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Hondo's Bar

It's not a joke, a lie, a Rickroll, or even a Frank Miller remake


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It's the triumphant return of the Grassy Knoll comics.


Yes folks through your incessant whining and my joy of showing Panch up, I have returned with a weekly comic detailing the ongoing struggles, tribulations, and other such nonsense of the Grassy Knoll. I may be posting more than weekly until I finish the current story arc but after that I'm going the Foxtrot route and only updating on Sundays.


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I'll be more then happy to trade most of you away for 1 skeeter.



you love me again yet?


Nobody loves you.


*Points to door* Now go away.
























I'm just kidding. We all love you. (cept skeeter I think)

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Yes, that would be because I'm poor. Getting a divorce and moving back in with your mother tends to do that to one's pocket book. However, for anyone that cares, I'll have a new site set up eventually.


Honestly though, I don't know if I'd trade 15 Skeets for one Mike. The Knoll's like the Borg, let's add your distinctiveness to our own. I'd love to see more Mike and more Skeet. And yes, the Knoll is kind of like Hondo's Jr...but like all kids, it's developed it's own personality after a while.

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Hondo's is like a nice bar full of friendly people you see all the time, The Knoll's just like a small town full of people you know. It's homey and nice, not as crowded or rushed. Just easygoing and peaceful. Now before I start waxing romantic like Mr. Tweak I'll cut this post short.

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