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Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Keth

  1. Jumping on the Toy Story wagon such a great movie!
  2. awesomeness brain overload? this won't help CRY FOR THE MOON!!!
  3. i want this show can't premiere quick enough!
  4. Ultimately I agree with Ly. Someone else would be the one to kill Joker and then probably be pursued by Bats. If Batman was the one to do the deed though I could see it going down a number of ways. The one that makes the most sense to me would be something like in DK Returns, . Also the act of killing the Joker would have a tremendous effect on Batman's already fractured Psyche. He's basically already insane. In fact, in order to make the actual decision to go out and finish off the Joker would be something of a breakdown. Then let's say he does kill the Joker, completely willingly and somehow comes out mentally unscathed. Ok well not entirely unscathed cause he is about to blow up Arkham. He could keep it under wraps, and when the place goes up, for all the public knows, Batman didn't even do it. Sure he killed the Joker, but that was the Joker. Unless he tells Gordon beforehand, then they would probably look to Batman to catch the person whom they suspect did it. Hell, Batman would probably even turn himself in. At that point, alot of danger is taken care of, and if need be he'd most likely find a way to break out of jail. In comic land anyway :p lol
  5. If he kills Joker he might as well go and blow up Arkham.
  6. Just booted up Psychonauts again and I'm gonna finish it dammit.
  7. Ah, cool stuff! I've been meaning to check this show out, but I only ever seem to catch commercials for it :/ Cartoon Network hasn't done anything decent since Courage the Cowardly Dog in my opinion minus Adult Swim.
  8. lmao! "I got some real eggs for her to eat"
  9. awesome!!!!! I cant wait for this. Ive been alternating between DKC1 2 & 3 here recently. This will be fun
  10. can't believe what a turnaround Raiden has had. This looks pretty cool
  11. after finishing season 2 I can say this has become my favorite tv show. I can't sit down and continually sit through an entire season of a show nonstop like I can with this. I'm hyped for the weres. I want Tara's whiny ass to get killed off.I doubt the latter will happen but she is the only part I genuinely dislike about the show :/
  12. Lost Wars: Because Adding Jedis Can Fix Anything -- powered by Cracked.com
  13. I think it'd be handy for hunting though. sorta like fishing for deer? even that's stretching the use of it... fuck it: in fact I could take ALL of Fallout's weapons think of the fun though plus it could be used for good defense. too many zombies? what if everyone in your party, assuming you had one, had a portal gun? that's the ultimate moat.
  14. Yes! Mainliner shrieks are one of the most hideous noises in the game Not a replay at all, but one I just have never played is Chrono Cross. Just started it and it is so fun. Unless it already exists, a "here's a list of games I am playing for the first time and should be kicked in the head for not playing them sooner" thread should be made. Chrono Trigger is a part of that list also. Ive also been working my way through Saints Row 2 again. Mainly just getting on and redecorating my character to look as ridiculous/much like a famous character I can cause it's funny to watch Hugh Jackman throw people in the river. Of course he is in threads cause I like to think that he has gone crazy and become Wolverine. :p
  15. double win sir! thats awesome
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