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Everything posted by Panch

  1. Ok, I have to address this so called Kendrick Lamar "diss". As you noticed above, I didn't even acknowledge it. Instead I focused on how bad Big Sean was and is. However, tons of folks on Facebook, Twitter, the radio and other places are claiming that Kendrick's verse is the second coming of 2Pac. No. It's not even a real diss towards anyone! Now to be fair not everyone is blinded by what has everyone else in an uproar about this non thing. I've seen some very educated takes on this. As well as some extreme takes. For example: "these media crackas are just blowin this up to get niggas to fight". That's a little much, but not completely without validity. Still... I do think that the verse is good if not great, but don't get confused, Ether this ain't. Half if not all the folks he mentions he's cool with. And to me, it's more of a "step up or move over" message than "fuck y'all". Honestly, the most damning thing he says, in my opinion, is being the "King of New York" while he's famously from California. Also, let's not forget him dickriding the REAL guys he should be dissing if he wanted to make a name for himself. If this was meant to be a diss then, to me, it was wack. If it wasn't then people are stupid.
  2. http://www.digitalspy.com/movies/news/a506175/christian-bale-offered-usd50-million-to-return-for-superman-vs-batman.html
  3. How could the city of Detroit have produced both the best AND the worst rappers on the planet I'll never know.
  5. Yeah, "Mogan" is on that new show with Mark Strong. The acting is phenomenal, the story seems cool, but I don't know... maybe it's because I'm watching too many shows at the moment that my brain doesn't want to watch another one. I'll stick with it for one more episode.
  6. Also, I watch Low Winter Sun (the new show taking the place of BB) and it was aiight. Some of you that enjoy cop shows might like it more. I prefer Ray Donovan.
  7. Watched Talking Bad and I think it addressed all of your questions.
  8. Nas I love, but you can tell this guy wasn't made for acting. When you see interviews, he just seems stiff. Awkward. You have to have a little looseness to act. Common's been a bunch of stuff. That newest Terminator one, Wanted, some romantic comedy with Queen Latifa. He's got some range.
  9. While he was cool in Be Kind, that one was just aiight for me. Dude's a great actor, though. Would like to see him do more TV like Dexter. Him and Common should get in on a project together.
  10. Damn, you hadn't watched 16 Blocks before now? I was sure you had. What'd you think of Mos' performance?
  11. I can't believe there's only 7 episodes left.
  12. Don't know if serious... Even half of those I'd say no to. Riddler, Croc and Penguin? Nah, we're talkin bottom tier. Maybe even have each season deal with just one, two the most.
  13. And why does it have to be the BIG baddies? They'd be best to focus on regular crime bosses and or bottom tier Batvillains.
  14. Fuck man. I was gonna say the same thing in the other thread.
  15. Playing Batman as an urban legend could work while the show focuses on the real cop stuff.
  16. Got acid lying around the house? Drop some before watching.
  17. HoW is back! Two hour season 3 premiere had a little bit of everything. Still, big shoes to fill after an excellent second season. Staying yuned!
  18. All I need is a minimum of 8 folks. Alex, Angel, George, Chris?
  19. Panch

    Mega Man

    Egoraptor lays the knowledge.
  20. Is no one interested in this? I gotta start the league soon. So far: Me DoJ Benny Maybe: Dy.
  21. Coolest thing I've ever seen! Why doesn't these shows ever happen near me :(
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