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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. Master Star


    Dear god, Crown Royal Apple is like apple juice truth serum. Oh god, I drank so much, no hangover, so dangerous.
  2. A man who squats and fills out a well fitted pair of jeans is a fucking beautiful thing. Toned, muscled, perky asses. Just damn. I just recently told my friend Vinnie at the gym how visually enjoyable he is.
  3. I guess because I have gotten along in person with people on Hondos I never noticed or gave thought to the concept of an online clique. But I am totally down with the smoking, swearing, drinking, reading, sometimes nailpolish and make up clique.
  4. Hydrating before comp. In between events. My coach and his harem.
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4zbd9f1oqr0ekv/IMG_5722.MOV?dl=0 This link should take you to a video of my keg toss. I dont know how to upload the actual video from my ipad.
  6. Event 1: Hummer Tire squat, 7 reps at 235lbs. Event 2: Car deadlift hold -0 seconds Event 3: Medley, 150lbs per hand farmer carry for 50ft, check, 115lb push press, check, 185lb powerstair, check, 70lb one arm dumbbell push press, fail. Event 4: Keg toss over a 10 ft bar, 20lb keg, check, 25lb keg, check, 30lb keg, hit the bar and failed, did not attempt the 4th keg, ran out of time. The "woman" who took 1st is a national strongman athlete, 3rd strongest woman in america, whore, thanks for shitting on the amateurs. So I basically tied for second and got screwed by shady judges and sketchy scoring rules. Bottomline, I did things. I never thought I could do. The squat even alone made me feel like a champ because I hate squats. Pictures to come, but that's the basics.
  7. So the other thread I started about Strongman is gone, thanks Nick. I compete for the first and most likely kast time in a Strongman competition in Tampa next Saturday. More info to come about the sport and why I enjoy it and what makes it great for those who may not know much about it, even for those who don't care much.
  8. Quesarito, steak, shut yo mouf! Delish! I hate myself for loving Taco Bell. But alas.
  9. I like make up and nail polish sometimes. But I mostly read and lift weights. Is there a clique for that? No, I don't think so.
  10. Overhead squatting 65 or 75 lbs The sister of a guy I lift with took these ans sent them to me. Thank you NZA!
  11. 140lb Split Jerk from the rack. The Kid took the video for me.
  12. And the summer is here....time to train more!

  13. My boy Nix...he is so damn yum. Total DILF.
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