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Since there's a thread for prototype and nick said the demo is out next week(squee!!!!) I'm gonna start a thread on infamous, so far the game is looking really good and I've always been intriqued by the concept since the first kickass trailor was released a couple of years ago. Hopefully nick will see this and post up some vids since I'm at work :P

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ask and ye shall receive. seriously, demo/game this week, but neogaf's been going apeshit over the demo alone. ive only yet seen the IGN reivew (...) but it was high, though that's not surprising of an exclusive review, i know.

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I've been reading the reviews and watching some more video and I'm becoming more and more excited about this game, from the story, to the powers to the karma system..... This game looks better and better with each passing review.



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Demo's out, good luck as ive been trying to get it all freakin' day. but yeah, jump on that shit tomorrow, shouldnt drag its nuts so bad hopefully. cant wait to test it ou...er, installs it.


I started the download first thing, before even the store was updated... got it a couple hours later. It's at least robust, you can spend thirty minutes if you do nothing but what they tell you, and more if you decide to rebel. Definitely a good length. I enjoyed everything but the camera, which pissed me the fuck off. I don't like the way it controls, but when I set it to inverted - it also inverted the aiming mechanic, which made THAT the exact opposite of what I wanted. I know I sound impossible to please, but damn, why don't I get to set controls for camera and aiming separately?

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because you're impossible to please.


so, whats your final take, then? you gonna purchase it and not sleep till you have another @#$%ing platinum, or merely rent it and do the same, sir?


My finances insist I rent it until platinum, which looks like it'll take two playthroughs, which is annoying because it's a sandbox game and sandbox games take a while to beat... but all the same, it was fun, and it looks like it gives you some basic powers which you have to master to survive, which I like. Hope it finishes downloading for ya soon.

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demo for this was indeed excellent, and a great sale of the game.


Kotaku's review is up, and like most everyone else, they loved it :


Whether it's the best super-hero game ever made, though, depends on your desire to play as a super-hero who has never starred in movies or decades of comics. For those who don't require a famous cape or claws, this is strong stuff. Cole's adventure is bombastic and constantly exciting, ready at its end for a sequel. It is a game of satisfyingly powerful action, one of the best showcases for climbing and shooting yet set in an open world, even if it stumbles in provoking the player to feel the moral weight of the actions they perpetrate.


also, the bit about cole's powers getting downright scary by the end sounded awesome. Im guessing its the superhero angle, cause i coudlnt really get into Crackdown, but this was a blast, cant wait for gunsmithx to get this and forget about it be done with it, i call dibs on lending rights if newt somehow grab a copy.

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you do know nick that my apartment has 4 playthrough between me and george... yes I think this will be my b-day present to myself as at my age I should start wieghing the moral choices involved in killing gang members :P

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i beat it in 4 days.... or a little less than 10 hrs :D:2T:


You mean to say you reached the ending credits in ten hours. You didn't liberate a single section of the city completely, you didn't collect all the blast shards, and you haven't yet completed the game on hard. Heck, ya didn't even fully upgrade all your powers, man. You pushed through to the end credits and didn't do much else along ze way. Maybe that's what you're doin' now on your second playthrough, but we both know you ain't anywhere close to done with the thing. :p

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You mean to say you reached the ending credits in ten hours. You didn't liberate a single section of the city completely, you didn't collect all the blast shards, and you haven't yet completed the game on hard. Heck, ya didn't even fully upgrade all your powers, man. You pushed through to the end credits and didn't do much else along ze way. Maybe that's what you're doin' now on your second playthrough, but we both know you ain't anywhere close to done with the thing. :p


haha of course not. i only rented it so i tended to rush it so i do still need to do all of that. i also really wanna see what the heroic ending is. the infamous ending was very satisfying i must say. the story itself didnt peak till the last cutscene.

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haha of course not. i only rented it so i tended to rush it so i do still need to do all of that. i also really wanna see what the heroic ending is. the infamous ending was very satisfying i must say. the story itself didnt peak till the last cutscene.


Heh. I have the opposite take on rentals, I try to plat them ASAP. Which is gonna be easier for inFAMOUS than Prototype, by the looks of it. Still, I'm just sayin', there's a lot more stuff to do than what was just in those ten hours. :p

Add me back so I don't have to message you every time I need to stalk your progress.

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Only got like an hour or so in last night(stuipd waking up early) so far the story isn't really mind blowing but it seems to be ok so far and I like that even if you do evil actions he justifies them(not just I'm evil to be evil but more like the ends justify the means, at least so far) most of the powers are fine, I wish the combat flowed a bit better but I hear that clears up as you get more power, I Love how the rader works and how it can show you everything(makes finding those hiding items really easy) I also quite like how you get around the city and how they explain stuff like why he can't swim or use guns or drive cars(sucks to be a walking battery somtimes) so far thumbs up!

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