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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. for my favorite video, i chose breakout just cause it was a kickass song and kickass video... my favorite song though has to be the acoustic everlong... can't get any greater than that
  2. "what kind of girl drives a hemi 'cuda?" "i'll show you..."
  3. New Fast Automatic F-REEK... how fitting :sly:
  4. nas- it was written is the only cd that i've heard, kinda old i know, but it was my older bros. that's the only source i really have to rap music, cause i don't dabble much in that area. on a totally unrelated note... im looking at his cd's and this bitch has got 18 tupack cds... yes nick, tupack... he took my fucking bob marley cd.. i was looking for that shit! yeah i've heard that one mic song, it was all over the place. i forgot the name of that movie that they were in together, but it was funny as hell... they got into harvard and shit and yeah, kinda lame plot but funny nonetheless...
  5. even if this thread was based on some sort of topic, i'd still be making the same posts.
  6. i've been given the chance to listen to some nas, not much, but from what i've hear thus far, i kinda like. the guy's got some skill, and his voice is tolerable. if anything i hate that type of voice that is ODB or anything along those lines... it really annoys me. i once told someone that nas was hot, and they wanted to kick my ass cause they didn't find me sane, but it's okay.
  7. damn... im really on some rapper homie-g funk rampage right now... watch out now! "top down, chrome spinning,... i don't know the rest of this damn song.... get down... her head spinning, and my head spinning, mine from juice and gin'n, hers from neck and chinnin.."
  8. i really like that celica commercial with the dog coming out from the garage, running full speed into the car... that was hilarious... "looks fast"
  9. hah.... sorry about that... sometimes i think out loud and don't ever realize how random my thoughts are, but you already know that. sorry for sounding like such a dumbass when asking questions, but there was no other approach... and method man and redman were the dudes i was talking about... i think they were in a few commercials too a while back, if i recall correctly. maybe it's just me, but decorating your teeth doesn't make you look at all attractive. it's retarded looking really. if they really wanted to make their grill look nice, they would bleach that shit, but oh well... don't think much rappers are hot anyways... oh but that eminem, very very fuckable...nas too.
  10. i swear im not a nympho, just get the fuck outta my head!
  11. okay, so i don't know much about rap, and haven't given it much of a get go, though i do have a few bands/faces/groups (what do you call them in rap?) that i like in rap. like i do like that 50 cents guy, he's pretty cool. but as far as wutang goes, my older brothers were huge fans of them, and honestly, the only song i know is the one with all the killer bees in that long winded video. plus, are they some constantly changing band or what?! they seriously have hella people in their band. oh wait, who were those two guys in that movie about harvard or something? i know they are in that band. ps- why do they all have gold teeth?
  12. maria- michelle, have you ever liked a minority in your life?! michelle- hey, im not racist, i think tiger woods is hot. maria- that's just one. michelle- well it is one.
  13. i wish my fingers weren't so spasticy... my fingers can't stay still, and my fucking pinky won't stay down!
  14. damn... i really need to get my hair cut... ??? .
  15. "no you won't believe it, not until you see it. no you won't believe it, not until i write it down. i'll touch you touch you... " - hot hot heat
  16. maria- what's up with guys and them liking girls with long hair leah- yeah really... what's up with that scottie- well guys like girls with long hair cause, i mean, well they look like girls michelle- what?! i have short hair... you guys fucking suck, just cause i don't have long hair and... scottie- well you don't count cause you look cute... it matches your face leah and maria- yeah that's true michelle- i hate you :plain:
  17. "would she go down on you in a theatre?"
  18. "actor you'd most like to fuck." "james dean hands down." "but he's dead." "so?!" "that's gross!" "well, he is an actor." "he was an actor." "so... he's still fuckable." "i hate you."
  19. i've yet to see that movie... sounds pretty good... maybe one day when leah knocks me out and straps me to a chair, i just might see it...
  20. "knock knock... who's there?... go fuck yourself" - catch me if you can
  21. man, that guy almost killed us, but he was hot!
  22. on the 8th day, God created mexican food
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