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Reverend Jax

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Reverend Jax

  1. Congratulations, DC. Archie Comics is more with the times than you are.
  2. The policy is I only repost it once for every re-released Zelda game you repurchase. I already posted it for Wind Waker HD back in January. Once Majora's Mask gets remade for the WiiU, or the trilogy of CD-i games gets a Virtual Console release, I'm reporting it.
  3. That is a nice figurine. If I had a WiiU, I'd buy it.
  4. I also really like Laputa: Valley of the Wind, but your best bet is either Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away. If you want something with a very Alice in Wonderland vibe, go with Spirited Away. Princess Mononoke is better if you want something with a more epic feel, like...a cross between Braveheart and Lord of the Rings, for lack of a better way of explaining it. Totoro is great, but it might give Eamonn a false impression regarding how kiddy his films are. It is his most youth-friendly movie.
  5. Someone remind me to return to this thread in 24 hours so I can down vote all of Maldron's posts in this thread that I couldn't get to today.
  6. Tickets go on sale for Ft Lauderdale shows in about a week. I have been avoiding hearing the songs and learning about the story as much as possible so I can watch it fresh. I suspect I'll want to get the original cast recording of the songs afterwards.
  7. He's been in more action films than Michael Keaton was before 1989.
  8. Before the Affleck announcement, he (Karl Urban, played the new Dredd and Bones in the new Star Treks) and Jon Hamm (Don Draper) were the two names most being floated around the internet to play Bats. As for Murdock, if Nicholas Custer is not available (on account that there's a new Zelda game AND a new Pikmin game coming out the month they were gonna start shooting), then I guess...Casey Affleck?
  9. I would pay money to see a Daredevil movie starring Nicholas Custer as Matt Murdock.
  10. Spader has always been my choice for the role of 2track in Hondo's Bar: The Movie. I'm assuming they would put his voice through the same minimal tuning that they use on Paul Bettany for JARVIS. I still don't like a movie with JARVIS without Hank Pym, but this casting is ok by me.
  11. This link says he's contracted for "at least six appearances (and possibly more)," so I guess it has an option WB can exercise to get even more appearances after 6 without allowing him to extort them for more money. It also says Affleck is signed on for 13 appearances. Is that a record? I don't even think Sam Jackson contract to play Nick Fury was for that many appearances. I hope Affleck's deal gives him a percentage on the back end for all those appearances.
  12. Well, when I said it was painful to watch, I was meant it was awkward because interviews like this a supposed to be cordial and light-hearted with amusing anecdotes and playful ribbing and banter, and there was clearly some annoyed, passive-aggressive dislike, first coming from Beckham towards Stewart, but then from Stewart to Beckham. I don't know much about Victoria Beckham, and I wouldn't say this interview is says much about her one way or another, but it clearly was awkward.
  13. I mean, the guy's white, he's male, he speaks English fluently, he's not obese, he has a chin that's held in place by a jaw...what more could you ask for?
  14. Webisodes featuring young Mako and Bolin as street hustlers.
  15. Yeah, the plan was to kill Jesse at the end of the first season, but Gilligan and everyone else liked Aaron Paul's take on the character so much, they kept him.
  16. The internet is not happy about this casting, and the internet is ALWAYS right about casting of Batman movies.
  17. I've been going through the season now, I'm about halfway through, and this show consistently makes me laugh. Disney was slow to renew it, so there will probably be a long wait for Season 2. I recommend people give this show a shot.
  18. Done. I see it doesn't show the vote count. When does the vote end?
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