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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Dag

  1. Dag

    vegan foods

    I wanted to make a smoothie with something vanilla and fermented with probiotics, but I didn't want to use a diary product. I picked up this particular vanilla soy yogurt and blended it with a banana. It tasted great and was completely vegan.
  2. I hope some of these guys are prosecuted for a change. Will the real SEC please stand up?
  3. I think that the football program should be obliterated, BUT I think you are correct about the above statement. You can't take away the past, either they won or they didn't. What the NCAA did by re-writing history was completely Orwellian.
  4. That was amazing, sir! You definitely deserves some hakus for that one.
  5. T2 is one of my favorite films and in my opinion one of the best slasher films ever made.
  6. I was thinking of showing this next year when I teach Frankenstein. I have seen the first half, but I have not finished the second half. What you mention about the movie here is a similar theme in the book.
  7. I just finished watching the Jesus Cult documentary. Thanks, Logan for posting that. The best documentaries (full length anyways) that I show my classes are: Why We Fight (this is all about the military-industrial complex and it has one of my favorite John McCain/Dick Cheney moments) Inside Job (all about the financial crisis and the motherfuckers that need to be in prison, it won the oscar for best doc in 2010) Gasland (about fracking and how it threatens our water supply, also nominated for best doc, but lost to inside job. This film is the most poetic doc I have ever seen)
  8. I have been reading the reviews and this movie looks terrible.
  9. Have you tried that, Logan? I would just like to point out that the best way to reheat pizza is by using a non-stick frying pan. It crisps up the crust perfectly. Just turn the burner on medium and in about 4 or 5 minutes you are good to go. I saw Ted Allen do this on TV years ago and I have been reheating my pizza this way ever since. It's awesome.
  10. I tape recorded Howard's show back in the late 90's when I was in high school. I was really sad when he moved over to Sirius since I couldn't afford it at the time. Now I could afford it, but it has been so many years since I have listened that I have moved on. I listen to tons of talk radio still though, most of it just happens to be on NPR. I listen to RADIOLAB (which is an amazing science show that I actually got to see live in April), This American Life, Marketplace Money, and Fresh Air (which had a great interview with Louis CK recently). I donate to NPR every month since I listen to so much of it. I use to download Coast to Coast, but I stopped after Ian Punnett left.
  11. Sounds exciting. I am looking forward to seeing it.
  12. I am making a braggot, which is a type of mead where some malt and hops are added. It should be around 12-13% abv. It won't be sweet though due to the kind of yeast I am using. To make sweet mead you use a yeast that dies before it can eat all the sugar. Basically it is killed when the alcohol content hits 11-12%, sometimes lower. I am using champagne yeast and it has a very high tolerance for alcohol. If you want to sweeten it, you can do what is referred to as back sweetening, which is essentially adding sweetners when you are going to drink it.
  13. Good times. Speaking of lil Kim, if you are on twitter you should check out KimJongNumberUn. Here are a couple of recent tweets: "My position on immigration is simple: just try and escape." "URGENT DUDE WHO THREW BOTTLE AT CHRIS BROWN NEEDED TO RUN MY MISSILE PROGRAM CONTACT ME ON MYSPACE KTHXBYE" "Yo, Scott Walker, congrats! I'm always stoked when a leader who deprives children of food stays in power."
  14. Heh. That apple beer was mighty tasty.
  15. You drank a good amount of the stuff at my house during the last poker game, maybe a little too much?
  16. I also use recycled Grolsch swing top bottles so I don't have to fuck around with capping.
  17. They only have the two gallon size, but you could buy this one with an airlock and it would probably work pretty well. Making mead or cider is even easier than beer. I can walk you through the process if you would like. Oh, and I use a closet for my two gallon batches (I did in my apartment and now that I have a house I still use one). Jax uses a closet too. He is actually the guy who got me to use the Mr. Beer fermenter.
  18. In another thread, Logan asked if we had a topic that dealt with home brewing and I looked for one, but it appears that we don't. I had meant to post this a long time back actually. I've been home brewing beer for a few years now, although I stopped around the time of my open heart surgery for a while. I have made many batches of beer, cider, and I just put in a batch of mead (first time). I like having control of the taste and the percentage of alcohol. For those who are interested in brewing, here is a short synopsis: Brewing can be extremely simple or you can make it more complex and traditional depending on your preference. I have gone the simple route for most of my batches and they have tasted wonderful. When brewing beer, I use canned malt. With canned malt all you have to do is sterilize everything, mix your canned malt with water and yeast (you can add many other ingredients if you choose, I added blueberry juice for my very first batch), and then put the fermentor in a dark place for two weeks. Basically the yeast eat the sugars and produce alcohol and carbon dioxide (you need a fermentor to let the gas out, but not let things in). Then, you bottle your batch and add a little sugar to the bottles, which causes the yeast to eat a little more and carbonate your drink. The first batch that I brewed with a friend in Colorado was traditional, with all malted grain and various other ingredients. My buddy and I made a 5 gallon batch, which is the size that many home brewer batches are typically. I have been using the Mr. Beer fermentor which is a two gallon container shaped like a beer keg instead of the more traditional 5 gallon container. I just find that it more manageable. When I first saw the Mr. Beer kit I thought that it was some pansy ass gimmick, but it works well for me.
  19. I hope you had a great trip. It's good to see you back.
  20. It appears that NBC just picked up a new post-apocalyptic show from J. J. Abrams. The trailer reminds me a Jericho a little. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwfCRAtkYEI
  21. Having heard several reviews now about The Avengers, I think the Batman movie will not only be a better movie overall, but will out gross The Avengers.
  22. If I lived in your area, I would definitely be down for a party like that.
  23. Sounds like some great decks. At this point in my life, I just don't have the kind of time like I did then to get into something so obsessively.
  24. I played in middle school and then stopped around 9th grade. I played obsessively and I also played random old geeks at comic stores. I had one deck that I could usually win with if I got the right starting hand, even against the old geeks who had a lot more money than me. The deck was fairly simple. On the first turn I would use a dark ritual (3 black mana for the price of one), then cast a mana vault and tap it (one for the price of 3 colorless), and then cast a Sengir Vampire (or another large creature for the price of five). If I could pull that off during the first turn I would usually win since I had some other strategies setup around that first set of moves. Those were the days . . . I stopped playing right around the time my mother's husband forced me to cancel my comic book subscriptions, which I paid for with money that I earned.
  25. My little brother just gave me a wireless adapter and I had a gold gift certificate. My name on there is DeadMeatLutz in case anyone would care to friend me.
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