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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. I might just have to track my backsquat, 205lbs mothafuckaaaaaah! Yes!!
  2. June 6, June 6, June 6!!!

  3. You're so beepy.

  4. So...yea, not so much for tracking...some days it is just enough to do the actual working out. But I am making more mile stones and glad for it. Maybe I will go and do one huge upload of the stuff I have done here and there just to keep with the team spirit. I did however, get my Deadlift to 220 lbs and am now able to load the 143lb Atlas Stone over a yoke. Progressing very well and getting stronger every time. That makes me happy.
  5. I am with you MH! Happy with the first one and def want to see this on the big screen...helllllo Chris Pine!
  6. This is the kind of shit that is a pain in the ass to track. Did Strongman training last night. Such a fucking good time!
  7. Whenever I hear torso in reference to a book, I always think of Johnny Got His Gun, where the dude basically ends up a living torso. Dalton Trumbo did an amazing job with that book. This case sounds interesting but I don't wanna read about people being killed and then left to find as a torso, yuck.
  8. Oh just damnit. Now I have to worry about staying ahead of you again and maybe one day catching up to NZA!
  9. I love that you shoot sparkles from your hands.
  10. Almost to level 30! I have been multi workout posting because I am too lazy to do it daily. How is everyone else keeping up?
  11. Both were played by hot dudes in their respective movies...but I think I'd have to go with Raiden.
  12. I have conquered the 45lb kettlebell and started swinging the 55lb kettlebell. I also hit my 1 rep max benchpress at 110 lbs!! I can also box jump consistently on the 20" box. I want to be able to get up to the 24" box without getting hurt or having pain. Almost to level 29, should be there by the end of the week! Keep tracking everyone! You all are awesome!
  13. I am so freaking excited! I have been wanting my working weight to be at 165lbs for my deadlifts for awhile now and I nailed it!! BOOM!! Working my way up the Kettlebells. I ultimately want to be able to swing the 55lb kettlebell unbroken for at lesat 20 reps, but first I have to conquer the 45lb.
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