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Reverend Jax

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Reverend Jax

  1. Yeah, I think our Tarantino poll only goes back to the Kill Bill films. If we did make a new poll, the big question would be whether to put the separate volumes of Kill Bill as separate poll choices. I'd also want to include a second poll question for favorite movie he credited with writing, but didn't direct (True Romance, Natural Born Killers, From Dusk Till Dawn). They are different, but I was saying that Django was my favorite film of 2012, and that I had more fun watching Django than I did watching Avengers, and someone (or possibly a few people) thought that was ridiculous.
  2. I know, right? The real question is, did you like it better than Inglourious Basterds?
  3. Evidently, if they make a new series, it would go through JJ Abrams one way or another. Here's a story about it from a year ago, and here's a recent update.
  4. I thought Malekith was the confirmed villain for Thor 2.
  5. You mean in the Thor movie, not in The Avengers.
  6. Good work there, Doj.
  7. Do you thinking they teased Thanos in Avengers 1 with the plan to not use him until Avengers 3? Or do you think they've since decided to push him back? Because if Thanos is NOT in Avengers 2, then I think that means he'll be in Guardians of the Galaxy.
  8. I said they loved each other in a romantic way, not a sexual way. And I was referring to just Star Trek Into Darkness. I've seen every episode and movie or Star Trek with Kirk and Spock (every episode of TOS, every episode of TAS, all the original cast movies, and the JJ Abrams movies), and I can't remember ever seeing a romantic connection between Kirk and Spock before this movie.
  9. Their relationships (Kirk and Spock, and Charles and Erik) were romantic in those movies. It was just never explicitly stated or physically consummated on screen, and in a heteronormative culture, we assume the characters are straight unless we see the explicit evidence (or stereotypical evidence, like if one or both of the male characters were effeminate). So have one of the characters have a flat, one-dimensional girlfriend, and show the other sleeping around and flirting with a flat, one-dimensional attractive female character, strictly for the purpose of reassuring the audience of the protagonists' hetero-manliness, and you can tell the story of a romantic relationship between two men without giving the yuckies to an audience that's not comfortable with that.
  10. From the sounds of your date night, I'm not surprised that you did.
  11. Ok, so it seems to me that if the intent was to prevent piracy, Microsoft was really close to a system that would have been pretty effective without screwing people out of legitimate ways to game. Each game comes with a unique code and you have to connect to the internet to activate the code and connect it to your account, but you don't have to stay connected while playing like with the new Sim City's DRM. Pirates might find a way around it, but it sounds like it could be effective. Now, if they allowed you to go into your account and delete the game from you profile, and then the game could either reuse the old authorization code on another Xbox One, or maybe it would spit out a new authorization code, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST, then I think you would have a system that Microsoft would have a strong argument for saying they are just trying to protect themselves from piracy, but that they are NOT eliminating people's rights to rent games, resell and buy used games, or lend and borrow games among friends. This is a system that clearly says that they don't like the way people have been legally using their media because they don't make money with every way people legally use their media.
  12. It was a good episode. Learned more about what makes Don so fucked up.
  13. I wasn't really complaining about it. Someone else brought it up and I expanded on it.
  14. Of course a platonic relationship can exist without homosexual undertones. But in a lot of big Hollywood action movies, the two male protagonist have a thinly veiled romance with one another, and Star Trek and X-Men First Class are example of movie where, if we lived in a world where two dude could kiss on screen without all the bros in the audience calling it fucking faggy, and ultimately just not going to see it at all, then they would have kissed on screen.
  15. Just came here to post this. Can't think of a more iconic rock/blue keyboard/organ player that wasn't also the singer/frontman.
  16. But the time travel has old Charles and Erik, and whose to say that the old Charles and Erik aren't from the same time the Wolverine takes place in? Keep in mind, they are not translating the comic into a 300/Watchmen/Sin City style panel-by-panel recreation of the book. They are going to use the outline of the comic's story and do something that fits in the cinematic universe they've already established. So old Charles and Erik could be from the same time that Wolverine takes place in. Since he doesn't age, Wolverine in this DoFP movie could be from the time of young Charles and Erik (McAvoy and Fassbender) or from the time of old Charles and Erik (Stewart and McKellen).
  17. At least they got the hint that they black brushed poster was awesome and the surrounded by ninjas poster was awful.
  18. Confirmed! I wonder if Fox has the rights to the Marvel concept of 'mutants', and if Marvel Studios can use the term.
  19. How do you know when the future cast (Stewart and McKellen) if from? Why couldn't them be coming from after the time The Wolverine takes place?
  20. Older and younger versions of Charles and Erik are confirmed, but every other character has only one actor confirmed. Mystique is the only other character (I think) that had a major role in both First Class and in the first 3 movies (and no, I don't consider Kelsey Grammer's Beast in X3 as a major role) is Mystique. I wonder if will Rebecca Romijn return as well? She had a one second cameo in First Class. By the way, if Fox was smart, they'd have an after credits teaser for this at the end of The Wolverine, so I'm willing to bet money there won't be.
  21. Well, when I said "Hollywood isn't ready," you could interpret that broadly to not only mean the fancy-suited producers stamping scripts with a big red "no gay stuff" stamp. I almost meant writers and I also meant they're not ready on a subconscious level.
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