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Much love to MC CHRIS!! I just found out tonight that he has a new album dropping tomorrow, and I still haven't gotten over the sweet sexiness of Dungeon Master of Ceremonies (Life's a Bitch and I'm Her Pimp holds a special place in my heart though!).


I'll post more here later on the great MC Chris, but I'm a bit lightheaded and fear passing out.





PS Check out some of the new tracks by going to his WEBSITE and clicking on music!

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Ok, so we downloaded it because we just cannot wait.

(BTW we are still purchasing this Wednesday! Support your artists, yo!!)


Love it so far. You can really tell the music itself has really grown, and wow.



PS the skits and songs are funnier than ever!! aha!

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then yes, i approve this thread and should prolly hear his new album.


oh, i saw what you did in the noms, sir. just like the madness you wrought upon the donations! we will have words, my lovable stalking friend.

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I happened to click on his facebook fan page right when that dude pledged the 5k. There was very excites. That guy is gonna get one HELL of a party.


See, THAT'S the kind of shit you spend wedding money on. "Oh, yeah. I guess your wedding was pretty cool brah. I mean, I had MC Chris playing at mine, but, y'know. Yours was still cool and all."

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