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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. Leveled up today, 28, bitches! Woo hoo! Oye! By the way, new people, give eachother props. Hellllo??!!
  2. Axels, it should say in the description of the exercise in the program how to count the reps. Or you can log total reps per arm and then in a note specify that it was split between left and right. So let's say you did 3 sets of 10 reps per arm with a 20lb dumbbell. You could log 3 sets of 20 reps and then specify that it was a left/right split. Or you can log 6 sets of 10 and note that it was 10 per arm. Either way, just make sure you get the reps and the weight right to log the correct points.
  3. First time sled push @ 180#
  4. Broke 100,000 points this week.
  5. Finding a new normal and feeling better :)

  6. Yup. Deads do hamstrings and back.
  7. Yes deadlifts work the back and hamstrings
  8. They fucking suck. But are an excellent exercise.
  9. Axels, there is so much you can do with just bodyweight. Parks have pull up bars and different stuff sometimes. Jumping rope is great cardio too. You can do lunges, planks, burpees, roman twist, variations of situps (butterfly, wideleg, straight leg), leg lifts, wall sits, handstands. Mix it up!
  10. So excited I hit 80lbs/36.28Kg for my 1 rep max on my strict shoulder press! Really working on my upper body strength. Leveled up today, 27!! Anyone doing any fun quests at the moment?
  11. Tomorrow will be a year since I joined Fitocracy. I had a 2-3 month hiatus when my life went into a shit storm but now I am back and almost to level 27 This is what we did this morning...and yes, it sucked. I had to do singles instead of DUBS, I step up on the shorter box until the doctor gives me the ok to start jumping on my bad knee again, and I used the 10lb wall ball, but everything else I did the Rx weight. In my workout delerium, I didn't realize I skipped the fucking back extensions...oh well. 50 BOX JUMPS (24/20) 50 JUMPING PULLUPS http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/jumping-pull-ups.wmv 50 KETTLEBELL SWINGS (35/15) 50 STEPS WALKING LUNGE 50 KNEES0-TO-ELBOWS 50 PUSH PRESS (45/25) 50 BACK EXTENSIONS 50 WALL BALLS (20/16) 50 BURPEES 50 DOUBLE UNDERS Finished in under 28 minutes.
  12. Have a fabulous day, beautiful!

  13. Thinking of you xoxo

  14. It's awesome. Tryin to catch up to NZA.
  15. I don't actually have much of an interesting life. But I AM getting muscles....so that is something positive.
  16. Was just talking to Shane about that. It has been hard to give a fuck these last few months...but I am going to get back in the game soon.
  17. +1 alll day for all those middle fingers!!!
  18. Not sure about this...I see that either being hilarious or probably mean...
  19. I was second place...awwww! Congrats on sweeping all categories DoJ. No hard feeling Ly
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