however Michael Collins is the fucking man!!




Tha Big Fella!! :D Oh btw his anniversary was 22nd of August, 80 Years dead, Liam Neeson was over for a commemoration ceremony for him.


Michael Collins Memorial


Now back to the matter at hand!

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