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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. ^^fair enough. he sees his own death as eminent and must seek another guardian. very plausible... Anyway, here's my take on S6E9: ab Aeterno "from the beginning" The Good: Hugo Reyes: Speaker for the Dead. Richard's beach rant. Ilyana's extended flashback. The Bad: Christalmighty, Jacob--enough w/ the metaphors! Give a bruva a straight answer for once! Grr. Shove that wine bottle up yer arse! The Awesome: All things Ricardo Alpert! MIB gives the same speech about Jacob that Dogen gave Sayid about Smokey--WTF!?!? Hurley totally shutting down whiny Jack's demands on the beach. Bonus: LOST opening credits set to the Buffy opening credits. Doc Jensen from ew.com has once again blown mah mind w/ his crazy endgame theories. This one is a doozy:
  2. Well, Richard is roughly years old. Still pretty damn old. This episode was fantastic and I like how they split from the norm of this season and did a good ol' fashioned flashBACK episode. So what do y'all think of the explanation Jacob gave of the island? Pretty mindblowing. I still hope we get an explanation as to HOW Jacob and MIB/Flocke became who/what they are. And who/what dictates all these rules they keep mentioning?!?!!?1?!?1 And if he's so damn powerful, why does Jacob need a replacement?
  3. Click here for more semi-nude Cylon shots.
  4. Where the fuck is Jay to set these Taco Bell haterz straight? My vote is for Jack in the Box. Vomit.
  5. ha! i literally just read about this in RS! agreed, that bachalo cover is tight like long dreads. now, here's the real question, nZa: will you buy or DL?
  6. The Hicks doc debuted @ Sundance this year and got rave reviews. It looks to be a worthwhile watch for the fans and uninitiated alike...
  7. Trufax, Dr. StyloChikins. Trufax. I tried to post this earlier, but Hondo's was being a dick and wouldn't lod for me. Anyway, here it comes full circle (kinda)--BEN FOLDS doing chat roulette!!!
  8. It's not only apostrophes that are lacking. Net speak is OK on the Net, but as an English teacher I correct someone on a daily basis--DAILY BASIS--w/ that mistake in the classroom. Thus the booze...
  9. Thank God the media is there to tell me about these Interwebs "crazes" that I never hear of until the MEDIA tells me about them. Which kinda negates the fact it's a "craze" to begin w/ in a way, right Jon Stewart? The DS clip and piano guy were both epic wins. Chat Roulette Green Hoodie Piano Guy is the official Ben Folds of the Interwebsnet! Also, not one single person who chatted spelled "you're" correctly. WTF do people have against contractions? Or is it just the apostrophe in general people are finding off-putting? *sigh* This is why I drink.
  10. Excellent selections, Nick! There is a definite meditative, calming quality his music has on me as well. I posted the following in the Music Roulette thread, but thought I'd put it in here as well: Click here for 15 of my favorite Nujabes tracks. Enjoy! Album: Hydeout Productions - First Collection Tracks: Luv(sic) Part1, Luv(sic) Part2, Moonstrut(intro) Album: Metaphorical Music Tracks: Letters From Yokosuka, Beat Laments The world [this was later re-worked into a more pop sounding song for J-Pop artist MINMI, entitled "Shiki No Uta (Song For Four Seasons),"and used as one of the end credit songs for the anime series Samurai Champloo. Album: Modal Soul Tracks: Feather, Flowers, Horizon, Luv(sic) Part3, Music Is Mine Album: Samurai Champloo - Departure Tracks: Aruarian Dance, Mystline, The Space Between Two Worlds Album: Samurai Champloo - Impression Tracks: Sanctuary Ship, Tsurugi No Mai
  11. OK, in an effort to encourage Custer to get in here with some groovy hip-hop tracks I've UL'd my favorite Nujabes tracks in honor of his passing. Jun Seba, aka Nujabes, died February 26, 2010. He was 36-years-old. Click here for 15 of my favorite Nujabes tracks. Enjoy! Album: Hydeout Productions - First Collection Tracks: Luv(sic) Part1, Luv(sic) Part2, Moonstrut(intro) Album: Metaphorical Music Tracks: Letters From Yokosuka, Beat Laments The world [this was later re-worked into a more pop sounding song for J-Pop artist MINMI, entitled "Shiki No Uta (Song For Four Seasons),"and used as one of the end credit songs for the anime series Samurai Champloo. Album: Modal Soul Tracks: Feather, Flowers, Horizon, Luv(sic) Part3, Music Is Mine Album: Samurai Champloo - Departure Tracks: Aruarian Dance, Mystline, The Space Between Two Worlds Album: Samurai Champloo - Impression Tracks: Sanctuary Ship, Tsurugi No Mai
  12. Don't overthink that shiz, nickoli. Just UL some righteous tracks, ya dig! I was the last one to UL for roulette and that was back in September 2009!
  13. Yeah, Shing02 also made mention in his post that he was trying to get Nujabes on the phone to finish a trilogy of new tracks for two weeks and didn't even know he was dead! Apparently his family was very quiet about the death. It makes me wonder if the car wreck might have been his fault or something. Or they could just be extremely private people--according to Shing02, Nujabes was very private in his life. Still seems odd to me they waited so long to make an official announcement... Anyway, damn. It seems likely there's more "new" Nujabes music we can look forward to. Listening to "Battlecry" now.
  14. Depending on how the Natal ends up, that is if it can deliver on the hype, I'd think Avatar: TLA would be a perfect property for the system. But would it really be able to pick up the nuances of those body movements? Did you ever play and of the Airbender games for Wii? I looked at reviews on Amazon and it seems to be a pretty mixed bag--there's three games out now I think--as far as using the Wiimote for realistic movements goes.
  15. That song is tight, NZA! I never got into Gang Starr but I really dig that track. you need to do Music Roulette next and UL some similar tracks. RayRay: Loving "Another"! And I was listening on the myspace pop-up player then all of a sudden an audio ad for Lowe's started playing. Total WTF? moment. And why are there no Artist Updates?!!? Update yourself, damnit! ;)
  16. Damn. I was just listening to my Nujabes playlist while grading papers on Thursday. Damn. Seeing that pic of his studio (I assume) and with the recent Cash & Hendrix albums, I can't help letting my mind go to posthumous Nujabes releases. I know, let the man at least get in the grave before you start wanting them to dig up more music. But the man left us far too soon with so many sonic landscapes left unexplored. There has to be at least an album's worth of righteous tracks hidden on a hard drive or two somewhere. I just hope b/c he wasn't a huge name like Johnny Cash or Jimi Hendrix that they don't ignore this fact and never release those sounds. You see where I'm coming from on this one, NZA? No word in that piece on how he died either. I need to do some research on this... OK, he died Feb. 26, 2010 from a car crash. He was only 36. Here's the official release from is label, Hydeout. It's in Japanese and Google Translate made it come out as something just short of gibberish for me, but the link is there for anyone who wants to check it out. Here's a blog post from MC Shing02. He did the rap on the Champloo theme song "Battlecry" w/ Nujabes as well as rapped on some other great Nujabes trax.
  17. I gave the new Broken Bells (Dangermouse & the lead singer from the Shins) album a cursory listen and it's good stuff. Can't wait to give it a proper sit down. Here's the single:
  18. "A Spanish guy was doing the Bartman." I nearly peed. Boombox is an epic win!
  19. Well played, sir. If the Cap fans are happy then, God bless. Personally I think the Evans guy has too much of a squinty-eyed used car salesman look about him to portray the superhero symbol of the good ole U-S-of-A.
  20. No. But I am thinkin' Nick's likely going a wee bit poof. I'm postin' lezbian GaGa prison videos and you're over here postin' pics of some dude. Maybe all those posts in "hot chicks" are just an attempt to cover up something...
  21. How about Betty Paige Beyonce? Gawdamn!
  22. LEZPLOTATIONAL! Relevant to this thread in so many ways. Pay heed to the first bit of dialogue.
  23. I was going to skip A Serious Man as the trailer looked meh and it got mixed reviews. But since it's getting so much Hondo's love I guess I'll have to check it out...
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