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Hondo's Bar

Songs that make you cry like a little bitch.

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i'm not "talking shit" to her you cretinstop being such an elitist and thinking that hondos is some superior secret group that outsiders can't become a member of unless they meet your approval. i speak to rachael quite frequently about various things
shes not being an elitist. to get respect you have to show respect, and that is something you do not do. you want to be accepted? all you have to do is not be rude for no reason. if you enjoy talking to Rachael, then treat her right. Ive kept my mouth shut when youve been rude to me, to ross, to others, but Rachael is so close to me, shes a part of me. give her the respect she desrves.


oh and the song that makes me cry is Everything is alright by Motion city soundtrack.

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I take offense. Not a single thing I've listed could be considered 'pop'. I rather loathe pop, thank you.


Autumn Leaves - Nat King Cole

have to keep up my bad boi rep


i've been downloading several tracks you guys have posted. i guess i wanted to see if i felt anything emotional about them.


do you literally cry?

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(( Funny you mention that Dr G - I originally wanted that as our wedding waltz :ninja: When I found out it was used in a celebrities wedding I changed my mind ))


ANd Meg wanted me to sing that shit at the wedding. Score one for the negress.

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