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Everything posted by FireDownBelow

  1. You're spot on with the 90's aesthetic. It's a throwback in a lot of ways. I gotta say one thing about this last episode though...was all that cleavage really necessary?
  2. The only one I didn't like was the last one. I'm trying to think if I had a favorite but I liked them all equally.
  3. I breezed through it in a night and was sad when it was over. I liked it a lot!
  4. Well....I kinda thought that too, but maybe something is going on with the actors and they've written a story to reflect that? I think last season had thirteen episodes. But yeah, this is a biggie. I'm not sure how they're going to top this in a finale. Unless the next episode does not resolve things, then one would assume a season finale would.
  5. Definitely. I woke up tonight and was disappointed that it's not Thursday yet. Cause that's when it hits Hulu.
  6. Well, holy shit. I knew something was off, but I didn't see that coming. At least not until when we were meant to. They really know how to amp up the suspense. Though, I gotta say...feels a little Borgish, no?
  7. Ok, so I was alerted to this because I saw a brief clip out of the corner of my eye when I was scrolling on a web page the other day. I didn't pay too much attention to it, because, you know advertisements. But I do knowt that it involved Laverne Cox and a smart house being fucked by a plumber. Wait, what? Hmm, put a pin in that, I think So fast forward a week or two and I'm watching stupid videos on YouTube and boom, this pops into my recommended. I watched the first episode and I want more. It's a premium though. So, long story short, if you have YouTube Premium or are considering it (you get a month long free trial) watch this little series. It's only eight episodes, each less than a half hour, and the last two were a little meh, but I really enjoyed the others. It reminds me a great deal of Dimension 404 and some of it is very non-sequitur but I'd definitely recommend it. The first episode is currently free.
  8. I enjoy it. It's nice to see what kind of ingredients they can throw at you. Not to mention, I learn about all kinds of things that were edible that I never even dreamed of, like sea beans! I wouldn't recommend binging it though. I have a fairly good attention span, but after two or three episodes, I get a bit numb and fast forwarding thru everything except basket ingredient reveals and the dish reveals.
  9. I can get behind the niceness of the show. Cutthroat Kitchen, Hell's Kitchen, and other shows of that ilk bother me. You don't have to be a dick to compete. That's why I like Chopped. The chefs on there are usually fairly nice to each other, even going so far as to lend ingredients, share equipment, and take competitors' things off the stove so they don't burn. They let their skills speak.
  10. I concur with every point you've made. It's got sooo much potential.
  11. Hmm, I don't think the makeup looks terrible in the trailer, though I am not digging the Eddie Vedder hair. While this trailer makes the movie look more than acceptable, I kinda miss the creepy del Toro vibe that the others had. I liked the other characters a lot, as well. Seems a shame they won't be here. And I'm sorry, Ryan, but the dialog in Golden Army was terrible and the plot did not pack the emotional punch that it was meant to have. I admit, it is an adequate film, but I was expecting more and it fell flat so, my loathing. Based on this trailer, I expect nothing more than a good action flick.
  12. I could take it or leave it, I think. Course, I absolutely loathe the last one. With Jim Carrey emphasis on loathe.
  13. I've considered doing this, just cause they are so much fun. I even went so far as to place some display cabinets on my Amazon wishlist. I collected them in a small way when I was younger...I had some beautiful fairy brooches, a couple of Virginia Slim pins that I ganked from my mom, but sadly they were all lost at some point
  14. You know, I actually really liked it. I'm far more interested in the world building though. Like, I want to know more about the Church of Shadows and stuff like that. Maybe that's why I liked it so much?
  15. It's true. I've seen him demolish vast quantities of food.
  16. https://www.pbs.org/video/slavery-another-name-slavery-video/ Slavery By Another Name. A look at how the States made slavery worse after freedom was supposed to have been granted. Be warned, it's brutal.
  17. I enjoyed Hateful Eight for it's acting. Actually, I enjoy all of Tarantino's movies for the acting and some of the dialog. Though even that tends to be meandering and repetitive. The plot...eh. Mostly irrelevant. Sometimes fairly non-existent.
  18. Netflix: The 80's. Specifically, the episode regarding the growing awareness of AIDS. Highly informative for those of us who were children at the time and might recall only the tension and unease.
  19. I watched the first episode. She's not a very good actress...so it was just painful to watch. I did not find it charming. Just embarrassing. Does it get better?
  20. Yeah....that art style is...not great, but otherwise, looks swell. I'll watch it.
  21. It's like looking at crime photos...I know I shouldn't and that I won't like what I see, but I'm having such a hard time not
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