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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Thelogan

  1. It's amazing how universally reviled Fable 3 seems to be. I mean, all the parts are there. If it was a stand alone game called something else, it might have done okay. But I can't stand that game. And apparently neither can anyone else. I can't even tell you why exactly. On paper, it should have been good. I need to play Torchlight. I just haven't been in the mood.
  2. I haven't seen Prometheus...but I'll defend DKR. EDIT: OHHHH AXELS! I thought he was talking about The Dark Knight Returns! Movie forum movie forum! Disregard. Yeah, Dark Knight Rises was less than perfect.
  3. So a couple of weeks ago I snagged the next Invincible trade I was up to. After 2 very unproductive days at work and many cigarette breaks, I was all caught up. So I think Eve might get it, because no one likes a fatty. Oliver still has to live up to the villainous potential that I guessed when he first appeared (though I'm peeved that he's less purple now). He already the Allen death gut punch. He got better. Nolan...eh, maybe. Things aren't looking good for Rex Robot. He'll probably sacrifice himself to blah blah blah. So Rex is on top of my list, followed by Eve. It'll probably be Tether Tyrant or something.
  4. That goblin fellow sure has an impressive scrotum resting gently on his moobs.
  5. As far as I know, in canon, that shield is pretty much unbreakable through normal physical means. Cosmic powers and matter manipulation aside. I don't think Wolverine could break it, but he could probably fuck up the paint job.
  6. I saw that and immediately assumed it was about Ant-Man with a symbiote. It wasn't, so I left it in disgust.
  7. Yeah, but even if an arcade game is only 400 points, I still get credit for "completing" it. It goes on my list of games I've "plat"ed, gotten every achievement for. This whole trophy thing still just seems so rushed and clumsy. Like it's tacked on as an afterthought. There are no standards or consistency. They better put some fucking thought into this shit next gen. I still haven't unlocked everything. I went all the way up the predator tree to get the second Dino, then leveled the shit out of it to make it past the century mark. I don't have the Giant Moa, Mastadon or either of the (story related spoiler) So I aint done quite yet. Lookin better on the leader board now.
  8. Plat. Hey...wait...there's no platinum trophy?!? There are games that don't have platinum trophies? Oh FUCK you PS3. This trophy system is retarded. If they're going to do it like this, then every game should have a trophy for getting all the other trophies. Buncha fuckin horseshit.
  9. I view The Golden Age as sort of world building. Gaiman is letting things cool down and letting you know what's going on in the peripheral in the aftermath of such a profound change. And yeah, not being stupid enough to try to immediately follow the preceding story with anything too ambitious. At the beginning of his second (unfinished) arc, The Silver Age, I can see him getting back on track. Like "Okay, enough dilly dallying. Time to tell another story". Of course, he wasn't able to, but still. He had a 3rd book planned, The Dark Age, and it sounded like it could have been pretty interesting. Hey, does this disgust you more now?
  10. Surprisingly, Hulk Hogan is packing a large, girthy mule. So he wins.
  11. Pfft. Wolvie - 1, Cap - 0. Argument over. Little Jimmy knows Cap's fighting style very well, and he doesn't have as many moral qualms. Cap is clever, so he might figure out a way to temporarily restrain him, but that's probably about the best he could hope for.
  12. I think Miracleman #15 may be, pound for pound, one of the best single issue superhero comics ever. It has an epic moment roughly every other page if "they'd say I was going soft, wouldn't they?" was in this issue, it might have had an awesome overload and exploded. Lesser writers would have taken any one of those and wrapped an issue around it. Stretched this thing out for half a year. Moore just blows his load all at once and doesn't apologize when you can't catch a breath through the semen. And you nailed it with how many people have tried to do that since. It will kind of ruin things for you now. There's so much where I'll feel "Oh, this is kind of like Miracleman, only sillier". That shit ain't easy, Moore just makes it look easy. I try hard not to make that comparison anymore, because it just isn't fair. I think it's why it took me so long to try out Irredeemable. Which was a perfectly fine book and really not very similar at all.
  13. Harry and the Hendersons ran from 1991 - 1993, and it was syndicated from the get go. It certainly never had a primetime gig on NBC. I made it roughly halfway through that episode of A Dog's Life, and not a chuckle was to be had. It doesn't even have jokes, just a laugh track punctuating stupid shit. It does have a sexy little bitch though.
  14. It's fine, you should read those last few issues, but there's not going to be anything like Olympus.
  15. I would kill you and everything you love to hang out with Larry David and Harvey Pekar. You aren't wrong though. Seinfeld the person is incredibly mediocre.
  16. Read the first ish yesterday. Definitely going to keep up. Nice to see Sienkewicz drawing Kingpin again. Thats an iconic look to me. [i]canon my ass[/i]. Theyll retcon it when Bullseye gets turned into a half-bull Animan or something.
  17. That hammer is hollow and made of foam. It still left a light bruise on his shoulder.
  18. This game will always be Giraffe Fellatio to me. I played the GF demo, it didn't do nothin special for me. I couldn't get into the last one either though. And then I tried to replay Code: Veronica and the tank controls/camera angles make it unplayable for me now. So I'm down to RE4, which I haven't tried lately. I guess I've slowly just become someone who isn't a fan of the franchise.
  19. Seinfeld has, thus far, remained immortal to me. That's a quotable, funny fuckin show right there (stfu axels).
  20. I think that, when it was on, it wasn't cool to like Friends. I didn't watch it when it was new, but there was a period about 10 years ago where it hit syndication and I had like 3 channels and no job. I'm pretty sure I watched it every day for months. It's not that bad, by sitcom standards. It has it's moments (Chanandler Bong). I'm not going to go watch a marathon on DVD or anything though. I thought the bullshit romance subplots where forced and awkward, I never gave a shit about any of that.
  21. I do that when I read my posts from that morning.
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