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Just downloaded the beta...man I can't wait for Monday. :sad:


Is it bad that I totally freaked out when I pressed O, assuming it was the confirmation button as it's always been for every single Kojima game I've ever played, and it was cancel instead?? I spent a good twenty seconds just fake screaming.


I thought I was prepared.


I was NOT.

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Is it bad that I totally freaked out when I pressed O, assuming it was the confirmation button as it's always been for every single Kojima game I've ever played, and it was cancel instead?? I spent a good twenty seconds just fake screaming.


I thought I was prepared.


I was NOT.



But you eventually downloaded and updated the beta right? If so, at least you're ready...for Monday.

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But you eventually downloaded and updated the beta right? If so, at least you're ready...for Monday.


I'm working on it right now. I started out with the torrent, but then realized it was moving slower because there was nobody on, so I switched to regular download.


After that, I need to work on getting my Konami ID, there were annoying errors when I tried to do it yesterday.


And then... THEN, I'm ready for Monday.

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Bad enough I can't keep my maiden name for it, the fact that the site wouldn't let me register on tuesday and has been down ever since is pissing me off. I'm used to these errors lasting for weeks, and that could carry right on through the beta.

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shit, its really a problem? i went to the site, setup the ID's, and spent like an hour or two getting the beta update, ready to roll. kotaku said the site was down, is it still being bitchy? shit. we're gonna need you for the clan, man.

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shit, its really a problem? i went to the site, setup the ID's, and spent like an hour or two getting the beta update, ready to roll. kotaku said the site was down, is it still being bitchy? shit. we're gonna need you for the clan, man.


*sigh* Yeah, it is still being bitchy. I've been getting at least to the front page this past hour, but I don't get anything when I click on the Register button.


Seriously, this isn't the best lesson they could take away from a beta test. :p

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I finally got my ID through by downloading Firefox's auto-form-fill program and rapidly clicking on "next." Got e-mail confirmation and everything, agreed to their terms, etcetera. Tried to login to the game, but I guess I need SERVERS to actually check it. Still, my konami ID logs into the Konami site, so that's all well and fabulous.

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Man, this konami ID shit blows!! Everytime I fill out the form, I get different, conflicting error messages.


"Konami ID and Game ID must be different"


"Konami ID cannot contain capital letters"


"Passwords must contain both numerical and alphabetic characters"


"Passwords must contain numbers only"



Twice now I have miraculously met thier apparently ever changing parameters and actually sent in the form, only to never recieve an email completing the process.

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in with the Kotaku clan, sorting shit out - its 3rd or 1st person which is cool, those looking for quake/unreal speeds will feel its sluggish. im digging it, campers aside *shakes fist* but customizing the skills to how you play takes a bit of work, and ive clearly a bit to learn there. a well-organized team just owns, which is cool.


Im doing ok with skills in speed, submachinegun/assault rifle use, and extended lock-on. Aware was good for traps but few use em yet (at that, not many on headsets in my games, hopefully that changes soon). Rooms are packed and ive yet to experience a bit of lag, so no complaints there either.


Everyone's problems resolved? Anyone else on yet? Shit's crazy-fun for a free game. Might just sell me on the retail one, at that.

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I got on like at noon or 1PM on Friday ( when there was no one on). At that point, I just did the training and was completely turned off by the sluggish movement. The CQC was damn near horrendous. And then there's auto-aim. ITS FUCKING AUTO-AIM...ON A SHOOTER!!! Right after, I logged off for a few hours. When I got on to play with people, the game's framerate began to drop...drastically. Granted its a beta, but i don't see this game running @ 60. And for a game as slow-paced as this, you need those extra frames. I can go on about this thing for a while but i don't see the point. If you guys like it, enjoy.

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heh, so says the unreal player.


i'm not sweating framerate on a beta, myself; and i didnt expect much from the CQC cause the engine for that doesnt lend itself well.

auto-aim is pretty much a mild lifesaver given the controls (which themselves are sluggish, granted) but i believe im noticing you get way more points for not using it; plus, ive been auto-aimed and either rolled or hid behind shit and its worked out.


the engine needs work, no doubt, but i dont think its that broken. the slow-moving characters i can deal with, but unless they speed up the cursor movement, im gonna need that auto-aim. gonna try playing with the options to see if i can do anything about that too.

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its an important distinction between an FPS gamer and those accustomed to the game keeping up with the jolt cola/crystal meth combo the gameplay requires.

this beta will feel like youve been tricked into a barbituate root beer with versed at the bottom.

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its an important distinction between an FPS gamer and those accustomed to the game keeping up with the jolt cola/crystal meth combo the gameplay requires.

this beta will feel like youve been tricked into a barbituate root beer with versed at the bottom.


True, but it's not the only kind of shooter I play. I guess I have that sort of association cuz I tout UT. But what got me about MGO is just how well... it doesn't work (never said it was broken..just said auto-aim is a big no-no in these types of games). See games like UT run fine on 30fps, cuz it's fast paced. But this game...not so much. Then again, I'm probably expecting too much out of this because of the name ( could you really blame me?) Oh and about broken Auto-Aim, try this: Run up to a dude, roll him over and get auto-aim on. Instant Kill. And don't get me wrong, it's not like I get killed by it. It's quite the other way. I think figured out how to kill with it 80% of the time. But again, I wasn't out to bash it, it's just not my cup of tea...and it also made me wanna go play CoD 4.

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I don't really find the Auto-aim a problem. At first I was livid, but once I realized you could turn it off and aim in first person (like a real man), I cooled off. Besides, a player who aims in first person will destroy someone using auto aim nine times out of ten. Hell, I've had guys using auto aim get the drop on me dirty, start shooting me in the back and I've been able to turn around and pull off a quick headshot with the M4, much to thier chagrin I'm sure.


It was a decision that could have easily broken the game, but the way they implemented it doesn't really change much in my opinion. If anything, it just makes the game more accessible for "less-skilled" players.


BTW, anyone earn any of the animal titles? I'm lvl 3, had the somewhat dubious honor of getting the rat title. Last night I earned Eagle which I'm much prouder of.

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the engine needs work, no doubt, but i dont think its that broken. the slow-moving characters i can deal with, but unless they speed up the cursor movement, im gonna need that auto-aim. gonna try playing with the options to see if i can do anything about that too.


You can increase the cursor speed in the game options.

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Fun game, not user-friendly in the least, but pretty cool. It took me some time to realize that the fucking blue weapons were tranqs (WTF do you need a tranq for in a team DM game?) but once i got a real sniper rifle and handgun it was on. I'll have to see how it goes. Still does it seem REALLY low-res to anyone else?


We need a Hondo's Clan BTW, I'll make one if it doesn't already exist.

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There's enough of us, you think? im currently in the Kotaku clan till we get one.

Oh, and Space Cowboy sold me on the Sneaking games, i gotta try that tonight. that's the kinda thing that might sell me on the final product; something different where 2 teams are fighting and chasing a camo'd snake.

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