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Sometimes, when I'm feeling naughty, I put Peanut Butter on TORTILLAS! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!


You remind me of someone I know who may who do that.



That right. I'm breaking the <CENSORED> rules so deal with it.

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At the rate people are getting ban this will soon be as dead as the knoll.


Cheap shot ahoy


I like to make random statements that don't apply to anyone in particular!I love rules.


Is the person in question _____?
It was indeed.
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I find Creed offensive. Men shouldn't have long hair, Jesus was an exception because (as everyone knows), barbers were outlawed in the middle east.

DC Talk was great, but I think with the 3rd album they sort of started backsliding. I counted no less than 4 references to females and 2 split-infinitives.

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I saw DC Talk at a Billy Graham Revival at the AlamoDome a long time ago, now THAT was an awe-some concert!
Lucky skunk! Billy Graham healed my grandmother's non-hetero urges. That man is a saint.
Is this thread for real, or am I missing part of some big joke?
The only joke is that Hondo's has been drastically improved in your absence.Read the new rules before you do something to invoke the might of the BanHammer.Learn it. Love it.
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I've asked a question three times now, I'm still waiting for a legitimate answer. I <CENSORED>ume I won't get one, but I will continue to ask until I do. So, again, how long is this already tired joke going to be dragged out, do we really have to endure it the remainder of the day?

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I've asked a question three times now, I'm still waiting for a legitimate answer. I <CENSORED>ume I won't get one, but I will continue to ask until I do. So, again, how long is this already tired joke going to be dragged out, do we really have to endure it the remainder of the day?




Maybe if you show up more often you'll know whats going on.

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how did we get on this? i thought we were talking about DC Talk. i for one miss their mid-90s hip hop days.


Seconded. It made me feel kinship with urban youths, it was finally something we could both enjoy. They built a lot of bridges with that gorgeous music.

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I show up multiple times per day, I don't post often, but I DO show up. So please answer my question soon, or you won't have to worry about me showing up anymore.


Might I suggest just trying out the new Hondo's Experience? It'll be more fun if you just try to enjoy it for a while.

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I show up multiple times per day, I don't post often, but I DO show up. So please answer my question soon, or you won't have to worry about me showing up anymore.


OH! A threat!

No, please don't deny us the glory of your light!

and potential donations

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I show up multiple times per day, I don't post often, but I DO show up. So please answer my question soon, or you won't have to worry about me showing up anymore.

If you leave that means Megadeth isn't metal anymore! Don't leave us DKS I...um WE need your generous donations!

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Our marketing research shows that rebranding this thread as the edgy, yet family friendly 'NüBlargh Xtreme' will help us reach the critical 18-35 age advertising demographic. Changes will take effect immediately.


I smell a T-Shirt coming.



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