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Da Cap'n 2099

Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Da Cap'n 2099

  1. Fallout Miami would just be current Miami.
  2. He's been told to stop several times tho. And nicely. If he actually gave a shit he'd just quit and move on. That's not the case tho so it's either put up with it and hopefully he gets bored and quits on his own or suspend him and hopefully he gets his shit together in a month.
  3. Since he's all about a fair and just democracy, we'll give him one. Vote.
  4. I changed my mind. YOU'RE Music Maniac!
  5. Please follow all instructions to the letter: 1) Take a photo of the dogs watching the tv with the tv in the background. 2) Wait til this character is on the screen. 3) Take chaotic blurry picture of dogs losing their shits. Thank you.
  6. Nick, if you love me, please, please. You know what you need to do for Christmas.
  7. Have you made it to the second episode yet? Boooooriiiiiiiiing.
  8. Yeah, I don't see a season 2 coming (unless he's got all the footage already). Not because the show isn't great, but because I don't know how he'll be able to continue to dupe people.
  9. Who do you get to star in this? Literally no one on the planet is Bruce Lee's equal. I mean, I would more easily accept an animated character rather than any live action person at this point.
  10. Man, I hope they introduce new folks with powers.
  11. Damn. Maybe depending on the difficulty? Like on "easy" or "casual" you follow one character and he just respawns, but on "hard" the members of a squad are playable and you keep switching randomly to the next guy as you die? It'd be interesting too if every new guy you switch to mentions your last guy. Some negative. Some positive. LIke if you shot an enemy dead that was shooting at him in an earlier level and the computer generated a positive response? Fuck, that'd be crazy.
  12. One of my (many) game ideas was a first person shooter ala Call of Duty, but in Vietnam. And make it ACCURATE. Obviously, never allowing you to commit war crimes (it was all a war crime), but instead have some storylines focus on stopping rogue marines. Dense jungle maps. Patrols. Base defense. Helos. Napalm. Some drug use. Fuck, man, and make it serious as shit. No GTA levity. Dark. Graphic. Controversial. Like the war itself. And, lastly, create the greatest soundtrack of any game. Ever.
  13. I'm so many movies behind that I've started to bootleg a lot of shit. This I want to give money to, but with what time?! Damn babies.
  14. Ok, see, now more info has come out and the picture has become clearer. This isn't outrage over the safety of kids. This seems to be an attack on a person's politics and character. Yes, Gunn said gross stuff (that he later apologized for), but most of the stuff used to smear was taken outta context or just plain altered (the removal of the link and the false implication that it was kiddie porn). If this is all true then fuck that alt-right guy (fuck em anyway) and I hope Disney gives Gunn his job back.
  15. Simpsons/Futurama with feels? I don't know. We saw how well it worked the last time...
  16. Again with the word "assume." We, as folks with these characters and their stories ingrained in our psyche, tend to "assume" or fill in the gaps with the decades of that info. But what about the Layman? The folks that have never read a Batman comic or seen a Batman movie (they exist, trust me). I always think of those people. So, from a storytelling standpoint, I try to look through their eyes. That's all. And I wanna play Devil's advocate.
  17. Bad storytelling is having to assume everything (I know we're not divided on this, just saying). Exactly. And, yes, we're to assume they will interact at some point. Conclusion: ASSUME NOTHING... AND EVERYTHING!
  18. I might have to get this for future education with the boy.
  19. Agreed, but will you agree that the Batman in JL wasn't the Batman in BvS?
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