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Reverend Jax

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Reverend Jax

  1. I'm guessing somewhat over at Fox noticed that the rights to some comic book property that they own (but he doesn't recognize) were about to revert back to the original owner, so he researched the cheapest way to legally retain those rights because, why the fuck not? And he determined that by developing a pilot that wouldn't be picked up, and putting out a press release, that would be sufficient to retain the rights to LXG for another ten years.
  2. But will it be better than Ghost Rider and Howard the Duck? And which Punisher movies will it best?
  3. I rank First Class as better than X2. I like it was better than several Marvel Studios movies. We have precedent to demand more than "at least it's better than Origins" from Fox.
  4. And a lot of Avatar was in Navi. There's a big difference between an entire movie in a foreign language and parts of a movie in a foreign language.
  5. Well, I was basing my thesis on my time in Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile) where kids/animated movies play in theaters with either dubbing or subtitles (they offer screenings both ways), and live action movies an movies that are not explicitly for children are ALL subbed. I assumed that with the literacy rates being higher in Europe, the preference for subbing over dubbing would be, if anything, greater. So if you go to see World War Z in a German movie theater, it would be dubbed?
  6. Is this the bar we have set for ourselves? Let's not fall into the trap of getting out of a bad relationship and convincing ourselves that the first slightly better person who comes along is the love of our lives. You remember what we also used to love? Peek-a-boo. When we were a few months old. We all developed object permanence since then, and we've all moved on!
  7. Because Americans don't like watching movies in other languages with subtitles, so when a good movie comes out in another country, if it's animated, we dub it, and if it's live action, we just remake the whole thing. The French movie The Intouchables made oodles of money in France and everywhere else, but not in the US. Same with the original Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. They got limited releases in the US, but they just remade The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and the Weinsteins are remaking The Intouchables right now. You could point to many reason why this is, and why Americans are different from other people, but ultimately, this is the reason: Very few people of any nationality inherently prefer reading subtitles to a movie with dialogue in a language they don't understand. But people in most non-English speaking country have learned to accept it because, if you want to watch the kind of big spectacle movies that only Hollywood makes, you either learn to get use to subtitles, or you watch a live action dub, and nobody likes those. Hollywood has made it so Americans never had to put up with it. If a really good foreign film was made, there were always 10 other American movies out at the same time, and a remake would probably be made eventually anyways. If you are a Pole, are you really going to limit yourself to only Polish language movies? Of course not. You get no Star Wars, no Lord of the Rings, no Spider-Man, no Pirates of the Caribbean, and Poland isn't producing those kinds of movies, because you can't out-spectacle Hollywood, and only Poles would watch it, and you can't make back a huge budget on just Polish ticket sales. The only country where people genuinely do not seem interested in Hollywood movies is India, because Bollywood puts out enough movies (twice as many as Hollywood does, actually) so that Indians don't have to watch movies with subtitles if they don't want to, so they don't. This has not stopped Hollywood before. In 2004, Hollywood released a remake of Shall We Dance?, a 1996 Japanese movie. The entire premise of the movie makes no sense when taken from the Japanese cultural context and put into an American context. Basically, and married businessman starts going to ballroom dancing lessons and keeps it a secret from his wife. In the American remake, there's even a line when the wife eventually finds him out where she expresses her disbelief that he felt he had to keep the dance lesson secret. Because in the US, there's nothing wrong with a married man taking ballroom dance lessons. In fact, most married women who cared at all would love their husbands to take ballroom dancing lessons, rather than be upset about it. Put the culture is very different in Japan, and keeping the dance lesson secret made sense in a Japanese context.
  8. I didn't see it, but I thought the trailer for Red Hook Summer looked good.
  9. There are three types of moviegoers out there. People who know Oldboy and think that a Hollywood remake directed by Spike Lee is a good idea. People who know Oldboy and think that a Hollywood remake directed by Spike Lee is a bad idea. People who don't know what the fuck Oldboy is. This poster is not doing anything to win over any type 2's or type 3's.
  10. I don't see why Nick is on suicide watch. He loved X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I suspect he'll give this new one 11/10.
  11. Watching that, only one thought goes through my head: "We almost had a Wolvie movie directed by Darren Aronofsky."
  12. Yeah, I was about to comment on Goofy's character model, but axel and Panch beat me to it. He is not supposed to be...damaged. He's supposed to be an "ah shucks" character. Clumsy, a little unaware, even a bit clueless, but he's not brain injured.
  13. The changes made to the Spider-Man movies were tiny compared to the changes made to the World War Z movie. You didn't want to see a faithful adaptation, but can you imagine how this movie would look if you did want a faithful adaptation?
  14. If WB had decided to release the Green Lantern movie exactly as they made it, but just call it Spider-Man, Panch would have lost his fucking mind. We could have said "What's the big deal? Normal American white guy didn't have superpowers, then he gets superpowers, learns how to use em, saves the day, and sets itself up nicely for a sequel...it's basically the same story."
  15. Honestly, I don't think it looks like any other zombie movie ever made. I think this is basically the first ever big-budget, tent-pole zombie blockbuster. When I say big budget, I mean like a hundred million dollar or more in today's dollars. The 2004 Dawn of the Dead was about $28M, Zombieland was about $23M, 28 Days Later was under $10M, and those are what would previously have been known as the big budget ones, relatively speaking. We have never had a zombie movie with this kind of scale. As for the end of the world genre, the global disaster movie, yes, this does look pretty generic, like a Roland Emmerich movie. I really don't know why you're characterize what Amber is doing as this. You seem to be saying Amber doesn't want people to know about the book because that'll make it mainstream and less cool or something, like someone who doesn't want their favorite local band to get signed and go mainstream, because they prefer liking an unsuccessful band. That's a thing, but it's not what Amber is doing with this book.
  16. At the very beginning, when the title card came up.
  17. The voice over guy at the very end ("in IMAX and IMAX 3D") totally ruined the mood of that awesome trailer.
  18. I haven't read it in years, so I've forgotten the surgery happens during the story, rather than between stories.
  19. She has not been in a single movie that's been released yet this year, she was in only one movie last year (which didn't get a wide release), and only three movies in 2011 (two of which I saw, Paul and Bridesmaids, where she was really funny). How is she in everything now?
  20. Anyway, I hope Tarantino's next film is another apocryphal historical movie with Christoph Waltz, mostly because he's got a real knack for them, but also so that it can be called Quentin Tarantino's Waltz through History trilogy.
  21. Just because he's not on that list doesn't mean he isn't doing a cameo. It might actually be a surprise that's not publicized until its release. But if he's not in it, it's not a big deal. So his surgery happened on screen.
  22. Seconded. Look at this cast: Chris Pratt (Andy from Parks and Rec), Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Alison Brie (from Community and Mad Men), Will Ferrell, Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec), Charlie Day (Charlie from Always Sunny).
  23. As a fan of Disney animated movies, I have to say, this looks terrible.
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