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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. How are ur manballs and liver doing?

    1. Ganny McVagflaps

      Ganny McVagflaps

      Stellar as usual.

  2. Paula Dean says butter...but some people call cocaine butter, just sayin
  3. Don't tell mom the cocksitter's dead
  4. Madagascar 3, was worth the trip. Lots of humor for adults. The kids loved it.
  5. Those pictures were fucking awesome! The cliffs were absolutely gorgeous, what an amazing sight! I could spend a whole day in that library, that was seriously one of the coolest pictures. I want to go there so bad! All the pictures of the Irish Chapter were fantastic! You all look great and like you were having a great time, even though you were drinking Horsepiss. So jelly of NZA!
  6. ^ The only thing that would make Baseball remotely interesting. That and alcohol.
  7. Hell yes, insanely delicious!
  8. So incredibly sore...

  9. Would providing naked first aide count as dirty talk?

    1. Ganny McVagflaps

      Ganny McVagflaps

      No, but I'll accept it. Now to make up a fake ailment. . .

  10. Upon a second chance, I find that I do indeed like the dorito taco more than I thought. Also, hell fucking yes, Cool Ranch needs to happen.
  11. P.S. No one wants to be in your stupid club with your McManballs.

    1. Ganny McVagflaps

      Ganny McVagflaps

      Everyone wants in my club. EVERYONE.

  12. Bring it on pussy-boy. :P

    1. Ganny McVagflaps

      Ganny McVagflaps

      Oh for shit sake. You think you know. You don't. Don't at all.

    2. Master Star

      Master Star

      Maybe one day you'll realize who you're dealing with...

  13. I will burn your club to the ground.

  14. Front Squat 1 rep max 130lbs!! Boom!

  15. Aarty...who can we put as you now with your new hairdo!?
  16. That is quite a hefty promise to make and keep...makeithappen!
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